Bas' suggestions thread

in this thread I am going to post my ideas for SB 2.0.

Plugin system - Not sure how far this is integrated in SB 1.X, haven't tried out that application such much yet. I am talking about how to manage options more easily. For instance, bonus sprites, colosseum/stadium graphics, and also language support.
I really miss the last one, and some of you might know how hard it is too understand foreign pokémon names and moves as they are translated quite freely.
Just a reference and a reminder for myself:émon_names
There might be also lists for moves and so on.
Some of those options could allow operators to manage their server more easily.
Other example of options/plugins:
Generation X Pokémon only
Generation X moves only
total random team match
Half team match (choose 3 pokemon out of your 6 like in Colosseum/Stadium)
Approved random team match - You get a random team assingned, one of many. Unlike the total random team match option all teams are compiled by the community and are quite balanced. This doesn't even mean that all Pokemon need to be at their endstage, for instance in the quick matches of Stadium you sometimes got even a team with Pikachu or so. Why not?
No evolotutions - Only unevolved pokemon are allowed. Guess pokemon without any evolution tree should be prohibited as well.

Move & skill descriptions - You can guess what this one means. This also would solve the translation issue a bit since you can guess far easier what the move does or which one it is in your own language.

Sorry for my bad english, it isn't my mother tongue.

Best Regards,
Bas out


happiness is such hard work
is a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Generation X Pokémon only
Generation X moves only
Pointless feature, since this would not emulate Generation X's game mechanics at all

No evolotutions - Only unevolved pokemon are allowed. Guess pokemon without any evolution tree should be prohibited as well.
This kind of sort of exists in the form of Little Cup

Move & skill descriptions - You can guess what this one means. This also would solve the translation issue a bit since you can guess far easier what the move does or which one it is in your own language.
You get the type of move, damage it does, and secondary effect. That's all you need.
Pointless feature, since this would not emulate Generation X's game mechanics at all
Don't think so. I mean take guys like me as an example who haven't played all pokemon games and what to test matches, for instance, with the old gens who we played by ourselves. So you don't have to know all pokemon to start serious battling, plus, all pokemon and attacks are still hard to recall at anytime.
Also, some people might want to try the retro gaming atmosphere, eh. Or whatever reasons they might have.

This kind of sort of exists in the form of Little Cup
Y, as I have said I haven't played such much with the application yet.

You get the type of move, damage it does, and secondary effect. That's all you need.
At least in SB 1.X there is no description for the moves regarding the side effects, at least not in the team builder.

I know it is built in Java...but any chance that the performance gets increased a bit? You know, the typical java applications are just 'a bit' slow.
Descriptions for items of course as well.

Match-making system (like, for instance, it is in Warcraft III)

Move animations - If possible. I guess it is a way more work to implent animations than to implent sprites.
Hm, thx for you info, eh.
Just confirms my point that some people like playing with the old generations.

Also, I agree about the battle chat. It is a bit uncomfortable to go to the tab everytime. Instead, implent the chat input line to somewhere where it can be reached without having to click around. Maybe also make it selected standardly so you just can enter the message instantly during the battle.

Also, I agree that more information about your pokemon would be nice, especially useful for random pkmn matches.

Also, an indicator for the stats, depending on the nature would be great - some thing like the + and - thingy from NetBattle will do.

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