BH Balanced Hackmons Fall Seasonal [Round 4]

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E4 Flint

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Welcome to the Balanced Hackmons Fall Seasonal!
<< Last Round | Next Round >>

Tournament Rules:
  • General tournament rules and regulations can be found here.
  • The banlist for this tournament is the same as the US/UM BH ladder on the Smogon University server of Pokemon Showdown (link)
  • Bo3, Double Elimination
  • Metagame changes during the middle of a round will take effect in the subsequent round
  • Battles must take place on Pokemon Showdown!
  • Winner can get a custom role in the BH Discord and bragging rights*!
Posting Etiquette:
  • Activity: Post in this thread with proof of contact or discussion either via screenshot or links to the posts
  • Concession: If your opponent gives you the win, post here saying so, again with screenshot or links to proof
  • Extensions: Post an official request for an extension here with proof as mentioned above of attempts to schedule, and confirmation that both sides accepted an extension
  • Replays: Replays are required but not necessary to have made public. Just make sure you get them to me somehow (you can pm me or edit them out of your post). However, I would appreciate if some replays are public to show off high-level play and may request permission to show some interesting matches during each round. Get replays of all matches in your Bo3 series.
Round Matchups:
As part of Double Elimination, the second round bracket will take those who lost last round and pit them against each other

Main Round:
Funbot28 vs dom
Hassin627 vs GL Volkner
Greenheroes vs Willdbeast (coinflip)
xavgb vs Hijasu (ext. 1 day)

Second Round:
Quantum Tesseract vs iKiQ
Anaconja vs vivalospride (coinflip)
Huston vs PinkDragonTamer (coinflip)
Gurpreet Patel (Sent you a Friend Request) vs Go0d

* In the future, Seasonals will count towards a larger OM leaderboard as well!
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karma's a relaxing thought
is a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
So after analyzing the second game thoroughly, I made the conclusion that mono-Electric wouldnt work due to there being no Pokemon that didn't resist Electric. And with some enlightenment from Quantum Tesseract, I've made the perfect team for our next game:

Good luck in our next game, Hassin627. I may have forgotten two of the rules of teambuilding, but I remember now. And those are: Whenever making a team weak to one type, make sure it's Monotype and always build in the 2-2-1-1 format. I take GmU Pokeboss9's blessing and get ready to vanquish thee...
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