All Official B101 Pairing Records

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Assigned to: Perish Song

Username: Ika Ika Musume
PO/PS! Username: Ika Ika Musume
Your timezone: GMT
Usual Hours of Availability: 1pm onwards weekdays, 5pm onwards weekends (some days its from 5am - 1am GMT)
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I've been playing competitive pokemon for just over 2 years now. Started playing USUM Battle Spot Singles from nothing but ingame experience (im talking beating elite 4 lol here not cart laddering), over that 2 years accomplished a lot and made a name for myself in the scene and even became a tutor for the tier and writing a lot of the resources and analyses that are around today. Placed high in tours, I'm currently in one that I'm in the final 6 see if we can win that, managed in BSPL to finals, probably the most active player atm in the BSS scene. Play a few other tiers that I've picked up in the meanwhile, started with RBY OU which Im pretty good at now (I think with a decent amount of practice, I could probably get to SPL level...tho rip to that), played DPP, ADV, USUM OU, some of the lower tiers, done randbats runs and have had brief forays into the monotype ladder too.

My monotype experience actually starts from 3v3, I originally started using Mono-Steel to style on my friends in stupid games and then kinda realised that monotype was pretty cool. I'd continue using Monotype teams on ladder, eventually getting 1550 with a mono-poison team ( which was top 100 at the time against meta teams. I enjoyed the idea of having restrictions self imposed which allowed you to explore pokemon in different unique ways and find new niches that would otherwise not really be explored. By having limited tools, I think it really means your creativity game needs to be upped. I played a bit of actual monotype in gen 7 and did alright with Mono Normal though it was never a priority at the time since I was busy managing a BSPL team but haven't really played too much in SWSH other than briefly taking the Mono Water team from the sample teams list and laddering and playing a few people in the monotype room with it.

The main thing that actually encouraged me to sign up and learn monotype was actually the activity and passion of the scene. I want to be involved in something like that.
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Assigned to: Harpp

Username: RottenInfernape
PO/PS! Username: RottenInfernape
Your timezone: GMT +4
Usual Hours of Availability: 3 pm - 11 pm on weekdays, 12am - 12pm on Saturdays and 12am-11pm on Sundays
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I started playing competitive Pokemon 2 years ago and started off playing tiers in gen 7 such as OU, UU, AG (one of my best tiers back then) and Monotype. As the years went on I have been playing a bit of some gen 8 OU but it hasn't been very appealing to me, while Monotype seemed like the perfect metagame to try. I joined Smogon and joined a Monotype tour, though I havent made it very far and can only reach to 1300s on gen 8 Monotype ladder, so I need some more experience from somebody to help me out with Monotype.
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Assigned to: Decem

Username: Barnold
PO/PS! Username: Geetee123
Your timezone: GMT-5
Usual Hours of Availability: 1030 pm - 6 am / 9am - 5pm on work weeks (every other week), any time when not a work week
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon
I started in 2014 X/Y, but never climbed above 1.2k until recently in OU. I reached 1.6k last night - the highest I've ever been! I'm super interested in Monotype, but have little experience regarding it other than "for-fun" mono-teams in natdex.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes (GT123#8649)
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
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not a weeb
is a Community Contributor
Assigned to: Jordy

Username: DYA
PO/PS! Username: itsDYA
Your timezone: GMT
Usual Hours of Availability: afternoons almost everyday, im free almost all day at weekends
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing Ubers in gen 7 like half year ago but I didn't play too much, later on I entered to Monotype tutoring and it ended being my main, my highest goal being getting top 15 in the sm ladder and latetly getting to round 6 of Monotype Generation. I would like to start knowing about an OU gen because I want to expand the tiers I play since I don't like too much this gen of Monotype.
Are you able to use either Discord?: yes
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: yes
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Assigned to: Perish Song

Username: Rainbow_Ninja234
PO/PS! Username: Rainbow_Ninja234
Your timezone: GMT
Usual Hours of Availability: week days 4pm-8pm. weekends may vary
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I got into Battling 2017 but didn't know about tournaments until around february 2019. I understand that because of the fact I haven't entered a single tournament yet may cause this to be denied. However I personally think i am good at picking strategies with different teams.
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Do you understand how the blacklist works?: yes
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is a Tournament Directoris a Site Content Manageris a Community Leaderis a Community Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Dedicated Tournament Hostis a Top Social Media Contributor Alumnus
RoA Leader
Assigned to: GaryTheGengar

Username: Hiro'
PO/PS! Username: HiroZ
Your timezone: GMT+1
Generation: ADV OU
Usual Hours of Availability: Most likely all day, even early in the morning (to cover nighttime GMT-7), in the upcoming weeks because of confinement
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I joined PS! in 2014 and Smogon in 2015. I've watched official tournaments games since then but my activity as a player was very sporadic until late 2018 when I came back to watch ST26. Then I showed an interest in oldgens because of their stability and the enjoyment I had watching these (especially during Classic V) so I finally started playing these with oldgen tours like seasonals etc. Now I know that ADV is my favourite one and I'd gladly learn a lot more about it, especially because my teambuilding in still pretty poor in this gen.
Are you able to use Discord?: yes
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: yes
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Assigned to: Jordy

Username: EnzoLapras
PO/PS! Username: EnzoLapras
Your timezone: GMT+0
Usual Hours of Availability: weekends preferred, otherwise weekday evenings
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Been playing LC since late ORAS and have been entering tours for it for a while. I'm looking to take up a second tier so that i can play in tours more regularly; teambuilding, wincon identification and EV spreads are my main areas to improve in OU.
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Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
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assigned to Ridley

Username: The Tacoman
PO/PS! Username: The Tacoman
Your timezone: EST
Usual Hours of Availability: 10am - 4pm mainly. and evenings too.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing monotype in gen 5. I know the gen 8 meta well and I do well on ladder and room tours. But I always lose early in smogon tours and I’m tired of being mediocre in that scene. I love the game and due to the nature of my work I am online every week day.
Are you able to use either Discord?: Yes
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
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is a Tutoris a Dedicated Tournament Hostis a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Team Rater Alumnusis a Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
Assigned to: Decem

Username: Roxiee
PO/PS! Username: Roxiee
Your timezone: EST
Usual Hours of Availability: ALL day since Corona is around :^)...On April 2nd my availability shortens to all day weekends, and 6:30pm-11pm EST
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started competitive Pokemon in late gen6, and once I joined mono I've been focusing on building creatively. I peaked last gen which was my goal and accomplishment, but I want to improve my skills in teambuilding and battling more. In tournaments like BLT or SmogTours, it's always this one thing that screws me up or just not battling correctly.
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Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
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Carpe Diem
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NUPL Champion
Assigned to: Ika Ika Musume

Username: DugZa
PO/PS! Username: DugZa
Your timezone: GMT + 5.5
Usual Hours of Availability: Between 7 am - 2 pm GMT - 4 on any day
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Been on smogon for little over an year. originally a Monotype main but looking to Branch out in to other tiers. BSS has always seemed interesting to me so looking forward to learning it.

is a Tutoris a Dedicated Tournament Hostis a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Team Rater Alumnusis a Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
Assigned to: 1_TrickPhony

Username: Roxiee
PO/PS! Username: Roxiee
Your timezone: EST
Usual Hours of Availability:
every day all day until April 24th. When that date comes I'm only available 8pm-11pm EST
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started in Gen7, I play monotype and my building skills are only familiar with Monotype. I've tried expanding to OU, BSS, LC, NU, but I can't seem to expand my teambuilding skills very well in other tiers outside Monotype. I want to learn how to compete in other tiers where I won't have to copy and paste teams from good players, and maybe BSS is a start :^)
Are you able to use either Discord?: yepp
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Assigned to: ErPeris

Username: mamawebos rodriguez
PO/PS! Username: luchick
Your timezone: -3
Generation: RBY
Usual Hours of Availability: 11-24
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon:
I started playing pokemon in 2015 on the server called pandora. I played there for a while with the clan system, then in 2017/2018 i quit and in 2019 a friend ask me if i wanted to start playing again so we can encourage the Argentina's competitive playing, so we joined a RoA olympics and now powc. In the process i really have enjoyed playing the first generation and i wanted to learn some more about the mechanics and the meta
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Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
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Assigned to 1_TrickPhony

Username: pokeloop99
PO/PS! Username: Rahmufasarah
Your timezone: PST
Usual Hours of Availability: Currently - Everyday, 12 pm - 12 am
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Been doing OU on and off since Gen4. I've been focusing on teambuilding in Monotype and BSS to practice more. I just got into cart battling, and I've been working on breeding my comp team for that.
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Do you understand how the blacklist works?: yes
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Assigned to Harpp

Username: FrenchGaudi
PO/PS! Username: FrenchGaudi
Your timezone: GMT + 1
Usual Hours of Availability: ALL day since Corona is around also.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started competitive Pokemon in gen 7 in tutoring with Pokestrat, a french Website but it's down now, and since I have a lot of spare times id like to explore thhis metagame!
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Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
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Assigned to Paraplegic

Username: Maskun
PO/PS! Username: Maskun
Your timezone: GMT -5 (CDT)
Usual Hours of Availability: Weekdays from 8pm - 12am, from 12pm - 12 am on weekends
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I've started playing competitively in Gen 6 with Monotype. I've slowly just started to go into other tiers like OU and LC where I loved building some BO for tours. Lastly, hopefully to expand my repertoire in another cool tier like this.
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Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
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Assigned to Yellow Paint

Username: K3ppr
PS! Username: K3ppr
Your timezone: MDT (GMT -6)
Usual Hours of Availability: Weekdays and Weekends 11AM-12AM
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing a lot of gen 7 monotype back in 2018, since then, especially in 2020 I’ve tried to branch out into other formats. I haven’t played much doubles, although I do watch the VGC tours occasionally. I’ve also tested my hand at OMs and gen 7 ubers, as well as any generation of Monotype.
Are you able to use discord?: Yes
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
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Assigned to qsns

Username: SadisticNarwhal
PS! Username: SadisticNarwhal
Your timezone: GMT -4
Usual Hours of Availability: Anytime I don't have to work on school work, so essentially any time of day.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing old gens in 2016, but I never really reached anywhere near a competitive level until 2018 after I took a break from the game. I mainly only play RBY, but I am interested in other tiers too, and DOU has always been interesting to me. Down to learn especially since I'm really bad at team building, and want to be better at new gen tiers.
Are you able to use discord?: Yes
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes, I was a DOU tutee 2 year ago, and my activity died (don't know how this affects me this time around), but this time I'm more invested in the game and do not expect my interest to drop.
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assigned to Pais

Name: Xevara
Ps name: Xevara
Availability : I have lot of time now
Tell us about your experience: I started competitive 1 year ago and I improve a lot since that, but im still the master of chokes and I want to stop losing battles that I shuld have won because of that.
I can use discord
I understand how the blacklist works
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Stoïque fierté
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assigned to Pais

Username: Milak
PO/PS! Username: Milak
Your timezone: GMT+2
Usual Hours of Availability: Anytime, but especially during weekends.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I recently came back playing OU after a long break and I'd like to improve by battling, but mostly my building skills, since it's where I struggle the most. Hopefully learning how teams work and analyzing the opponent's team will improve my skills.
Are you able to use either Discord?: Yes
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
I would like to be assigned to Pais

daunt vs

Of Course You Won't
is a Tiering Contributor
Assigned to Laroxyl

Username:daunt vs
PO/PS! Username:daunt vs
Your timezone:gmt+2
Usual Hours of Availability:
quarentine any hour from 4pm-11pm works
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I'm a player from the Spanish community who is/was a uber/uu main but this gen I don't likeuu/uber this gen so I want to try new tiers and LC its a tier that looks fun. I have played some Spanish tours and also individual tournaments here . I have also been a tutee of Lord Outrage in Uber and Indigo Plateau in UU so this would be my third time in B101
Are you able to use either Discord?:Yes but not voice chat because I live in a house with a lot of noise
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
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Akaru Kokuyo

Discord: Akaruyo
is a Top Tiering Contributor
World Defender
assigned to Gondra

Username: AkaruKokuyo
PO/PS! Username: Akaru Kokuyo
Your timezone: GMT-5
Generation: ORAS/SM OU
Usual Hours of Availability:
Pretty much the entire day
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): i play pokemon since 2013/2014 but mainly play DOU. I've always been attracted to singles, specially these two because it was when I was "at my best". I'd like to learn more of them and be able to play it at a high level to enter big tournaments
Are you able to use Discord?: yes
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: yes
Assigned to Sensei Axew

Username: TectonicDestroyer
PO/PS! Username:TectonicDestroyer
Your timezone: Gmt+8
Usual Hours of Availability: available gmt-4 8am to around 10 to 12am, and 6pm to 9pm. Can even go more extreme probs on weekends.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Ive been trying slowly learn smogon metas in order to try and get better. Previously only played BSS and OMs, so trying to learn more of the smogon metas. Ive been learning old gens for now, and now i wanna go into the gen8 metas. I managed to finish victory for old gens if that means anything.
Are you able to use either Discord?: Yes
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
Assigned to Averardo

Username: Makkususu
PS: Cherryb0ng
Timezone: Gmt+1
Usual hours of availability: Weekdays 3pm-6pm (9.30pm-11pm) weekends also include mornings.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I have played in various old gen tournaments on Smogon and have an understanding of the fundamentals. My main focus has been gen2 and 5 although I have experience in SM OU (so my knowledge of some of the mechanics should carry over). I am interested specifically in RU because it resembles some of the lower tiers of formats I have played and covered in my videos.
I feel the need to get into this meta for the fact that I plan on joining a team tour. There are definitely some skills in teambuilding that can be refined that I think would help me.
Are you able to use either Discord?: Yes cherryb0ng#9563
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
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is a Tiering Contributor
Assigned to Mavis

Username: RahelGamer03
PS: RahelGamer03
Timezone: Gmt-4
Usual hours of availability: All Day 1-3pm 7-10pm
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Competitive game since 2019 where I started with SM Pu which is my main and I have always been playing low tiers in SM since I entered the tutorial of sm ubers and sm monotype and from there I started to be interested in sm oldgens and lowtiers, in ss I have not played much more competitive monotye and I would like to try ss ru
Are you able to use either Discord?: Yes RahelGamer03#8102
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
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Banned deucer.
Assigned to: maroon

Username: SiceXV
PO/PS! Username: SiceXV
Your timezone: EST
Usual Hours of Availability: anytime after 12pm on weekdays, weekends vary
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I really started playing competitively back in gen 6 when I mained LC and I've just recently participated in 1v1 PL. I've always had an interest monotype as I think it's a very fun tier with a lot of diversity. My main issue this gen is building so if I get tutored, I feel my play in this tier will rise exponentially. (I don't post a lot on the forums but I assure you I'm very active rn).
Are you able to use either Discord?: Yes
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
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