
*sigh* Tone down the unecessary caps and internet language, if you wouldn't mind. We do serious rates here and frankly that stuff is disencouraging.Now for the rate.With Thunder Wave, Gyro Ball is not your smartest option considering it severely weakens the moves BP by lowering your opponent's speed. I suggest Spikes or Power Whip instead.With the amount of Rain and Sand running around, Morning Sun is a horrible idea for Arcanine. Just use Wild Bolt and a choice item since LO +recoil and defense drops ensure you won't be staying around. In which case max speed and attack is probably best.If you DO use Taunt on Gliscor then get rid of Acrobat since you have no way of getting rid of your item. Ice Fang, U-Turn, Facade and Stone Edge are all acceptable alternatives for an offensive Gliscor.
The first line of your RMT made me die on the inside. I was cringing the entire time I read this. And I'm 16.

My main problem against this team is that I don't really know what you're doing with it. But anyways, the team itself seems rather potent, though your sets do need work. I agree with the majority of what Jaroda has said. This is a weather metagame; in turn, NOT running a weather team leads to some drawbacks. For example; don't use Morning Sun on Arcanine. The majority of the time, the healing will be at about 25%..not even enough to cover Flare Blitz's recoil or the damage Arcanine will be getting that turn. I recommend a Choice Band set, has Jaroda said.

Arcanine@ Choice Band
4 HP/252 Att/252 Spe
-Flare Blitz
-Wild Bolt
-Close Combat

Adamant over Jolly because Extremespeed allows Arcanine to act as a potent revenge killer on its own.

As for Milotic, Marvel Scale boosts defense. But I really don't see what its point is on this team. Sure, you're attempting to phaze away the opposing Pokemon, scout for switches, etc..and that's all fine..but I can't help but ask: why? You have zero entry hazards on this team. All you're doing with Milotic is removing any offensive momentum you may have received. But if you want to keep Milotic, some set changes need to be made.

@Nattorei: Put in some entry hazards! While my own personal Nattorei runs your exact set but with Power Whip over Protect, your team needs entry hazards. I don't really know anything about EVs for Nattorei (mine are random), but you want Spikes over Protect and Stealth Rock over Leech Seed. I disagree here with Jaroda. Thunder Wave and Gyro Ball are not redundant on the same set. While it may reduce the power output, I have found preventing a sweep is more important than attempting to kill the sweeper. Steel isn't a great offensive type, and Nattorei isn't built for sweeping. Thunder Wave can provide proper support for a different teammate to kill the threat; in most cases, Nattorei is the only thing able to take the hit anyways.

Now at the moment your team looks like:
-Antilead Kyuremu
-Swords Dance Gliscor
-Super Hazards Nattorei
-Choice Band Arcanine
-Rest Talk + Phazing Milotic
-Life Orb Breloom

I don't feel like Gliscor is fast enough to do what you want him to do. I really recommend you switch to the standard AcroFling set, and allow him + Nattorei + Milotic to be a solid defensive core. They can whittle down the opposing team, and with paralysis support from Nattorei, Kyuremu, Breloom, and Arcanine can do their jobs.

My only other concern is you don't have enough special attacking going on, but that's minor.

I don't see this team having too many issues with sand based teams. However, if they do form a problem, I would recommend replacing Breloom with a Choice Band Azumarill and Arcanine with a Nitro Charge + 3 Attack Shandera. In my opinion, Azumarill is God's gift to countering Sand, and it doesn't particularly disrupt the team's objective, I think. Aqua Jet does about as much as Mach Punch, and with significantly higher attack off the bat. Two choice banders seems redundant, so a Shandera (with Nitro Charge to boost speed) will not only increase your special attackers but also provide a spinblocker.

I'm not sure how these changes will affect your team in regards to rain? You can take my suggestions into account, but by no means am I a skilled rater. I apologize for any mistakes I might have made.

Good luck and have fun! / please tone down on the internet cliches.

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