5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

omg when finding paras in B2 i got a constant vcount and lot of timer0s...but when i find my paras for W2 in ANOTHER dsi i got 2 vcounts AD and AC and timer0s...what do i chose...or should i find my paras for W2 on the same dsi i rnged B2 on?

please help...confused


P(n) = 1 - (1 - P(1))^n
Well, after few hours of failing I've decided since to change my profile in adjacent seeds to include all Timer0s between 10C0 and 1130, to be sure that the timer0 wasn't trolling me... yet, I constantly get frames that are not included at all in adjacent seeds.
Your VCount may be trolling you as well as your timer0.
Hi, I'm trying to RNG the Wondercard Genesect on W2. I have already successfully RNGed a perfect Zekrom on B2, so I'm familiar with the concepts. But when I'm trying to RNG Wondercards, I always get very stranges Seeds with frames that doesn't appear at all in the adjacents seeds (and yes, even with +2 advanced frames)...
Note : I'm playing on French W2 version, maybe the wondercard list for french versions are incorrect in RNG Reporter ?
My seed : C2C6BBA9627165DF4 (should give me 30/31/31/31/31/31 on first frame)
One of the few still listed as incompatible here. Click and follow the instructions.

Also, would it matter if I play the game and download Genesect on my 3DS and then try to RNG on my Phat DS?
Nope. Same thing applies to Dream Radar Pokemon when we get the ability to RNG them.

omg when finding paras in B2 i got a constant vcount and lot of timer0s...but when i find my paras for W2 in ANOTHER dsi i got 2 vcounts AD and AC and timer0s...what do i chose...or should i find my paras for W2 on the same dsi i rnged B2 on?

please help...confused
The bolded one.
In the Hidden Grottos, does the PIDRNG advance at a weird amount? Because when I got my Minccino on Rt. 5, the IVs were correct, I did the correct number of advancements, but the nature was wrong.

voodoo pimp

marco pimp
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
In the Hidden Grottos, does the PIDRNG advance at a weird amount? Because when I got my Minccino on Rt. 5, the IVs were correct, I did the correct number of advancements, but the nature was wrong.
PID doesn't advance at all, assuming you saved inside the grotto. Did you select the correct encounter type when doing it?
Hi need a bit of a hand on abusing my id/sid in english uk white 2
Not sure if new 9.963 is glitchy but spent two days struggling with rng'ing my id/sid
i did my japanese versions of b/w 2 fine but maybe need fresh eyes
my parameters are 10f5 vframe 6 gxstat 6 vcount 82 no keypresses
i have found shiny hp ice 70 seed dac9389d8d6bf943 and did even find a id/sid 26281-54528 which made that shiny on frame 50 wild stationary 52 on 03/05/2012 at 09.56.28
But id/sid date isnt showing today in pandora's box in rngreporter i've writed down id/sid able on 5th march 2012 at 09.30.48 but its not showing anymore in whole of march
do any expert rngers know how i can find my date or how i can rng id/sid 26281-54528 as that is definately showing in ng 9.963 as shiny and doable.
*** quick update i knew it was due to tiredness had a problem with date/month order as in uk we put day first then the month and i think pandora's box day/month order and rng time-finder are both different? i.e. day/month & month/day anyway way too tired to think now at least i got the id/sid i wanted although i think i missed out on shiny starter but main aim was shiny synchable wild/stationaries ***
I'm RNGing my first legendary, so a quick question:

I can't seem to hit my IV frame (Frame 1). I've done this many times before, but I can't seem to find the problem. I quadruple checked my calibrations and redid it several times, but it always ends up with random IVs. If you need any specifics, then ask (I'm RNGing Terrakion on an English W2 on a DS Lite).
Is there anyway to RNG a wild Pokemon so it has it's held item?
For example, let's say I want sun stones. In Black and White, Solrock has a 5% chance of holding a sun stone. Is there a method to ensuring you hit that 5%?
Because I am using my original DS, my MAC address starts with 3 0's but the reporter cuts these off. Is this the reason for constantly hitting the wrong IV's that I want?


P(n) = 1 - (1 - P(1))^n
Because I am using my original DS, my MAC address starts with 3 0's but the reporter cuts these off. Is this the reason for constantly hitting the wrong IV's that I want?
No, my DS has beginning zeros in the MAC address and it RNGs just fine.
I succesfully RNGed my Genesect !
After a lot of search, I eventually discovered that the starting frame wasn't the one showed by RNG Reporter. With my seed (C2C6BBA9627165DF) RNG Reporter calculates a starting frame of 51 with "Memory Link" checked (though I haven't used the Memory Link at all) and 61 without Memory Link checked. However, my actual starting frame was 49. I can't explain why or if there is a relation with my French version at all... I used Chatot to advance from 49 to 61.

voodoo pimp

marco pimp
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Because I am using my original DS, my MAC address starts with 3 0's but the reporter cuts these off. Is this the reason for constantly hitting the wrong IV's that I want?
Leading 0's don't affect anything. If you're getting the wrong IVs, then you hit the wrong Timer0/VCount (unless you picked a frame higher than 1 and/or advanced incorrectly).
On a DSi, the seconds offset is either 1 or 2 seconds. When you calibrate, the parameters search window will tell you your "actual seconds" value. Compare this to the second that you actually entered the game from the DS menu, and use that to determine when you need to start the game to hit your target.


P(n) = 1 - (1 - P(1))^n
OK! Finally got RNGing Kyurem down. And ooh, shiny!

So that confirms that Kyurem is not Shiny-locked in BW2.

Listening to Chatot pitches was the way to go. Made it much easier to verify seeds. Also switched to my DSLite since it was just exponentially easier than using my 3DS. It seems there is PID advancement going on in Kyurem's Cave, but it's not a lot.

Anyone have a good sound to use for Chatot? What I have works, but I'm sure there's better.
OK! Finally got RNGing Kyurem down. And ooh, shiny!

So that confirms that Kyurem is not Shiny-locked in BW2.

Listening to Chatot pitches was the way to go. Made it much easier to verify seeds. Also switched to my DSLite since it was just exponentially easier than using my 3DS. It seems there is PID advancement going on in Kyurem's Cave, but it's not a lot.

Anyone have a good sound to use for Chatot? What I have works, but I'm sure there's better.
did you stop chatoting right before your target? or ......i mean after chatoting ,between exiting the menu and talking to it did it advance the pid

Btw i use a short whistling sound on chatot....thats what i found easy so far ...there are more sounds better than that i think...


P(n) = 1 - (1 - P(1))^n
I stopped Chatoting when I hit my frame, but my initial frame was a few off from what RNGReporter reported (ahead by about 2 or 3 frames from what RNGReporter listed).

Strangely enough it was also a few frames off when I RNG'd Genesect in the Castelia City Pokemon Center (seed D39A1E34DDF799CC, Memory Link on, BW2 on, RNGReporter says initial frame is 50, but my actual initial frame was 48).

In Dreamyard, is Lati@s considered a Stationary Pokemon, or a Wild Pokemon?
Sprocket, I use this for my chatter and I really like it. I used to not be able to make out the pitches of my chatters, but now I can!

It would probably be stationary, but I don't really think there would be a difference.
ok i got imposter ditto to appear....now to rng it ,is it like a stationary? encounter type hidden grotto..and gender: genderless ...so save infront of it and do the rest right...

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