RU 2023 RU Circuit Playoffs - Semifinals


"They don’t call me Greed for nothing!"
is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributor
op stolen from btboy which stole from Expulso
Approved by Feliburn

Welcome to the 2023 RarelyUsed Circuit Playoffs! This is what the entire year's RarelyUsed tournament circuit has led up to. After struggling through the year's many different versions of the RU metagame, we finally have our 16 playoff contestants. The winner of this tournament will receive the 2023 RarelyUsed ribbon as a reward for their hard work and accomplishments this year!

Congratulations to you all for accomplishing this, and good luck in the playoffs!

  • This is a standard Gen 9 RarelyUsed tournament.
  • This tournament will be SINGLE Elimination.
  • Rounds 1 and 2 will be Best of 3; the semifinals and finals will be Best of 5.
  • You may switch teams in between battles of the same set.
  • Matches are to be played on Pokemon Showdown; you must play on either Smogtours or the main server.
  • Replays are mandatory for each game you play! I recommend playing on Smogtours so that they are automatically saved. DO NOT HIDE YOUR REPLAYS.

  • Baton Pass Clause: Baton Pass is banned
  • Sleep Clause Mod: Limit one foe put to sleep
  • Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokémon
  • OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned
  • Moody Clause: Moody is banned
  • Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned
  • Endless Battle Clause: Forcing endless battles is banned
  • HP Percentage Mod: HP is shown in percentages

  1. Identity: I expect many battles to be completed under alts. This can be bad for tournament security, and thus I will make this clear: If I hear any whispers of identity theft (battling as someone you are not) or proxy battling (helping someone else battle through pm) I will not be pleased and I will take severe actions.
  2. Scouting: Don't leak teams. Keep in mind when laddering and testing teams that you may encounter another player on an alt account; thus, I recommend not playing under your Smogon username. (I also recommend you use a different avatar then usual). I give permission to all battlers to ask any person spectating their battle to leave if they do not want them watching, and recommend you follow the aforementioned procedure and /modjoin or /ionext for all test games. Keep in mind that everyone will have access to your replays from earlier rounds of this Circuit Tournament.
  3. Timer Clause: Keep Battle Timer on for these games. I recommend playing on Smogtours. Battle Timeout is a rule for a reason; timer management is a necessary skill, and if you run out of time, you lose, simple as that. It does not matter what your opponent says. If you ask your opponent to turn off timer due to internet issues, etc., they can do so, but it is their right to refuse. I recommend that all such requests be made only if necessary; if it is necessary, notify your opponent before the series begins. Do not battle if you think you will have to leave mid battle, and instead reschedule for a better time.
  4. Disconnections: Finally, in the case of a disconnect, the decision is in the hands of the player who did not disconnect. The options are: redo the battle move for move, redo the battle with the same teams but different moves, or redo the battle with completely different teams. If the battle was without a doubt over, they may also take the win. Any suspicion that a disconnect was committed on purpose to redo a match may be appealed to me, and if I feel this happened there will be severe consequences. Don't do it.

  1. EviGaro 795
  2. TheFranklin 704.1666667
  3. Floss 662.5
  4. GoldCat 616.6666667
  5. Guille 599.1666667
  6. NHelioX7 571.6666667
  7. Xiri 518.3333333
  8. Star 500
  9. Vulpix03 500
  10. Pepeduce 490.8333333
  11. Corperate n 450
  12. PokemonCestDur 440
  13. Danny 440
  14. eifo 431.6666667
  15. bb skarm 417.5
  16. dunoks 385


[8] Star vs. [13] Danny

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[3] Floss vs. [7] Xiri

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is a Top Tiering Contributor
RUPL Champion
So many johners lmao....

(Dunoks vs Star) vs (PCD vs Danny) : PCD vs Danny will be a very interesting matchup and fun to watch, i feel like the french semi final will happen and from that, PCD will succeed. Love you Danny tho, keep it up

(Floss vs Nheliox7) vs Xiri : Floss will score 50 pts for Gryffondor and pass in final


PUPL Champion
That signs the end of my run in the circuit, but that was a fun one , definitely learned a lot on the game, and especially in teambuilding by focusing more on one tier, I'm really curious to see how the lowtiers will look once the metas stabilize a bit. Thanks to all the schizocrew for the support, especially HaxxSel , Astro mais j'ai pas son tag, Pepeduce Hurtadoo and Rarelyme , now bring this home PokemonCestDur !
Quarters are finally done, you know what time it is...
:blobwizard: SALTY KING PREDICTIONS :blobwizard:

[8] Star vs. Danny [13] - I'm so heartbroken that the french semi won't happen, but both PCD and Dunoks lost with honors. In fact, Star really struggled against Dunoks in a high level bo3, but he managed to take the last game with a slightly better matchup and a bit more luck, whereas Danny won both games vs. PCD, but as he admitted, g1 matchup was huge for him and g2 timer lose was really unfortunate. Though I absolutly don't want to denigrate both our semifinalists performance, they were playing really good in the first two rounds and this is gonna be an awesome show, it is for me a true 50/50 matchup and I have absolutly no clue about who will win, I'm betting on the experience of Star to take this bo5, which will probably go in 5 games anyway. (This is just hidden support for Danny to not curse him, he's winning whenever I'm prediciting him to lose haha)

[3] Floss vs. Xiri [7] - Huge pairing, the winner of this match will be my favourite to get the ribbon, except if we get a striking performance on the other side. Xiri was such clinical while slaying both Pepeduce and bb skarm in two games, playing really effectively and not making any notable mistakes, I was really impressed for someone who didn't play the tier for a moment. But on the other side, Floss remains my number 1 RUer of the year, he's still very clean during his games, he didn't let himself be surprised by eifo and NHX who are two explosive players that could destabilize serene style players like Floss, but he didn't let them any chances by taking them down both 2-0, and that is for me the sign that he filled his biggest gap, he's able to not shake whatever the opponent brings him, and that should lead him to the final.
[8] Star vs. Danny [13] - I think Star is a better and more consistent player. I know he'll play to win every game but idk where his interest stands, as he's been just reusing known teams from SCL. I do think his last game vs dunoks went from an ugly start to a funny ownage in which he simply kept playing to win and got it in the end. Danny last round just use standard teams and came on top vs PCD. I will admit he had a few shaky turns in my eyes, and if he wants to win this best of 5 then it's in his best interest to avoid any mistakes as they can easily snowball into an L as seen by Star's series. Danny has shown more vocal interest in this tour, so I know he'll be tryharding more the builder. Imo it'll all depend on Star's team selection.

[3] Floss vs. Xiri [7] - I hate to do Xiri like this 3 predicts in a row but ONCE AGAIN I just have more confidence in his opponent. Tho at this point it's just confidence in performance over tier knowledge and play, as Xiri proved last week that he is on top of his game, and his teams seem to be tailor-made to counter this meta. His teams last week were somehow crazier in my eyes than the ones from round 1, but mostly cause of how offensive the structures felt, not necessarily cause of the lower tier mons used. Floss tends to be a more standard player team wise, and gameplay wise he can be both smart and aggressive when needed. I trust him to not make any big mistakes when dealing with Xiri's teams.
[8] Star vs. Danny [13] - I've liked Danny's team choices a lot, especially that sand force hippo team he brought vs PCD. Star seemed mostly fine too in this department, although I'm not a fan of the passive g3 team vs dunoks he brought. Star has been playing better consistently though and should be able to take this assuming the squads he's loading are up there.

[3] Floss vs. Xiri [7] - Floss has been enjoying a great circuit run coupled with a solid scl record, but I'm super impressed with Xiri (who to my knowledge hasn't played much sv ru prior to these playoffs) rn. Xiri's innovation in the builder and adaptability to the new meta shines once again and is possibly the biggest factor contributing to his success in circuit playoffs. Floss is certainly no slouch, but Xiri imo has been too fire to not bold.

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