2012 music

new Rush is their best album since Presto, just flawless, and album of the year so far in my opinion, closely followed by The Mars Volta - Noctorniquet and Beach House - Bloom

now the album that I'm the most looking forward to this year is new Against Me!
Please be a troll.

It's just trailer music and maybe just a break during a song
I don't think that they are trying to make a album like The Path of Totality by Korn

New Killers album trailer
New Hot Chip album is very funky indeed. I didn't like Night and Day when it was released but I finally "got" it while listening to the album in full. Other very good tracks include 'Motion Sickness', 'How Do You Do', 'Flutes' and 'Ends of the Earth'

I'm a very casual Rush listener, but on the very strong recommendation of a friend who is a devout Rush fan, I listened to their latest and it was pretty cool.
the stoned immaculate by Curren$y dropped a couple weeks ago. if anyone here is a hip-hop head i recommend you listen to it, really good stuff.
You'll all be glad to know that this is my final iamamiwhoami post until they arise from the ashes once again to grace our lives (when on earth will that beee).

Goods, the final kin song, was released last tuesday and is very good(s). kin was released the monday of this week, and mine arrived in the post today (after being dispatch yesterday, apprently).

So basically, kin is probably over by now, and you can watch the album through this playlist they've very helpfully uploaded:


I love it. Idle Talk, Play, Kill and Goods are my favourites (in that order), with Rascal and In Due Order being the weaker links (but not bad!).

You can buy it through the website in the description box of the song 'Goods', as well as (overpriced) t-shirts and socks and ..er, underwear.

Well, thank you very much iamamiwhoami. Please come back soon.
It's just trailer music and maybe just a break during a song
I don't think that they are trying to make a album like The Path of Totality by Korn

Agree with yah on the 2nd Law trailer. It wouldn;t surprise me if it was just some 'Muse Hater' trying to stir things up....

But whatever Muse come out with in their new Album, I'll give it a good listen since I do love their music ever so much :D
Seeing as I'm going through a club bangers as well as a hip-hop/rap thing, I'll just leave these here:

This was just released not too long ago: Diplo - Express Yourself

French sample-driven rap duo, Chill Bump is rising up. Their new EP, Hidden Strings provides something different in each track. Definitely check them out.

Also I'm going to see the Dirty Projectors in August and if you haven't listened to their latest track, Dance For You yet, you really need to.
(Side note: I know the track was released a couple months ago, but Major Lazer, of which Diplo is a member, collaborated with Amber Coffman of the Dirty Projectors on their track Get Free.) See how I tied everything together?
Panopticon - Kentucky

Panopticon is a band I have been a fanboy of for quite a while. In my opinion this one man band is one of the leading voices in modern black metal, and his 2009 concept album about the fall and subsequent rebirth of civilization, Collapse, easily takes a spot in my top 10 all time black metal albums. On Kentucky, Austin Lunn promised to merge the folk music of his home state with the black metal he is known for. Did he succeed? Well... sort of. Let me start by saying this is easily the most melodic album he's ever released, the feeling being almost jovial at times, a spirit not associated often with black metal. My real gripe with this album is more about sequencing and failed expectations than with the quality of the actual songs. for the most part, lengthy black metal songs with some rather nice mellow bluegrass interludes sit next to genuine folk songs rather than a real merging of the two, and the folk then black metal then folk etc formula to the album gives it a rather blocky feel, something surprising considering the usually masterful pacing of Lunn's other works. However, don't let this deter you; the folk songs are, on the whole, well executed and the black metal is excellent as usual. Although this review might seem rather negative, please don't let it stop you from checking out this album or this band's other works, as voices this vital in modern black metal are rare. Overall, 3.5/5

Instead of just reccing something I liked I figured I would just go with a genuine album review just to change it up a bit. What else have people really liked from this year so far?
Well, since it's about halfway through the year, I thought I might post my list of albums of the year so far. Conveniently I've given 4/5 or above to only 10 albums so far this year (out of 27 I've listened to), so here they are.

  1. Kimbra - Vows [International Edition]
    The original version of this came out last year, but it was only released outside of Australia this year in a new edition, which I think improved over the original thanks to some truly stunning new tracks ('Something in the Way You Are', 'Come Into My Head')
  2. Hot Chip - In Our Heads
    I really disliked 'Night and Day' when it was released, but I came around to it when I listened to it on the album. This is at least as good as One Life Stand; it's nice to see that Hot Chip have become consistent on their albums, instead of having a handful of great singles and a large amount of filler.
    [*]Lee Ranaldo - Between the Times and the Tides
    I only listened to this once, but from what I recall it was pretty awesome.
    [*]Sigur Ros - Valtari
    I find it hard to actively enjoy Sigur Ros at times, because their music is so passive. But when I'm in the right mood, it hits exactly the right spot, and their latest album is no exception.
    [*]Beach House - Bloom
    Never quite as good as its opening track, but still a very solid album, and that's coming from someone who's not a huge Beach House fan.
    [*]Richard Hawley - Standing at the Sky's Edge
    Not as good as his last two albums, not by a long stretch, but still a solidly entertaining album from one of my favourite artists.
    [*]iamamiwhoami - kin
    I am thankful to the guy in this thread (Sleet, I think) who first posted iamamiwhoami a few months ago, because they (she?) are/is a really cool group/artist and I enjoyed kin very much.
    [*]Rush - Clockwork Angels
    One of my friends who's a big Rush fan said that this is their best album in years, so I had to check it out. Though I haven't really listened to their recent output as much, I can attest to the fact that this is a cool album, if quite different from their material which I'm semi-familiar with [Power Windows, Moving Pictures]
    [*]The Shins - Port of Morrow
    The Shins are a band which I don't dislike but have never really listened to much in the past. It's a solid album, and a few tracks are really good. Not one I'm likely to revisit much, though.
    [*]Jack White - Blunderbuss
    Again, this was an enjoyable album, with quite a few outstanding tracks, but there also a few less enjoyable ones which bogged down the album, especially towards the end. Still pretty good, though.

Yeah, so making this has helped me realise that so far I haven't found nearly as many strong releases as I had done at this stage last year (though admittedly I haven't listened to nearly as many albums, either). Does anyone else feel that this year has been something of a let down so far, or has it been an improvement over last year?
Sure, why not.

  1. Fiona Apple - The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than the Driver of the Screw and Whipping Cords Will Serve You More Than Ropes Will Ever Do
  2. The Shins - Port of Morrow
  3. Japandroids - Celebration Rock
  4. Beach House - Bloom
  5. Cloud Nothings - Attack on Memory
  6. Lotus Plaza - Spooky Action at a Distance
  7. Lana Del Rey - Born to Die
Basically, Fiona Apple's release is just so far above everything else that has come out this year. Which is refreshing considering how utterly weak this year has been.
top 10:

1. sunpocrisy - samaroid dioramas
2. dissona - dissona
3. ne obliviscaris - portal of i
4. glass kites - glass kites
5. anathema - weather systems
6. in mourning - the weight of oceans
7. circus maximus - nine
8. villebråd - ampersand
9. pallbearer - sorrow and extinction
10. savage messiah - plague of conscience
Japandroids - Celebration Rock
Killer Mike - R.A.P. Music
Shackleton - Music for the Quiet Hour / The Drawbar Organ EPs
Fiona Apple - The Idler Wheel...
Cloud Nothings - Attack on Memory
iamamiwhoami - kin
Kadavar - Kadavar
Mount Eerie - Clear Moon
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Pamyu Pamyu Revolution
Clams Casino - Instrumentals 2
Zelienlope - The World Is a House on Fire

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