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  • I'm not a cloner and my shop's cloner is rarely online as he;s been very busy with work so sorry i can't help distribute :(
    hi gray, i have been waiting for the pokes from giveaway, and if u need someone to help with the distribution, i can help with that too.
    nice, yeah i have been waiting awhile now to get them. hopefully those who have been waiting to get the pokemon from me have not given up
    Hey Grey lol Is Cybertron the only person currently distributing? He looks busy with all those vms :( so I didn't want to ask him. If your not busy, could I get them from you? (I can clone)
    Judging from his VMs that actually took quite a well; he even posted in a certain section and nothing was really done until earlier today...
    OK, I'm GMT -8, GreySong, and I'll be able to battle basically any time on the weekend, if that would be best for you.
    Hey, I still haven't gotten the pokemon from the giveaway, is there a good time or something? I haven't seen any of the distributors on.
    Thanks, there is a guide in the social group to help you figure it out, if you didn't notice it already.
    Sorry, I'd like to be a distributor, but I can't clone =-( Who could I contact who would be able to trade them to me?
    haha yeah, like, I don't mind distributing, and I have distributed several already, but it's these nobs that i tell them how to get on IRC and they ignore me and are like "OKVMMEYURFCNOWPLZOK?" >_?
    Oh dang! Didn't see any of this! I wasn't on smogon yesterday. I got my new flashcart set up with a White gamesave and spent the whole afternoon trading mons over to it so I could reset my Black cart. I'll be free this evening though cuz I've only got 1 box left (gawd it takes forever).
    So easy. That mon took.... 2 calibration resets on just a random wild mon to get my time right, then 2 actual resets saved inside of the Cabin to actually get Tornelos to get the IVs I wanted. I got insanely lucky though that Timid was the first Nature to pop up.
    Nah, I'm all set, I just wanted to let you know that you touched someone. ^^ Thanks for the friend request btw.
    Hi! When are you normally online, and would you be able to trade your pokemon to me? Thanks a lot!
    Hey, I just saw your Giveaway topic, and I feel that I should pass on my condolences. We don't know each other, but your story and description of your mother were very touching to me. It actually brought tears to my eyes. I'm glad to see that you are keeping faith that you will see her again in Heaven. I hope all is well, and you will be in my prayers. ^^

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