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  • I did but he won't listen.
    [03:04] <ete> Vader.
    [03:04] <ete> As my friend.
    [03:04] <Vader> ?
    [03:04] <ete> I ask you to stop harassing every group.
    [03:04] <Vader> im going to continue
    i am still waiting for the funds. do you wish for me to take legal action against you?
    i am annexing this user profile, please wire all funds to my swiss bank account which can be found under "About Me" on my profile by Smogon Gold members
    You call people "(BAN ME PLEASE)", and then think you won the argument. You bitch about me "saying I'm better than everyone", then you fail at trying to show me up. None of your members do ANYTHING for Team Keyblade, because they don't care about it. You piss off everyone you come into contact with because you can. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has a problem with you. Now, enough of your bile.
    I am second-in-command in Team Magma, under only Maxie himself. Seriously, stop trying to act like you're better than I am. You're just not.
    There slowly increasing. Plus out of all your members I could easily tell them to pull out and you would be down 5 members easy. You obviously got off on the wrong foot with everyone.
    Please quit trying to join Team Harmony. None of the groups want anything to do with you. All the groups agree Team Keyblade and Team Elite are nothing but a waste of space and cause problumes that none of us need. Ths rest of us actually have groups to run so again please stop.
    Please and Thanks
    How bout you come back when you can spell and/or use grammar? Oh, and Aero's exclusiveness prevents infiltration, unlike some people.
    I didn't lose anyone, I booted you and Cade. And no, I'm not better than everyone, but if anyone's better than me I have high doubts it's you.
    I never lose. I may fall into a rough patch, but I always get up. Here's a useful hint if you expect to lead Team Keyblade to any level: Never admit defeat, never surrender. Now enough, I have things to do.
    Oh enough. In its prime, Team Aero's Bulbagarden Branch had over 40 members. That was in just over a month. Whatever you assume you're capable of is not important to me. I will proceed as I choose, and should I decide to ally with TRC, that'll just be your problem. Now begone from my sight.
    -Team Aero Leader
    Oh please. Now you sound like BattleStar. Then again, I didn't know TRC existed then. Still, I doubt you're as influential as all that. Your "leadership skills" show otherwise.
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