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  • Lol when do you work so we can knife fight while you're on the clock
    9-6 gmt -5
    Ubers wcop 9 am to 4 pm gmt-5 Monday to Friday

    Let’s aim for lunchtime sometime this week. Or maybe next week… Thursdays or fridays are best for me. Let me know which day works for you
    Either noon time should work for me both weeks. Any preference? Aim for this Thursday?
    Want to play today?
    i've seen the picture of this guy earlier on twitter, was that a rubber bullet? i don't quite remember
    Gas canister to the eye. Rubber bullets have hit others though, including reporters
    that's fucking terrifying
    just know that y'all have a ton of support here overseas
    Hey, i'll be on discord as Leandro#7993 / idling on smogtours whenever i'm free, I am available mainly around 13:00-15:30 and 17:00-21:00 (GMT -3), the earlier the better
    Hmm i get home at 18:00 gmt -4. Prob free anytime after that soo i guess that gives us a 2 hour window to get this done
    Century Express
    Century Express
    yeah ok
    Century Express
    Century Express
    i'll be waiting on stours as Century Express whenever you're ready
    Hello we play for lcpl! I am gmt-7 and want to play during the weekends. My available times are 11-12 in the morning or 2-7pm in the afternoon/early evening for both Saturday and Sunday. Hope we can find a time to play!
    paired for dpp ubers cup im gmt+1 can play every day my evenings let me know what works
    When we playing adv ubers cup brother? Gmt-4
    also gmt -4. should be available weeknights after 6 pm
    The Strap
    The Strap
    Lets do Thursday? Im working pretty much every other day other then Thursday
    Fuego sounds good
    when u wanna play adv ubers cup. I'm gmt -4 prefer night
    yo just saw this, my B. i was idling on main on an alt. lmk if you still wanna throw down
    if not i'm available p much all weekend. also gmt -4 here
    I got exams Monday/Tuesday.... can u play Wednesday/Thursday/Friday like 10pm?
    dont wanna post on the thread again + dont have your cord or anything like that but jsut wanna say i understand your points and agree with them; i think oras has some necessary evil stuff like cm goth to break the super fat cores, fletchling to break webs (webs IMO would be just like they are in sm if fletch wasnt a thing). i think the amount of trapping makes techs against trapping quite useful if you matchup right.
    but scarfgoth can trap 1 or 2 things against heavy offense. so its kinda like "which goth set do you want to fuck you over?" which sucks because the right set will definitely kill 1 thing at least or even 2 if you cant countertrap. i might be too repetitive and contradictory here because i dislike goth but as you said;
    you need goth on the tier to beat fat. without goth you could run 5 fat + dig to trap a wallbreaker and you'd be fine. its kinda weird to evaluate the tier honestly but i really like how you expressed your points. sorry if this message was contradictory. there are a lot of ideas going around on my mind and i find it hard to order them right. nice to see youre gonna play lc again though, a fan since 2015 here.
    yeah pretty much agree with all that - i also think it's super easy to stack multiple trappers like scarf goth (traps archen, tirt/oma/onix/shellder, scarf mag) + evio mag (traps pawn) or dig variant (traps pawn/mag) for fletch, CM goth + evio dig + shellder etc etc etc

    i'm happy to be back :)

    always liked oras and bw lc a lot but I really hated USUM and now SS
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