Akaru Kokuyo
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  • Osdt I'm -7 smth just came up that made my availability quite unknown and potentially not the greatest but sometime during Thurs, fri and sat should be fine would be easiest to schedule through cord though
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Answered your discord message! Sorry, I hadn't noticed the pm!
    Rands wc I'm -4 lmk when works
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Damn im very sorry, this time I did forget about the time :((. Im not sure if we have one more week? If so, what time is better for you? I swear this time ill put an alarm xD
    My fault for rly late response but the other days would've been harder anyway, I can play whenever tonight/tomorrow night or pretty much any time Sunday
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Hey! no worries hehe. I can play for the rest of today, at least for 5ish more hours. Send me a message to "Akaru Kokuyo" on PS if u are around since i do get notifs there
    same question here as below. my timezone is gmt +2 and would prefer not to play too late at night.
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Hey! Im - 5, earliest I can do is 14:00 my time D:. Thatd be your 9 pm, not sure if thats good with you? I can do all days, just let me know what day works for you
    that's okay! i'm not sure if i can do that time today, but if i can i'll send you a message. Tony#2848 is my discord if that's easier.
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Cool! Ill send u a friend Inv hehe
    Hi! We're matched for OSDT Round 6. I'm -7 and can play after 6pm my time Monday-Thursday, or pretty much any time Friday-Sunday (within reasonable hours).

    Are you by chance free to play on Thursday at 6pm my time? If not, lemme know a different time that works for you.
    When do you want to go for osdt? I’m gmt-7 and would prefer weekend.
    Do you mind going 30 mins to an hour later than the scheduled time? Something came up for me
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Yup! No problem hehe. Just let me know when you're ready! I'll also be on Showdown online as "Akaru Kokuyo", i might answer faster there!
    I’m ready to go
    hi we're paired for xy cup, im gmt-4 and ill be free for pretty much the entire week, what works for you
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Hey! I'm very sorry, I did program an alarm for this game but I didn't realize I set it for 10pm instead of 9 pm my bad :( . So whats a good time for you? I could do same time tomorrow Friday or Sunday (or later if anything)
    dw it happens lol, i can still play now if you're ok with it but if not sunday would be the best
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    I had scheduled SM cup for this time, just finished played it. If you are still around you can chall to "Akaru Kokuyo"
    We are up for OU seasonal. When's good for you? I'm GMT -4. Today would be difficult for me, although I can do a different day like tomorrow or Sunday.
    Hey lmk when you can play for the ou seasonal, I'm gmt -4
    hey sorry are you able to play sometime today?
    What about today?
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Hey! I answered your disc message, but will post it here anyway: I can play today if thats fine with you, kind of like at 18:00 gmt -5 (i can do from 18:00 to 22:00 gmt -5). Tomorrow Tuesday same times
    hi doubles LC,when do you wanna play?
    im on main as hybone
    hi lets play now im on main
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Hey! Im very sorry, I had to go out since yesterday to a supposed emergency that ended up not being one lol. If you are still around, we can play! If not you can take the win since I missed more days
    Hello, when DLC Swiss ? I'm GMT+2, available today in 8-9 hours from now
    Or Saturday from 2PM to 7PM my time
    Or Sunday from 2PM to 11PM my time
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Hey! I can do your Saturday at 6 PM (in like a few hours. Its still friday for me but ye).
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    If anything, I can also play Sunday at same time/1 hour earlier but would rather play on Saturday
    Eventually I am here so you Can chall Sky Quairo
    Sup mate! Looks like we're set to face against each other in WCOP. I'm GMT+6 and usually free during my nights. Feel free to let me know what time works for you! I unfortunately won't be available after the 11th for my sister is getting married. It'd mean a lot if we can get this done beforehand. Terribly sorry for the inconvenience.
    Sounds good bro. Appreciate you giving me a full and honest response! Let us try for Saturday or Sunday, at 9 pm my time (GMT+6), if that's okay. I trust that should be workable for you? Thank you again for being so understanding and willing for this!
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Yes! Lets go for Saturday first! See you bro! And no worries haha, I've been also in that situation where I will miss a couple of days to a big event. Hope you enjoy your event!!
    Sounds like a plan bro! I'll be sure to see you on Saturday at 9 pm, my time then! I hope your own big event goes all smooth and well! And thank you very much for the well wishes. You seem like a good guy and I really appreciate that. Here's to a good match! :swole:
    Hey, we are playing for DPL. I'm GMT+10. I can play any time on Saturday, in the evening on Sunday or Monday morning/early afternoon.
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Hey! Hmm I'm gmt -5 so hopefully it won't be that hard to schedule haha. So Saturday I'm out for the entire day, but I can play after my 21:00 (something like 21:00 to 23:00 gmt -5 on Saturday, that'd be Sunday for you but not sure what exact time). Sunday I'm free pretty much the entire day, 11:00 to 23:00 to be more specific (again, -5). Let me know if a time from there works for you!
    How does 8pm Sunday your time (11am Monday for me) sound?
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Thats a perfect time! See you on sunday!
    Ou seasonal when
    -5 can play weekdays after 7pm
    Or weekend sometime
    You around?
    Akaru Kokuyo
    Akaru Kokuyo
    just arrived home, stated on my post that I would be available till my 9 pm although it is 10 rn xD. If u arent around tomorrow I can also do at my night, 9 pm +- . If anything else,we can ask for extension on monday, im free the entire day
    Don’t care enough take the win not worth the hassle I’m way too busy for this bullshit
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