Lord Ninjax
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  • Hihi friend. You want to get some Gen5 OU games this sunday. Its hard to tell how good someone is in gen5 but I am always top5 on the ladder here. Want to bo5 or something?
    hey, you should come onto http://www.pokemonperfect.com/forums/forum.php
    It's the RBY's main community site, but we hold GSC and soon ADV tournaments, so hopefully you might find something to interest you here. The culture's very different from Smogon's too (lol, we're basically the only RBY community to successfully keep GGFan in a positive manner). Come and join us :)
    Lord Ninjax
    Lord Ninjax
    Yeah sure, winter break starts next week so I'll have some time on my hands, would like to check it out.
    just letting you know that you bother a lot of people with your posts in spl threads so far, including managers that i won't name!

    if you truly want to get on a team, my advice would be to stop posting / trying to fit in and lurk.
    he's trying to say that no one wants you
    Lord Ninjax
    Lord Ninjax
    Yeah, my method of getting on a team is trying out and wowing the manager, but if I'm irritating people that I dont mean to, tell them I'm sorry and I'll stop
    yo when you wanna fight for the oras ubers tourney? i'm doubleod on showdown if you find me just challenge me
    Lord Ninjax
    Lord Ninjax
    Ok sure, I'm GMT+5:30, usually on later evenings just for reference.
    You haven't replied to my pm in regards to flying blind.
    Lord Ninjax
    Lord Ninjax
    Oh sorry didn't notice. I'm GMT+5:30, usually on later evenings. You?
    That's fine, I can play today between now and 8pm gmt+0
    Lord Ninjax
    Lord Ninjax
    Sorry I couldn't make that timeslot, had guests and all, when else are you free?

    TIL that we can still access the alternate servers by simply finding them in Google
    In hindsight, that was extremely obvious
    I therefore suggest that we see who's better at hax this evening
    Lord Ninjax
    Lord Ninjax
    Ah sure, I assumed they weren't working cause smogtours was down. This evening sounds good
    Okay then
    I am online and ready to go...
    except PS! is under DDoS attack
    Just perfect
    Maybe we can ask for an extension until you come back from vacation if PS! doesn't get back up today?
    Lord Ninjax
    Lord Ninjax
    Yeah its cool, actually a lot of our plans collapsed last minute so the vacation is off, and I have Wednesday-Friday free. Then would be good I guess (assuming PS! recovers).
    Sorry to hear that

    In that case, let's set a preliminary time at Wednesday evening and roll from there depening on whether PS is up
    Lord Ninjax
    Lord Ninjax
    Sure, sounds fine.
    I've been chilling here for half a day and intend to chill for quite a bit longer
    So, as I said yesterday, just drop me a message whenever you're ready to have the battles
    That is the exact time period when I'm away from home today -_-
    I won't be returning home until 10 pm my time today, so I guess we'll have to delay this until tomorrow (where I'll be available beginning with around 8 pm my time)
    Lord Ninjax
    Lord Ninjax
    Okay I can do that, kinda has to be now cause I'm going on vacation Wednesday-Sunday.
    Okay then, I'll be on tomorrow at 8:30 pm my time/11 pm your time
    Welp, apparently, I was
    Fortunately, tomorrow I'm free beginning with 14:00 my time (16:30 your time, if my math is correct) and for the entire day after that, so you can just drop me a message at any time then
    Hello there, hope I'm not too late for the party
    Are you still available to do the battles?
    Hey there, we are bound to show our mastery of Pokemon battle in the Metronome tourney
    When can you battle? I'm GMT+3
    Lord Ninjax
    Lord Ninjax
    I'm GMT+5:30, usually on later evenings. How about Friday night?
    That is perfectly fine
    Hey, we're paried for the veto tour, what formats do you not want to play / what time do you wanna play / what sim do you want to play on. I'm vetoing dpp lc, I don't think I can veto again until you do
    Lord Ninjax
    Lord Ninjax
    Vetoing GSC OU, Ubers. I'm GMT+5:30, usually on in the later evenings. PS! is fine.
    vetoing DPP Nu, you can find me at play.pokemonshowdown.com/oldgens BW Doubles it is :]
    Lord Ninjax
    Lord Ninjax
    OK, cya then
    When can you play for Liars Rule?
    Lord Ninjax
    Lord Ninjax
    Well, seeing as I cant make 12 noon on a weekday, are there any other times you'd be available (preferably 6pm-midnight for me)
    Lord Ninjax
    Lord Ninjax
    Actually, Thursday's a holiday, we can play then
    Err zebra AWd me. We didn't have many chances due to timezone difference but the one time we did establish you didn't make so he made his call.

    You can PM him I guess but even then we'd need.to establish a time.
    meet me in competitive tutoring, rarelyused, and/or community mentoring rooms on ps
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