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  • It's not that particular to be honest, I'm only human and I make mistakes / forget things.
    I get PM's all the time of people who'm I've forgotten to add to the list.

    You have now been added in the Thropy list, my apology for the mistake.
    can you pass me those CAP icons you made again? I'm probably going to add Volk right away so prevent the delay I almost cause last time.
    Okay, that code doesn't work in profile posts. :P But still, I posted them.
    Are you aware of Pokemon Resolute using some of your sprites?

    The current release has your Scatterbug, Spewpa, and Flabebe. Not seeing any credits for anything.
    Hmm, no. Another user on Pokecommunity (qaz015393) asked for permission to use my sprites for conversion to Gen. III style. Does Pokemon Resolute reference that in any way?
    Hi Quanyails! This is blazekid52 from dA, if ever you know meor remember me. Haha.
    The name is familiar. :P
    You should check. I always fave your work lol
    I notice. XD
    Thanks Quanyails. I forgot about the whole vampire vibe.
    No problem! ouob
    Thanks for the feedback. I was probably going to go octopyre anyways but its nice to know there are people who feel the same way :)
    Now that you pointed it out, the more I think Feisty Weeds is a close fiery cousin of Dragalge. :c

    Snailmermaidcandles was scrapped because I felt the fire aspect of the design was somehow detached and didn't integrated as well as I'd like it to be. By that time, all sorts of concepts just came in rushing by and I took the opportunity to make Feisty Weeds.

    Well, is there any way to extend the deadline?
    Does that mean you'll try drawing something else entirely or will you work to integrate fire more? I personally think the Fire-type elements worked well in the snail mermaid. :)

    You could ask paintseagull and see if she'll grant you and other artists an extension.
    The latter. Still, if you take away the flaming antennae then the fire elements of the design quickly fades away.

    I'm torn because I also took a liking to Feisty Weeds.

    Darn, if only the CAPmon wasn't so speedy I would've immediately went for original Snailcandles. :c
    hey! i was wondering, cause on your dA you are taking commissions, how much a dA profile pic would cost.. im not that rich with dA points
    I really like the colouring of all your CAP Chinese lion pieces. Which program, Photoshop?

    Also, gathering all of the art constantly has got to take extreme dedication. O__O
    It was an experiment in Photoshop, indeed. I'm impressed myself with how the drawing came out. Also, keeping art updated isn't so bad if you check the thread often. ouob
    xD I suppose.
    "Oil was moderately prevalent as a concept during Mollux's design, so be wary of the implications that has for typing."

    ...Huh, I didn't know that. To be fair, though, my character started out with an oil idea, but ended up being more of a Gasoline type monster, and I'm not entirely sure how gas and lava-lamps fit together. Still, I could keep that in mind. As for the tail, I'll see what I can do about it. :)
    hey are you on IRC atm, cause if you are, come to #smeargle. i wanna talk to you about spriting :)
    nonsense i'm p sure u did the minisprite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    who did otherwise LOL
    The one you're obsessing over was made by Layell. o3o I wasn't even on at the time it was sent to PS!.
    Hey quanyails, I was informed by Birkal that you made a sprite of Ampeater? If you did, I'm gonna post all Ampeater related stuff to the CAP Kitchen soon.
    thanksies :)
    On a side note, I'm gonna ask for people to take a crack at drawing the prevo in the thread, if you're up for that
    But really that's a very good sprite of a damned hard thing to depict.
    I'll be up for it.
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