Texas Cloverleaf
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  • Nah you good. I like Scolipede. I have no idea how I could possibly improve the analysis "to standards" then to pointlessly extend obvious descriptions (why did you choose choice band for the choice band set?) or add amusing generic filler which seems pretty common in written up analyses, but if you'd throw pointers, it'd be mildly appreciated. Meh. Scolipede is my baby, and getting stuck with doing 3 sets for him was a motherfucker. But I did it. And I'd like to keep what I've done, as subpar as it may seem to the community. I understand you may be a much better writer then me, and have a more liberal schedule, but shit, I'm not letting anyone have him.
    Thanks, Texas for the VM; can you give me a few mins? I need to take a dump :x
    Really my text structure was that bad?
    But whatever thx man!Still trying to improve...I still haven't learned to put space after dots and commas.
    So for now, let's plan on finishing our match on Sunday. 10:30 PM sounds good to you?
    Quick question: I have been trying to save battle logs for a while now, but I have none. I have the box marked, but they dont save. Am I doing something wrong? If all else, my opponent is going to have to save the logs because I must be doing something wrong....
    lol what... you've been busy all year long? No Summer break, etc? I'm glad to hear that life's getting better for you. Can't particularly say the same thing about mine, lol.
    OK, is 11 PM too late for you? My timezone is GMT -5 (it's currently 9:05 PM).
    sorry about that, and thanks Texas. When would you want to battle tomorrow? I'll try my best to make it. It doesn't even have to be tomorrow if you want to start our match on a better day.
    would it be inconvenient for us to start tomorrow evening? I am pretty tuckered out from my interviews today, and I would need to refresh myself to get back into battling mode. If it's really difficult to have our matches done the rest of the week or over the weekend, tell me.
    The article will hit intricacies between the ladder in question and ou. For example, if I'm writing LC, I'll talk about how there are a lot fewer battles to be found, balanced offensive is the most prevalent playstyle, and any other idiosyncracies I feel are worth mentioning. You in?
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