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  • Yep, pretty much. fml. :(

    Yeah, I'll give it a try tomorrow. I'm playing Plat right now and leveled my starter to 100 so I could get through the game fast. xD He won't fucking listen though...

    Ima kickin' ass. 8)
    Ouch sounds ghey...

    Ah really?! XD Oandora's box should work on HG/SS Alot of people seem to have flawless shinies on HG/SS so....

    Ima drawing again!
    Idk. It won't even let me log in unless it's in safe mode and then the internet doesn't work. :/

    Damn... I'm getting some HG/SS stuff then because my fucking supercard finally got here. :D It took 3 1/2 weeks.

    Lol cool. Imma go brawl some peoples then. :P
    My comp isn't working. I'm on mah wii.
    Quit catching stuff I want. ;_;

    Okay, when? :P
    Okay, I've got my Plat. :P Fuck, it better have method J... I can't check atm because my comp isn't working. :( I want to get it on HG though too for a few things... Is it any different? D:

    Very ggs, and I am sorry about the lag. =(

    Well, I did win like 4 games, so that would mean 4 credits, but I think thats being greedy since the connection was laggy. So give me as many as you would like. =(

    You earned a credit in my thread too since you beat me. ^_^
    Ok I'm coming on now. Remember, my diamond fc to get abomasnow and my platinum fc to recieve the umbreon. Coming on.
    Thanks for the words of encouragment. I didn't get a single hour of sleep last night, haha.

    Messing around with a team based around Bellyzard, and other stuff. :P
    Hi Test!

    I can see you online and I wanted to ask you if we can now do our pending trade and if I can now take the ev jobs?
    Sorry about that, I am very bad with spelling names! D:

    Hopefully when I get my computer back I can RNG some stuff. xD
    Yup, I had always wanted to see what the definition of troll was.....its not pretty
    Hey Test, wanna brawl friday? thats, of course, if you have your Smash Bros (I hope it doesnt lag like last time :( )
    Lol me too... That is the worst in trade threads... >_<

    Idk. :d I might have it soon...

    So let me make sure I've got this right... sorry for the big ass vm. xD

    I use pokerng (Wichu's program) to search for a Timid HP Fighting spread. So I do that and get this one:
    2222734181F a4dae766 (TIMID, ability 0) 31/30/30/30/30/30 (Seed: 0f080462 Frame: 47) HP FIGHTING 70
    Now I copy the bolded part and put that in the first part of eeps ID finder. I then put a minimum delay and a max delay and find a good ID/SID combo. Once I find one, I put the seed in the seed to time finder in the RNG Reporter, find a good time, and do it. Is this right? D:
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