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  • I can't play today, what about playing this week end, it'll be more easier to find each other.
    No worries, computers suck and shit like this happens sometimes. I'm fairly flexible starting on Tuesday, still leaves plenty of time.
    We're paired up for the Regional Tournament. I'm going to be gone Thurs-Mon but my team is ready to play tomorrow. If you can't i'm flexible once I get back. Let me know what works best for you.
    Yeah 11 pm sounds good for me, btw I can't pay before wednesday because I have an "exam"
    Hey, we're paired for the BW beginning tourney. I'm GMT+1 and can play only after my school so 6:30 pm. Tell me when you can play.
    sorry i havent been on, I kinda got in a surfing accident and went to the hospital... but yeah take the win. sorry for the inconvenience
    My gmt is +2, I'm often online on Smogon server, just find me on BW OU tier.
    i'll be here for a little while, just send me a message on PO or somethin
    well shit, now i can't lmao. we're cleaning all day and i'm on right now for a short break. ~_~
    mmm saturday... i'll probably be at my grandparents most/all of the day. can't do anything sunday either. monday would be the best bet if you can't play tomorrow.
    Alrighty, cool. It'll take me a day or so to make my team as well. I'm GMT -6 and free mooost of the day I think so it shouldn't be hard to find a time.
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