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  • Hi. I did see Jiovaine11 about this mudkip, but he only had the level 10 version. I really would like to have the UT version. I did get the level 10, but if you have the UT, can I trade it back to get the UT version please? I tried asking another distributor, but I don't get answers. I also tried Kalyx yesterday, but no answer from him either. I promise I have not cloned this level 10 poke. I just really prefer to have the UT version.

    My FC Pearl 3051 7477 9187.
    i think i have an everstone a few ill check after trade.
    and i breed all the starters so you deffently can have them for free. i have all of them. from bulbasaur to mudkip :P
    okay, ill still keep an eye out for it. Do you need anything else item or pokemon wise?
    i dont sorry :( i used the only one i had along time ago ill keep my eyes open though for one for you :)
    i would like 6 clones of each but if thats to much then you can pick a number your willing to do :)
    also i am looking for a mudkip from the Cliché Give Away if you still have clone of it that would be awesome. :)
    hello do you have a moment to clone something for me? (i actualy have 3 pokemon i want cloned) but if you could do one that would be awesome. Your welcome to keep a copy of them. My mawlie has a 31 iv of sumthing i think .

    I'm on the list of the Cliché Give Away's winners ^^ Do you think you may be able to trade me the mudkip at any time? Thank you very much in advance!
    Ok I'm dealt with everyone else now. You can come get your pokemon now.
    Can't trade right now, there's like 3 people ahead of you, but I'll get to you before 10:00
    Thank you for your efforts, but I have been able to get Mudkip from another distributor. :)
    Sorry, I had to take off. I hope you weren't waiting in the wifi room for me. I'll be home in like an hour. Do you think you'll be available then?
    Would it possible to get that Mudkip off of you from that giveaway? I'm on the list of winners.

    Use my SS FC though: 1720 5358 6010 :] thanks if you can.
    Hey, I'm sure a bunch of people are asking you, but do you think I could get a copy of Klyx's mudkip when you get a chance? Thanks so much!
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