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  • I don't have Teddiursa with me, need to get it cloned. Just hang on to the Arcanine and we'll do that trade when I give you your Mantine back.
    Hey, since we're not being able to connect SolarPowerX said he would take the EV job. He's as good as me, and he's online atm.
    Hum. Theen....You might...I don't know, if it's only one poke, I'll give it to you when my finals period end (friday!)
    The happiness tap method for getting shinies is the first RNG I learned. It's super easy to do and you don't have to worry about the nature of either parents to use the method. You don't use everstones either and it doesn't involve having to set your DS clock to a specific time over and over. Edit: You still have to soft reset for IVs however, or learn to do the IV part of RNG.
    The only ditto I give out for free is the timid Japanese ditto. If you want that one, I'll give it to you. It's sufficient for RNG breeding and even if you're doing soft reset on DPPT, the timid ditto is sufficient for that if you use the happiness tap method to at least get the nature and ability first.
    lol It has been a while. Exams went well~ Name change happened over the summer because no one called me godudette on IRC and andrea is much easier to spell! Business is great when my trade thread is "bumped"- there are four of us VGCers in it and hehe we have the most 'Luvdisc-d' thread! I got my shiny Groudon from 7014gree and used it at VGC. ^_^ (Woah long VM!)
    Haha I got my 600th post while you were gone. I so badly wish I had time to breed more, but I think I found the Kojondo for me :D
    Hey! Team Plasma is recruiting people and you have been picked! Once Team Plasma gets more active will have give aways tournaments and all kinds of other contest! Im currently looking for Admins and executives etc. If your interested join up! ^_^

    Team Plasma Boss/TRC Admin Echosofchaos
    so i finished 3 of the 4 BPs you wanted. i haven't learned HGSS RNG so i can't breed the gengar yet. sorry for making you wait for a long time. haven't had much free time lately
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