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  • Hey alphabet,

    Havent talked to u in a while. Hope everything is going well.
    I have to go eat dinner but I'll be back in 15ish minutes. If you have to go or something, just hold onto them until the next time I see you on.
    Cool, thanks. Here's what I need:
    Horsea - leveled up to 50+ (evolve), taught Rain Dance, Waterfall, Surf
    Magnezone - leveled up to 50+
    Skarmory - leveled up to 50+, taught Spikes, Roar, Roost, Drill Peck
    Taillow - leveled up to 50+ (evolve)

    If you could give Seadra a Dragon Scale before you trade it back, that would be perfect. I'll go online with my SS FC. I should use your HG FC?
    Yeah my activity is going to be waaaaaaaaaaay down for a while. My PC can't connect to the internet atm, so the only comp with the internet is my wife's laptop which she uses for work. On top of that, I'm gonna be working some insane overtime. 2 or so hours extra a day, and 5-8 on Saturdays for the foreseeable future.
    without saying, just to verify, here's a riddle/joke to find it out. :P
    what do you get when you put dough on a pickel?
    i also hate "dilin" and being called "Dill", and some immature people made my name into something to immature.. >.>
    Most annoying on being "Dillion" it annoys me when people think that's how you spell it.
    I see your OT is Dillon, that wouldn't be your name, would it?
    If so, that's my name too, to bad no one can spell it. =(
    Just wondering if I won the Magikarp from your giveaway, since you haven't posted winners yet.
    It appears that he has logged out, which means that I can't get the Aerodactyl back right now. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Hold on actually. The guys who's supposed to be sending me the Aerodactyl appears to be AFK right now.
    LOL! I thought it had something to do with your entire team xD.
    Are you good @ making UU teams around one particular pogeyman?
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