SPOILERS! General Pokémon Anime Discussion

Yung Dramps

awesome gaming
I wonder just how much those final 11 episodes will lean into super hyper turbo fanservice mode. Resolving abandoned plotlines like the GS Ball? A final battle with Giovanni? Maybe even allusions to ships?

In addition to Brock & Misty coming back again, it's also been confirmed that the first Japanese opening theme is getting a remix:

Probably means the opening itself will get a remake in the vein of what One Piece did to celebrate 1000 episodes
Not a huge fan of the apparent decision to only have Misty and Brock be the main companies for the final run.

Sorry, but that is just unnecessary nostalgic overload. The trio's run was only good in Kanto.
I'm pretty confident we'll see most of Ash's old companions and not just Misty/Brock. Because if these 11 episodes are really "the end" for good, it doesn't make sense to celebrate 25 years of history with only the first two companions. They very likely have to give everyone else one last appearance. Even if it may be hard for some, and others like Cilan never got a full return in JN at all for example. If possible give May some lines too or show her with Serena and Dawn as a coordinator trio or whatever.

I mean if this is really it I think we'll see everyone one last time. Remember half the younger fanbase grew up watching with DP, BW or XY as their "first series" so to them, they wouldn't get to see the characters they grew up with as kids. It wouldn't make sense for the writers to exclude them.
Regardless of what I’m very happy that they’re giving Ash a proper send off in the form of a final series dedicated to him. I’m definitely not the target audience for what I imagine will be a lot of nostalgia pandering, but Ash is not only the face of the Pokémon anime, but one of the most recognizable anime characters period. He deserves a conclusion worthy of his legacy, and Journeys’ 136 episode run was not that.


On to new Horizons!
is a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
All that said, I can't help but wonder what has compelled them to take this gamble. Have ratings and merch sales been declining deeply enough and for a long enough time that they feel a massive shakeup is in order? Or is it a new guard of showrunners who want to take this series new places brand recognition be damned and were able to convince corporate to give the greenlight?
Probably to shake things up. Back in Best Wishes you can begin to tell the anime team were starting to get a bit tired. It's why XY felt more like a shonen series at times, Sun & Moon was a slice of life (mixed with other things on whatever the writers whims were), and finally Galar just tossing the region idea out and having a world tour. Wouldn't surprise me this was all planned sometime during Sun & Moon, liking not being restricted so decided to make Ash Champion so that he could next gen then compete in a Champion League to become the Top Champion to finally end his story (and it just so happened Gen VIII gave them the perfect story & character(s) to do that with).

Now the anime team can pretty much do anything they want. New characters, no "baggage" from previous gens, just gotta include stuff from the current gen which is no problem as that provides plenty of story potential.
More than anything they really just wrote themselves into a point of no return for Ash.

His charm as a character that made him such an effective main character for the anime is that he was always the "underdog". Early Ash especially, but Ash in the earlier series (particularly the original series) was basically the loser kid that nobody liked, who was seen as incompetent, stupid, and someone who had no hopes of ever reaching greatness, and yet despite all that (yes, he is stupid and reckless), his determination, his genuine love for Pokemon, and just his overall grand ambition made him compelling to a point where you couldn't help but root for the guy all the same.

He worked as such for so long because he was always the underdog. Later series are where Ash started to become a more competent and mature person and Trainer, and soon grew into a role model for others who could inspire others (especially starting with XY, where he really started being put into that position) but even then he could still make a compelling protagonist because he hadn't achieved a position of greatness...at least not yet at the time. But then come SM and Ash becomes the Alola Champion, finally actually winning and earning himself a position of greatness.

But even then Journeys could still keep him and the world tour format allowed him to still serve as an underdog to a degree despite him being a Champion and an experienced Trainer, because the World Coronation Series was a world competition and the top of the brass, the Masters 8, was people who were also Champions, especially more veteran ones like Cynthia, Lance, Diantha, and Steven (and of course, his ultimate opponent, Leon, at the top of them all), and Ash was the "underdog" in that he was the new kid Champion among them, the new rising star, pitted up against more experienced Champions who were practically the strongest competition he could find.

And then Ash came out of that tournament beating the strongest Trainer in the world, Leon, and becoming the World Champion and the top Trainer in the world himself. Now there's no turning back from that. Being a regional Champion is one thing, which is why he could still work with what Journeys did but being the greatest Trainer in the world is basically a grandiose position and now Ash is practically a living legend in-universe. You cannot make a compelling underdog protagonist for kids to watch and relate to with Ash anymore after this. He's locked out of the old infinite loop he used to be in. He's already the best in a way. Sure, he intends to continue travelling in hopes of becoming a Pokemon Master, as there's even more for him to explore in the world, but there's nothing for us to watch that would make him compelling as a protagonist. As such, I think they realized this is it for him and there's nowhere they can take him as a main character now, so after this magnitude of an accomplishment, with Ash having become the greatest Trainer in the world, they decided it was finally time for him to step down.

With that said, however... (in regards to Pikachu)

As for the main anime, they could maybe have a recurring Pikachu character appear once an episode or every so often, not being part of the main cast but certainly at least witnessing what's going on (maybe even act as audience surrogate at times).
Who's to say that the recurring Pikachu character in question won't be Ash Ketchum himself?

Yes, his time as the main character is over, but that doesn't mean we'll never see him ever again. Ash may have stepped down as the protagonist, but odds are despite us having new MCs, it's still highly likely that the Gen 9 anime series still takes place in the same universe that the main anime has always took place in, just with focus on new MCs now.

We may not be focusing on what Ash is doing anymore, but Ash is still out there travelling the world, meeting Pokemon, having battles to his heart's content, which means there's always room for our new MCs Riko and Roy to run into him every now and then. We could even get follow up on what Ash is doing every once in a while, when he makes guest appearances as a recurring character, he could even be a role model for our new MCs. Mr. World Champion and living legend Ash Ketchum, being an inspiration for new and aspiring Trainers, including Riko most likely.

He is still an iconic character and a face of the franchise, and if they wanna keep showing the mascot Pokemon, Pikachu, he's always right there to showcase it. After all, Ash and Pikachu are practically synonymous with each other. Our new MCs could always run into the guy every so often, and Ash is a popular and iconic character so the anime writers only benefit from continuing to have him show up as a recurring character. Not super frequently, but every once in a while, he could still show up, him being world famous as a top tier Trainer. Seeing him battling against other Trainers and maybe big spectacles starring him and his great team and beating other strong Trainers.

It would be a solid continuity nod if they decide to do it. Ash is out of the spotlight, but he's still out there travelling the world. The new kids Riko and Roy could always have a chance encounter with him.
I’d prefer Ash’s presence in the upcoming series to be kept at a minimum. It’s preferable in my mind to let the new protagonists stand on their own feet, while simultaneously avoiding comparisons to Ash, which the fanbase will do enough of regardless. The fact that the little information we’ve says that Liko doesn’t want to talk about her parents has already kicked speculation into overdrive. She and Roy have some big shoes to fill to carry on this franchise. The writers have great pressure on them to deliver something that can carry on Ash's legacy.

What I could see is something like how Yu-Gi-Oh GX handled Yugi, with him just showing up in the first and last episodes of the series, while having that mysterious “King of Games” label as a legendary duelist periodically being referred to in the background. It’s also something that fits Ash considering he is now the greatest trainer in the world; have him be that legendary trainer the school children look up to and dream of being like one day. Nobody really knows where he is since he's always on a journey, which just adds more to the legend.
I mean the new series could be a completely different continuity for all we know with no ties to the previous. Because if you think about it most characters are based on the game, so if the anime revisits old areas you'll wind up seeing Gym leaders or people like Prof. Oak who were part of Ash's story, and I'm not sure the writers want to do that. Like let's say we get BW remakes in a few years, would they use the same Iris we know from the main anime or will it be a completely different version of her?

Think of the Pokemon Origins short series from 2013 that featured Red and Green. The Brock and Prof. Oak that appeared in that were based on the game versions and not the ones Ash knows. So it was its own universe based on the games with no ties to the Ash anime.

I think they may do the same here just to end the old continuity and let a new series stand on its own.


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
...the new series?
Oh, I get it. That would be an interesting twist for sure, leaving the (ex) main anime untouched after its final 11 episodes but still technically keeping Ash & Pikachu via their alternate MU counterparts (and who aren't Champions thus they may still have room to grow?).

Yung Dramps

awesome gaming
The fact that the little information we’ve says that Liko doesn’t want to talk about her parents has already kicked speculation into overdrive.
Not to be a party pooper, but I think this is misinfo. Serebii's page says nothing about this being the case and despite the statement being shared around in a fairly large Discord server I'm in nobody was able to find a source

I still think speculating that Liko is connected to Ash in some way is perfectly reasonable, but this ain't fuel
Not to be a party pooper, but I think this is misinfo. Serebii's page says nothing about this being the case and despite the statement being shared around in a fairly large Discord server I'm in nobody was able to find a source

I still think speculating that Liko is connected to Ash in some way is perfectly reasonable, but this ain't fuel
Well it wouldn't be the first time there's misinformation on the internet. Regardless, if there's a relationship or not we'll find out in due time.
People are obsessed with the idea of thinking that girl is Ash's daughter, mostly due to shippers, but I doubt she'll have any relation to Ash at all. For one thing the girl has blue and black hair, meaning it doesn't resemble any of the current female companions hair colors.

The next few months will be insufferable with Pokeshippers, Amourshippers, Pearlshippers, etc. all fighting over each other over which girl "winds up with Ash" when in reality the new female character will probably have no relation to Ash at all. Shippers are going to go crazy as usual.

Yung Dramps

awesome gaming
People are obsessed with the idea of thinking that girl is Ash's daughter, mostly due to shippers, but I doubt she'll have any relation to Ash at all. For one thing the girl has blue and black hair, meaning it doesn't resemble any of the current female companions hair colors.

The next few months will be insufferable with Pokeshippers, Amourshippers, Pearlshippers, etc. all fighting over each other over which girl "winds up with Ash" when in reality the new female character will probably have no relation to Ash at all. Shippers are going to go crazy as usual.
The omegabased play would be for Liko to be Ash's daughter but they NEVER reveal who the mother is just to troll people


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
Wait, people are saying the girl is Ash's kid? I thought people were saying the boy was cause of his similar clothing to Ash (plus he's wearing red, Red being the character Ash is a counterpart to).

Though I too think there's no relation. The point of retiring Ash is to move on from all the baggage he has. While his kid wouldn't have that exact baggage, them still being Ash's kid would have that little detail always hanging behind them (even if they do a later reveal). Just easier to cut the ties and start fresh.
This is what people are posting on twitter right now:

This is because of the shippers, people just love pairing Ash with the girls he has traveled with. I don't think that's Ash's kid and I wouldn't be surprised for it to be AU.

But if it does happen to be Ash's kid, my guess is that Ash will end up with Misty or one of the three coordinators. Ash would probably choose a girl that loves to travel around, so that's basically Dawn, May or Serena. But I guess he could also choose Misty because she could leave the gym to her three sisters to be with Ash, and she could still pursue her dream.


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
This is because of the shippers, people just love pairing Ash with the girls he has traveled with. I don't think that's Ash's kid and I wouldn't be surprised for it to be AU.

But if it does happen to be Ash's kid, my guess is that Ash will end up with Misty or one of the three coordinators. Ash would probably choose a girl that loves to travel around, so that's basically Dawn, May or Serena. But I guess he could also choose Misty because she could leave the gym to her three sisters to be with Ash, and she could still pursue her dream.
Or, you know, Ash & Misty get together after Ash is done with the most of his travels. Which, BTW, wouldn't be for a while as he's STILL 10 by the end of the World Tournament arc (maybe now that Ash became a Champion he's broken the immortality curse Ho-Oh put upon him). Considering how much ground covered within a year, Ash has plenty of years of travel & adventures before settling down like 10~ years from him becoming World Champion.

If anything, Misty is the most likely of the female companions to keep her career. I don't think May, Dawn, or Serena would want to keep travelling forever and choose to settle down once they've achieved their own goal. Now saying they would become housewives, but certainly wouldn't be going to a new region every month or so.
I'm old enough to remember when people thought the Johto saga would be "the end of Ash".

Anyways, this news were surprising. I guess some expected to eventually happen, but looks like Ash is leaving the protagonism for good this time. Took them long enough but now I have an incentive to pick up the anime again. I'll be there to follow his remaining final episodes. In fact I already watched the recent special ep, which is not from this timeline, but from the movie AU. Weird choice to go back to this AU right after Ash's final season but ok, maybe this will be the alternative of following Ash's journey in more movies and special episodes. This was a cute story with a tragic twist at the end, but some things...

Was the aura thing really necessary? It's sth I don't like from Movie 8 that crawled its way into the anime (suddenly Ash is the successor of this Aaron guy and he has aura powers and connects with Riolus oooooh) and it threw me off a bit. I don't think Aura was even necessary before to interact with ghost beings. And in the AU universe where the Lucario movie events prob hadn't happened, it's even more baffling...

About Ash's dad, I liked how they integrated the original hat design as a gift from him. I don't mind much that they teased him and we didn't saw him, but I understand people getting upset. Also maaaaaybe we might get a concrete answer in the final Ash episodes...

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