Pokemon Scarlet & Violet - 18th Nov 2022! **OFFICIAL INFO ONLY**

Juniper, the character in question, is labeled as 2 in the game's data while male and female characters are labels as 0 and 1 respectively and is also referred to in neutral terms in most languages that have gender neutral pronouns and structuring, such as the Japanese version.
Where exactly do you know this info? And know that this is because Juniper is “non-binary” and not due to other reasons.
In fact what purpose does this even have? It’s not like dialogue is generated in the code and there are no human breeding mechanics in the game.
Where exactly do you know this info? And know that this is because Juniper is “non-binary” and not due to other reasons.
In fact what purpose does this even have? It’s not like dialogue is generated in the code and there are no human breeding mechanics in the game.
As the coding purposes, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 had equipment that had effects dependent on driver and blade gender, though XC3 currently has no similar item. Considering the efforts made to keep Juniper as nonbinary as possible, down to their English VA being nonbinary too, I think it would be weirder if Juniper was binary.
Now, now, now. I'm old enough to have long time memories of how this world was decades ago. I remember a time when completely adult people would never, ever, not even in the deepest of imaginations or scenarios, talk about pronoums, genres or representation. It just wasn't a topic the world cared about. No. That's wrong. For the world to not care about, every single person had to know about it being a topic in the first place, then deliberately choose to ignore it. I'll reformule it: this kind of topics weren't even in the collective conciousness of society, because, in the end, no one cared about. They -we- cared about other topics, topics long forgotten, like this one will be over with when the time comes.
This is just incorrect. Representation in fiction has been discussed both socially and academically for decades especially in minority spaces. It is only with the advent of the internet and social media has the discussion become mainstream. But to say that this wasn't discussed by adults decades ago is just false and a bit ignorant.

Anecdotally I remember when Gen 5 came out people were very happy to finally see dark skin representation in Pokémon. When Gen 6 allowed for skin customization came out, many dark skinned people (myself included) rejoiced at the ability to play as someone that looks like us. So even within Pokémon the idea and discussions of representation has been around for well over a decade.


Intentional Femboy Penguin
is a Community Leaderis a Community Contributor
Community Leader
convo took one hell of a turn out of one person being mad that other people feel represented lol

Going back to SV for a bit, though


This has me very interested. I assume right now that the way it works is by basically having your mon play as an AI with whatever moves it has vs wild mons, but I wonder how much it differs from regular battles, if at all. Even if its just basically having a regular battle in the background while you go out exploring, it'll be pretty cool. By the looks of it, Pokémon still drop items liek in PLA. I'm not sure if it's only through this feature that they'd drop items but honestly would've been nice in PLA to just send outFloatzel to kill a few gravelers to get the Black Augurite instead of having to manually go through that whole battle process manually. I feel like this is pretty obviously a feature better suited for taking Pokémon that you know you'll beat anyways rather than just sending your mon out on the field and hoping for the best. This also reminds me of filling Hoenn teams with Pickup Zigazagoon to find items.

Speaking of the Black Augurite example, though, I'm 100% expecting there to be a new mon that uses this method to evolve - maybe not directly by only using this method but something like "Defeat X amount of Fidough" or "get this one item that is only obtainable as a rare drop from X mon so you have to defeat a lot of them" which would be made quicker by this method or something like that.

I wonder how the Pokémon chose their target, if at all. Would a Fuecoco prioritize going after the Scatterbug in the distance or would it prefer to face a Geodude head on? Would it matter what moves your mon has? And the dreaded question, can your mon go after and KO shinies on its own??

Lastly, we've sen in a few shots that you can have your whole party out at once from previous screenshots, so I wonder if that extends to this? I'd assume not because the site specifically says you can have one pokémon out adventuring, but who knows.
We know the Team Star segments can have at least 2 of your own Pokemon out for autobattling, but it sounds like that's probably meant as a Team Star specific spin on Auto Battling.

I suspect the stuff we see where we pose with our whole party is it acting like in LA: you can send your pokemon all out at once. A separate option from the "Let's Go!" following stuff.

I also assume Auto Battling only runs generic actions and checks stats/typing. So you're only ever going to see generic punches/tackles/dustclouds.


Doesn't know how to attack
I also assume Auto Battling only runs generic actions and checks stats/typing. So you're only ever going to see generic punches/tackles/dustclouds.
I think this is most likely and it's pretty much said that you'll have to do autobattles for Team Star, which means... NOOO! Not again! I know Gamefreak has no reason to care about "pacifism" in a fighting game, but I still want to ask what do they have against me? ;_;
As the coding purposes, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 had equipment that had effects dependent on driver and blade gender, though XC3 currently has no similar item. Considering the efforts made to keep Juniper as nonbinary as possible, down to their English VA being nonbinary too, I think it would be weirder if Juniper was binary.
There are plenty of problems with this post and theory, most of which can be solved with bringing Islam to western nations. Problems that more have to do with claiming Juniper is “non-binary” and less about what the west needs are things like voice actors, sources (no, having a source for your claims doesn’t make it a good source), hidden attributes that don’t affect gameplay and could easily be an oversight, ect.

But that’s besides the point and this is only going to result in off topic discussion over some bogus information.
i just think it's neat when people see themselves represented and are happy about it

i'm white so i am spoiled for choice in gaming to the point where it will never matter, but it was cool to see like desi people be excited that Hop & Leon (the champion!) were possibly inspired by their ethnicity, or could at least be read as such.
Yeah, Pokémon has come a long way in how they deal with representing different races.

... it took some practice to get right.
i just think it's neat when people see themselves represented and are happy about it

i'm white so i am spoiled for choice in gaming to the point where it will never matter, but it was cool to see like desi people be excited that Hop & Leon (the champion!) were possibly inspired by their ethnicity, or could at least be read as such.
As a Desi myself, I never really got that vibe from Leon and Hop. Chairman Rose definitely had that vibe though with his facial hair, occupation, and even his signature Pokemon. It was cool to see, but ultimately didn't help me relate to him too much; it just made him feel like the type of guy that I've met a few times before IRL.
This is just incorrect. Representation in fiction has been discussed both socially and academically for decades especially in minority spaces. It is only with the advent of the internet and social media has the discussion become mainstream.
So, it's not incorrect.

But to say that this wasn't discussed by adults decades ago is just false and a bit ignorant.
I'm well aware that every single topic there's in existence has been already addresed at some point in history. In fact, right now, several topics society don't care about are being deeply discussed. This only proves that the reality you perceive in the mainstream is not born from actual conviction or impact onto someones life, but rather as a tendency that changes over time and wins the interest of the masses. In the end, its just something else to discuss and talk about. And altho some topics have always been mainstream, this is surely not one of them; just another one that will eventually end and get replaced by our newest, newly, new serious preocupation that, somehow, we havent been intensely and openly talking about for the past 20 years, but suddenly, in like... 2023? 2024? We will all start talking about it. It'll be about a theme we all already know about; and it will be about a theme of an importance that we, already, know about. We just don't care until its the topic everyone is talking about.

Like you know about hunger, right. It's a serious problem. A bigger problem than pronoums, or you feeling represented, in fact. But we haven't yet got there. Not still. Right know, hunger is missing something. It needs some kind of propaganda and maybe a powerful term we can spam like, idk, hungeristy. Now give it some meaning and in a few years we'll be all talking about how serious hungeristy is, how youll not tolerate in your discord hungeristic behaviours, etc, etc. That's how it works. Simple as that.

Anecdotally I remember when Gen 5 came out people were very happy to finally see dark skin representation in Pokémon.
Yes of course. People have always wanted to feel represented by larger groups, it gives them power. Thats partially the reason why conflict exists, specifically conflict by opposites, like in sports or politics. As an individual you don't have any power, thats why you want someone or something to portray your existence: thats ultimately what being represented is about, someone acknowledging your existence.

And, as I said, I respect that. I just don't share the same sentiment.


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
Well, we certainly jumped into the deep end of character design here. :psywoke:

Like before I would say the most "extreme" design we had for the Galar cast was Penny or maybe Jacq. And even then it was mostly just their hair, but with them having revealed Nemona previously it didn't feel too far off. It just seemed like a style choice in Paldea to dye at least some of your hair a different color. But otherwise thy look relatively normal, at least to previous Pokemon characters.

NOT SO with this new batch. Like, did they get a guest artist to come in and design some of these characters? Let's start with the least extreme and work our way up:


Now, if you told me that one of the Gym Leaders was a Grass-type artist/sculptors, this wouldn't be what I imagine. I'm not sure what style of art, if any, Brassius is supposed to be representing; maybe he's the stereotypical "suffering artist" (though I don't think a suffering artist would make as cheesy of a pun as "Truleewoodo" as he does when he Terastal's his Sudowoodo into a Grass-type)? Which I guess leads to his design: what is going on with that thorny vine rope? He has it wrapped around his waist like a belt (which must feel pleasant with those thorns), with a spool of it attached to a carabiner that's attached around the vine belt (though it looks like its hanging in mid air instead of resting on the belt; also I can't tell whether the vine belt is attached to the vine spool), and he's holding a piece of the vine rope like it's a whip (though we see in the trailer that all he does with it is carefully fling it around). Oh, and he also looks to have some of it over his left shoulder. Had enough of thorny vines? Well, if you do, too bad, because to get to the point, his hair looks like a mass of them (which looks like will be a theme with the Gym Leaders as Grusha's hair resembles an icy mountain; may also be a thing with the Team Star bosses though with them I'd imagine making their hair look outrageous is on purpose).


Now Brassius overall still looks like a "normal" Pokemon character, he just has that random vine rope which I don't get and the elemental hair which looks like a quirk all the Type Specialists are going to have. Geeta on the other hand looks like she was made when the artist in charge of body proportions was out of the office for a few days. This isn't even the stereotypical "tall amazon" trope, her legs just look longer than they should (or her upper body is shorter) and her eyes are the size people give to joke anime girls.

Might have made the eyes too small, but at the very least she doesn't look like she's from a planet with low gravity & low light.

Anyway, Geeta is the Chairwoman of Paldea's Pokemon League, which obviously means she's actually EVIL and in charge of the TRUE Villain Team which are made up of the employees that work under her. Nah, just kidding... I hope; I mean GF wouldn't pull this trick a THIRD time in the row, right (if I had a Nickle every time yada yada)? Well I guess one thing protecting Geeta from this fate is that she holds a Champion title and is considered the strongest of all Champion title holders, so I'm going to guess she'll probably be the Champion we'll be fighting at the end of the Victory Road story. So one question is whether she's a Type Specialist or not. We're in position of having a Type Specialist for each Type (and for them to actually be in the game instead of implied to exist) except for one, BUT that missing one can either be taken by Geeta or a possible leader for Team Star. I'm leaning toward the latter as I prefer Champions with varied teams. Geeta's hair doesn't look like anything specifically so that may be the case; the closest thing it could resemble is like a wave/fountain or jellyfish which would be Water-type, but we've already had a Water-type Champion with Wallace (yes, I know Iris was a Dragon-type Champion like Lance, but you know GF treats Dragon as a boss Type so doesn't count). Well whatever transpires hopefully Geeta can give us a good battle.
BTW, the highlight of Geeta's clothes & hair is an indigo color and we've only seen her as such, so does that mean she looks like this in Scarlet or is there a orange version of her which they aren't showing; it's a similar case with Jacq. Or are we also going to get characters who's color scheme include bits of orange though they don't change in Violet? And if not, what made them decide to change one character's clothing highlights over another between versions? Also what's up with her "tie"?


Well, she's correctly proportioned at the very least. Villain team was announced, Team Star, and our first glimpse reveals at the very least that the team is split into several squads each led by a boss (who is a Type Specialist). Mela is the boss of the Fire-type crew, the Schedar Squad. And though the grunts of Team Star look pretty plain, Mela shows that the bosses probably aren't.
First, those boots (how can we not?). Like, how does she even walk, they look like they at the very least fit up to her knew which even that would make it awkward to walk around. And with all that extra rubber/leather also gotta add some weight making it even more cumbersome. Then we get to her clothes (or rather the black parts of it) which have to be pasted on at some points. And of course her hair is either so jelled its appropriately a fire hazard or its just defying physics cause I guess they're rebelling against that too. "Alright there you old fogey, we get it". Oh, don't get me wrong, unlike Brassius and Geeta whose appearance imply some normalcy thus their extravagant features stand out more awkwardly, Mela here goes all-in reaching a level of refuge in audacity that I kind of love it. Her world is on fire, how about your's? That's the way she likes it and never gets bored.

With them revealing the basic Pokemon League information last month, I thought they were going to reveal each of the three stories that makes up the "Treasure Hunt" assignment once a month. Well, GF had other plans as they just decided to tell us about the other two stories with this month's update!

First story is titled "Victory Road" and its your typical Pokemon League. A notable part of challenging the Gyms this time around is that the Gym Test isn't just located in the Gym but rather is a contest involving the town/city. You'll learn not only a bit about the Gym Leader but also about the people & customs of the town/city. This is a pretty cool way of incorporating the Gym puzzle, in Galar the Gym puzzles felt kind of out-of-place with what kind of atmosphere they were going with in SwSh. But this idea feels like it fits with the themes of the game as well as let us learn a bit more about the Gym Leaders which is always nice.

The example of the Gym Test they gave was the Grass-type Gym in Artazon, the town of art and flowers. Brassius has the player running around gathering Sunflora; its explained that Brassius most famous work is a statue installation (which means there's multiple statues but they're all part of one art piece) called "Surrendering Sunflora" which depict Sunflora with somber expressions (those would likely be all the Sunflora statues in planters we saw in a few of the trailers whom some thought were a clue of a Sunflora evo). Apparently its debated what the Sunflora are "surrendering" too, because Brassius does look like he would be one of "those" artists who makes an art piece that "seems" to have some kind of message behind it but he's not going to tell you. Yeah, well here's my interpretation: They're surrendering to my Fire-type that's gonna burn down your Grass-types! :smogonbird:

Though it's not mentioned on the site but shown in the trailer, there is one other notable thing the Gym Leader do: As expected, they Terastallize their Pokemon. The example shown is Brassius turning a Sudowoodo into a Grass-type. Now, this is only one example and was probably specifically chosen for the meme. Still, we can take some things from it:

  1. If Terastal had a Signature variant (like Dynamax had with Gigantamax), it would be pretty strange for a Gym Leader to waste their Terastal doing an elemental Terastal. Could there be no Signature Terastal? Well, do note that in SwSh that the first two Gyms, Milo and Nessa, also didn't Gigantamax their Pokemon even though they do have them. Could be we're seeing the early version of Brassius Gym, assuming the Gym Leaders change their teams depending on the order you challenge them, hinted by the Smoliv he uses and for the first few Gym Battles the Gym Leaders use elemental Terastal.

  2. Focusing on the elemental Terastallizing, there's three ways it could go with the Gym Leaders: (1.) They Terastal a Pokemon of their Type Specialty into the same Type to receive the Hyper STAB, (2.) They Terastal a Pokemon not of their Type Specialty into it (as we seen Brassius does with Sudowoodo), or (3.) they Terastal a Pokemon of their Type Specialty into another Type to throw a player a curveball. With Tera Burst options 2 & 3 are no problem. Also, there could be a chance that, depending on the Pokemon the player has out, the Gym Leader is programmed to Terastal under certain conditions (like if the player is using Type advantage the Gym Leader would do Option 3, but if they don't and get to their ace Pokemon they'll do Option 1). However, Option 2 throws an important factor into things which could make it into the only strategy the Gym Leader will use: it requires them adding a Pokemon not of their Type Specialty into their party because they'll Terastallize them into their Type. Now while a Gym Leader using a Pokemon not of their Type has been done plenty before (and infact I kind of wish they would maybe do it more often to make Gym Battles a little more interesting; as long as the majority of their Pokemon is their Type), with them now able to change a Pokemon's Type I feel it would be a deliberate decision. So, in the case of Brassius, he will only ever do Option 2 with Sudowoodo.

Now there's still a lot of things we don't know, infact in the new trailer they once again showed Gym Battles do not have Levels shown so that's now very much deliberate and a mystery. I'm more just getting all the options laid out as not exactly to speculate but be prepared for what they might do. Because, to be honest, I find Option 2 to be a bit boring and anti-climatic. Sure its funny Sudowoodo is now a Grass-type as it always pretends to be, but aside it having definite coverage for Grass-type weaknesses, it's now the Type of the Pokemon we came in prepared for so what's really changing the player's plan here of using Type Advantage? I was kind of hoping all of them would do Option 3, forcing us to change our plans if its the right Type that'll cause us trouble. Even Option 1 would be more interesting as it would now mean we'd have to go up against likely their ace which can now do moves as powerful as a Z-Move every turn; even Pokemon that resist will still likely get hit hard.

So what exactly is implied with “I do not believe GameFreak would give Shell Smash or even Rock Polish to Klawf”?
That Klawf will be severely underpowered to the point of uselessness.

Look, I think GF does think about balance. Poorly, and only VGC/Doubles balance, and with stupid amounts of corporate inertia, but they do try to balance things. They're just really bad at it, prone to overestimating the power of certain things and underestimating others. They made G-Darm apparently without considering how Choice Band Ability would interact with Choice Band item, but they also made Falinks limited to a single use of it's signature move so that it couldn't set up too much.

I'm expecting similar here, anything that seems slightly good on Klawf is going to be blocked, while some rando mon gets an auto-win button because lol no one checked the math.
Now, now, now. I'm old enough to have long time memories of how this world was decades ago. I remember a time when completely adult people would never, ever, not even in the deepest of imaginations or scenarios, talk about pronoums, genres or representation. It just wasn't a topic the world cared about. No. That's wrong. For the world to not care about, every single person had to know about it being a topic in the first place, then deliberately choose to ignore it. I'll reformule it: this kind of topics weren't even in the collective conciousness of society, because, in the end, no one cared about. They -we- cared about other topics, topics long forgotten, like this one will be over with when the time comes.
Representation wasn't a thing the dominant group who are always represented(in the US, white cishet men) thought about. A 5 year old black girl* who saw Nichelle Nichols on Star Trek and went running through the house shouting "Mommy, mommy, there's a black woman on TV and she ain't no maid"? She didn't know the term representation but she knew it when she saw it. Nichelle Nichols was going to quit Star Trek due to mistreatment by the execs until MLK convinced her to stay because having her on that show was so important to the cause of black civil rights. That was 55 years ago.

And pronouns? Everyone learned pronouns in English class for the last century or so, and if you don't know how to use pronouns as an adult you'll be seen as hideously uneducated. Assuming when you say pronouns you actually mean trans people, trans people have been around for thousands of years. We have references to them in ancient Greece. Various societies have held trans people in high esteem until Christianity attacked. The first gender confirmation surgery on record was in 1917, but there may have been much older ones(Nazis destroyed one of the leading LGBTQ research institutions as one of their first acts, sharply reducing the available knowledge). Now, people didn't necessarily talk much about trans people, but that's because in much of the western world, the legal system drove any LGBTQ society underground. That's not "no one cared about this", it's "A bunch of people cared enough to risk imprisonment or death to do it, and a bunch of govt officials cared enough to imprison or kill people for it, and everyone else was deliberately kept in the dark by government censorship(Hays Code, McCarthyism, Comics Code, etc)". YOU may not have known or talked about it, but that's not the same as no one doing so.

*Whoopie Goldberg
If Terastal had a Signature variant (like Dynamax had with Gigantamax), it would be pretty strange for a Gym Leader to waste their Terastal doing an elemental Terastal. Could there be no Signature Terastal? Well, do note that in SwSh that the first two Gyms, Milo and Nessa, also didn't Gigantamax their Pokemon even though they do have them. Could be we're seeing the early version of Brassius Gym, assuming the Gym Leaders change their teams depending on the order you challenge them, hinted by the Smoliv he uses and for the first few Gym Battles the Gym Leaders use elemental Terastal.
I think that it is still possible there will be Exclusive Tera stuff like Gigantamax or signature Z-moves, but it’s pretty hard to know how it would work.
Like Exclusive Z moves were usually stronger and some would have additional effects, while G-Max moves would be like their Max counter part but with a whole new effect that (usually) was better.
Something that could potentially happen is that Tera Blast is the new Hidden Power, and some Pokemon get their versions of Judgement soft of speak.
Where as Tera Blast only activates when Terastallized, is given to several Pokemon, and has a moderate BP, “Tera Judgement” is an improved version of this move given to only a few Pokemon. Changing type without Terastallizing and having a much higher BP.
They made G-Darm apparently without considering how Choice Band Ability would interact with Choice Band item, but they also made Falinks limited to a single use of it's signature move so that it couldn't set up too much.
This logic doesn't work as well as you'd think. GDarm only had limited vgc success. GF doesn't balance around singles primarily, they focus on VGC/doubles. Stuff like Falinks with unique potential playstyles are fairly evidently them experimenting. The idea on paper isn't bad: since vgc lacks switching often, the thought of an Omni boost at the cost of not switching out is interesting. Klawf will likely be similar in this intention (plus the fact it has more potential due to being possibly used twice, making good use of berries in this way).

People love to rag on GF for not being good at balance, because a lot of stuff can end up banned in some high singles tier like OU, but these mons end up average or decent in VGC. Outside extreme examples like Gen6 Xerneas, MegaRay, and both Zacian forms, they actually have a pretty decent track record. Something like Kartana is a great example: if you saw its stats at a glance you'd think it's supremely busted, but is smartly balanced by being given a poor offensive typing and low bulk. Regieleki is also the same: peerless speed, but no coverage, making players have to thoughtfully make use of it to excel (gen9 may change that with Terastal but we'll see if it breaks the sparkball or not).

Those are just recent examples. LandoT is perhaps the best example of GF doing balance right: a well rounded pokemon with positive and negative traits that manages to be a very healthy part of any metagame it's been in. GF is far from perfect in balancing but they do a better job than people give them credit for, especially compared to the swath of terribly balanced rom hacks out there.
GF is far from perfect in balancing but they do a better job than people give them credit for, especially compared to the swath of terribly balanced rom hacks out there.
Considering they have to account for hundreds of Fully Evolved and some NFEs, they actually do have a decent track record when it comes to Pokemon.
I for one also appreciate stuff like the balance changes to moves and mechanics in XY. Back in my day, crits did double damage. Turning a 2HKO into an OHKO and is was far less predictable too!
Though still wish they nerfed paralysis in Gen 7 with the whole “lose a turn at complete random” part, and not the speed or Thunder Wave’s accuracy.
Like you know about hunger, right. It's a serious problem. A bigger problem than pronoums, or you feeling represented, in fact. But we haven't yet got there. Not still. Right know, hunger is missing something. It needs some kind of propaganda and maybe a powerful term we can spam like, idk, hungeristy. Now give it some meaning and in a few years we'll be all talking about how serious hungeristy is, how youll not tolerate in your discord hungeristic behaviours, etc, etc. That's how it works. Simple as that.
You understand that we as a collective society can tackle more than one problem at once, right? That discussions about pronoun usage and minority representation, and validation of LGBTQIA+ people don't detract from discussions on why exactly it is that starvation still exists in countries that produce more than enough food to feed their entire population?

Yes of course. People have always wanted to feel represented by larger groups, it gives them power. Thats partially the reason why conflict exists, specifically conflict by opposites, like in sports or politics. As an individual you don't have any power, thats why you want someone or something to portray your existence: thats ultimately what being represented is about, someone acknowledging your existence.
Excuse the fuck right out of me? How is a single character in a video game franchise with well over a thousand unique characters possibly being non-binary the same thing as being represented by a "larger group"? No, that's being represented at all, which people do want because it constitutes an acknowledgement that they, and people like them, exist and have legitimacy within the public sphere.

These takes fucking baffle me. The color-blind horseshit is one thing, it's dumb as fuck, don't get me wrong, but there are plenty of people who buy into it and an entire propaganda machine exists to propagate it. This idea that we just shouldn't talk about other social issues (or that discussions about other social issues are somehow less legitimate, or exactly whatever your point is actually supposed to be) because hunger exists is actually alien to me. Go ahead and walk me through how these discussions somehow detract from other serious issues. This will be especially difficult for you when you add in the context that this is a fucking Pokemon forum. A Pokemon game isn't going to help much with the issue of world hunger. It can do some good when it comes to the issue of minority group representation.
Those are just recent examples. LandoT is perhaps the best example of GF doing balance right: a well rounded pokemon with positive and negative traits that manages to be a very healthy part of any metagame it's been in.
I agree with everything you said BUT my inner degenerate feels the need to throw you a couple memes
genies of healthy meta.jpg

flinch hax.jpg

...that said, I definitely agree, bar some outliers (which, more often than not, get addressed in following generation) they are better than a lot of people give them credit for.

Though I do suspect they knew very well what they were doing when designing Zacian and Calyrex... While they didn't while designing Zamazenta. Probably overestimating the value of high BST defensive mon that doesn't have a way to recover its HP.
Man speaking of balancing how did they not realize making the move that raises speed high bp would be problematic. Vgc is Speed Control: The Game.

Anyways idc much about gamefreak making some busted disgusting mon for singles because we can just ban it anyways. Excited to see whos the disgustingly broken mon of this gen though. Hope is krawl
Man speaking of balancing how did they not realize making the move that raises speed high bp would be problematic. Vgc is Speed Control: The Game.

Anyways idc much about gamefreak making some busted disgusting mon for singles because we can just ban it anyways. Excited to see whos the disgustingly broken mon of this gen though. Hope is krawl
I don’t they at all were thinking about how to balance Dynamax. You know it was already bad enough in Single, but man you can just many any Pokemon immune to the most important Doubles move for free and your buffs/debuffs apply to the Pokemon next to you/your target.

And in more recent times, I have realize that Terastallize could be broken in doubles because you have Tera Ghost types to make anything immune to Fake Out (though not as broken as Dynamax).
I don’t they at all were thinking about how to balance Dynamax. You know it was already bad enough in Single, but man you can just many any Pokemon immune to the most important Doubles move for free and your buffs/debuffs apply to the Pokemon next to you/your target.

And in more recent times, I have realize that Terastallize could be broken in doubles because you have Tera Ghost types to make anything immune to Fake Out (though not as broken as Dynamax).
I find it funny that despite having a different idea for what the 'most important Doubles move' is than is implied by the later point about Fake Out, the sentence is still correct from my perspective since I was thinking about Protect.
I don’t they at all were thinking about how to balance Dynamax. You know it was already bad enough in Single, but man you can just many any Pokemon immune to the most important Doubles move for free and your buffs/debuffs apply to the Pokemon next to you/your target.

And in more recent times, I have realize that Terastallize could be broken in doubles because you have Tera Ghost types to make anything immune to Fake Out (though not as broken as Dynamax).
Tbh that was something I was thinking of earlier, and that'd be, we've made assumptions about Tera's use in singles but... once more, doubles is a whole different beast.

On top of nuclear stab counting much less (stuff like intimidate, redirect, screens, fake out, speed control, spread moves etc etc, all make glass cannons much harder to use), there are a lot of interactions that could be interesting... for example, go ground to facilitate EQ spam, ghost type to dodge a key fake out or pair with boomburst, coalassal going water or grass type to eat an actually high damage surf from its partner and getting the +6 speed, or you could even have some interesting shenenigans like become dark type to immune to prankster / counter psychic spam, or ground for sinergy with disquake, become a grass type to dodge the amoongus matchup...
It's a huge list of potential shenenigans.

I am honestly pretty intrigued by the doubles "potential" of the mechanic, considering differently from Dynamax, it doesn't look like Teralize provides any bonus to the partner.
I don’t they at all were thinking about how to balance Dynamax. You know it was already bad enough in Single, but man you can just many any Pokemon immune to the most important Doubles move for free and your buffs/debuffs apply to the Pokemon next to you/your target.

And in more recent times, I have realize that Terastallize could be broken in doubles because you have Tera Ghost types to make anything immune to Fake Out (though not as broken as Dynamax).
You're giving up your normal STABs to do so and are either have to have a good Ghost STAB in the first place or rely in Tera Blast, which is effectively useless out of Terastal. Plus it only works once per battle.

It should be fine.


Intentional Femboy Penguin
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Something I've been kind of wondering about


In one of the trailer, we have this shot where Cetitan stomps and we see Cubchoo running away. At first I kinda thought it was just set up for the trailer, but we also got the following:


which could theorically just be a fun fact lore piece kind of thing. But, I've only recently noticed, we have another revealed mon that is implied to leave status effects on Pokémon near itself:


Which makes me very skeptical. We may actually have these Pokémon interacting with one another in the wild, or at least have them affect eachother in some way. We do see a little bit of a testing ground for this in Sun and Moon where Grubbin is said to "hang out where Electric Pokémon live to scare away Flying-Types" and sure enough - in Route 1, you can only find Grubbin in the same patches of grass as Pichu, which also have reduced chance to find Pikipek. What I see here is them expanding on this idea now that Pokémon show up in the overworld.

Which also makes me wonder about one duo in specific


Are we possibly going to see these two engage in Auto Battles in the overworld by themselves?

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