Post your searing hot takes

Banjo's reveal in Smash was super weak.

First of all, it's a complete ripoff of K. Rool's reveal, which was already weak and reeks of missed potential. It starts out with some nice foreshadowing as protagonist/rival pairs flash by before cutting to DK and Diddy, and then the ground shakes and K. Rool's shadow looms over the window. So far, so good. But then they waste 15 seconds by having Dedede laugh about pretending to be K. Rool before the croc shows up for real. That's not long enough for the joke to actually work, and it's not visually interesting or anything, so it's just 15 seconds of nothing.

Imagine how much more effective it would have been if instead of K. Rool dropping in to wreck Dedede, it was Dixie Kong or something (doesn't really matter who it is) to really drive home the "did you really think we were going to add K. Rool?" effect that I'm pretty sure they were going for. Then only after we've seen some Dixie gameplay do we get the "just kidding, here's the croc" as K. Rool comes in to wreck Dixie and close out the trailer.

It would be bad enough if Banjo just reused the exact same bad joke without modification, but what pushes it over the edge is that it does that while simultaneously removing everything that was redeemable about the K. Rool trailer. The neat foreshadowing with the TV no longer makes any sense, and while K. Rool's trailer wastes 15 seconds, Banjo's trailer wastes 35 seconds because they spoil the reveal with that damn Jiggy.
Add Adaptability on that list. Though I would say Tough Claws is fine when given to Fakemons inspired by animals such as crabs, tigers, lions, etc. I mean those claws would really hurt flavor-wise.
Crab claws and other such pincers are much more commonly associated with Hyper Cutter, and unless the claws are a major part of the design, there are better abilities than Tough Claws. If you look at vanilla Pokemon who get it, it's pretty rare.
:binacle::barbaracle:Their faces are claws.
:meowth-galar::perrserker:They have giant retractable Wolverine claws.

Adaptability may be flavorless, but I don't see it as being nearly as common among Fakemon as Sheer Force and Tough Claws.


It's a starstruck world
is a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Crab claws and other such pincers are much more commonly associated with Hyper Cutter, and unless the claws are a major part of the design, there are better abilities than Tough Claws. If you look at vanilla Pokemon who get it, it's pretty rare.
:binacle::barbaracle:Their faces are claws.
:meowth-galar::perrserker:They have giant retractable Wolverine claws.

Adaptability may be flavorless, but I don't see it as being nearly as common among Fakemon as Sheer Force and Tough Claws.
Sir I have a problem w/ M-Meta being called a Fakemon if we look at it's artwork

a751493a9a45de3c8a51f47965023c9581ffeb46 (1).png

There are four sets of giant ass claws right fuckin there and as they're made of steel they are very CLEARLY tough as fuck


Banned deucer.
People who make a big deal of out your bloody accent are annoying.

I have a strong British accent and People constantly make fun of this and sometimes it feels like genuine bullying.

Can Americans please get over my objectively correct pronunciation of Tuesday.
Britain: Hey US and Canada, we named this metal aluminum. Also, there are like a million sports called "football", so let's call this one "association football", or "soccer" for short.

US and Canada: Aight, cool.

Britain: LOL you silly Americans, why do you say aluminum and soccer? They're clearly aluminium and football. You fools come up with the dumbest phrases.


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