Survivor Stupid Survivor: Season One FINAL TRIBAL COUNCIL

Task 11: Live challenge

We'll release tasks 12 and 13 after this challenge finishes.

The game is No More Mothers! Here's how it works. On each round, each player names a famous person, and a category that they fall under. For the rest of the game, you cannot name a person that falls into that category. For example, I could start the game: Serena Williams, no more tennis players. The category could be based on spelling, or job, or physical appearance, or literally anything about that that person. You have 1 minute (timed!) to come up with your person. First person to time out or name a person who falls into a previously defined category loses.

The category must be based on something that your person has. For example, Serena Williams, no more people not named George Bush is not a valid category
The category must apply to at least two actual famous people
The category must be something i could look up easily for all people
I make the final decisions

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