
Browsed through like 10 pages and I couldn't find a thread about this, and even if there was in the past bumping an ancient thread would be stupid.

'cause nearly the entire fanbase is fucking horrid and I wanna gather up some of the sane fans and actually peacefully talk about Sonic the Hedgehog.

So what are you favorite games? Characters? Memories?

Personally my favorite is still Sonic 3 and Knuckles, the gameplay is nearly perfect and the sheer scope still staggers me to this day.

My favorite characters vary, at moments I like Shadow (the Shadow from SA2), the next I like Eggman or Orbot.

I'm still wanting to try out Sonic Unleashed (cause the day stages look really REALLY good) and Sonic Generations when I finally get a PS3 or 360, they've been eating me up inside ever since I became a hedgehog fan last year.
Ugh, don't try Sonic Unleashed. The day stages are ok, but the night stages... I'm not even sure it qualifies as a Sonic game. Also, the night stages take up a LOT more time than the day stages, unless you're the type that has to go for the best possible time, and won't stop until they finish every level in the bare minimum amount of time.

EDIT: Sonic colors though. That shit was awesome.
love me some sonic, was one of the first games I ever played.

I've always been a fan despite the ups and downs.

I would definitely recommend both Unleashed and Generations if you're a fan of the series. Unleashed feels more like a full product, but is bogged down by the Werehog, while Generations feels scant at times, but is a beautifully fun ride the whole way through.

Currently working on speedrunning Generations Acts right now. I've hit number four on the XBL Leaderboards for Seaside Hill Act 2, but that's about it. XD


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I've played Secret Rings, Black Knight, Unleashed, Colors and various games that I can't remember on GBA and on my phone. Yeah.

Colors is fucking amazing.
Any Sonic pre-Saturn are the only true ones in the series as far as I'm yeah, still tempting to fire up my Sega CD at times to play the oldies.

That and I cracked and got Sonic CD for the ipod since I was lazy, hey can't beat 99 cents and it even captures a sense of difficulty since the controls on the ipod suck lol.

Oh and I miss the cute chubby Sonic, why'd they go for a retarded lean look anyways?


blatant Nintendo fanboy
Triple Trouble for the Game Gear was definitely the best of the Game Gear releases. It may have just been my favorite because I could play it in the car, but it was still a great game.
Sonic CD was a really... rough one with me. Despite having awesome music for both versions, a beautiful animated intro (at least in the rereleases), and the fantastic Palmtree Panic and Stardust Speedway, the general level design just felt... cluttered and extremely gimmicky, and there was just too much going on at the time, making all the rest of the stages extremely forgettable.

It's also cheap that you can't beat the final boss (aka the D-pad of Doom) without getting hit. And don't even get me started on Collision Chaos' Robotnik battle...

Anything after Sonic & Knuckles is total crap. There are a few exceptions (Sonic Colors) but there's not much to talk about after Sonic & Knuckles.

I can't remember if Sonic CD came out after or before S&K, but that was a damn good sonic game. The time travel thing worked out pretty good, and it has BY FAR the best music of any Sonic game.

One thing about all the old sonic games too was that they were actually challenging. Nowadays the games are so easy, I can play through one without losing a ring. Ever. Its sad to see this fantastic series go to the shitter because of a horrid furry fanbase and developers that don't give a fuck anymore.


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really disappointed this isn't like a hedgehog pet thread... I want a hedgehog so bad
really disappointed this isn't like a hedgehog pet thread... I want a hedgehog so bad
So do I, but apparently in the state I live in, it's actually illegal without a special permit (looked it up one night out of boredom), which is kinda lame...especially with the lame bugs around here. Especially if you consider hedge owners in England get to entice them over for free with food.

That and I would dye mine blue and give him cute little red sneakers to run around in.
I own a Sega Genesis with Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic 2, Sonic 3, Sonic and Knuckles, Sonic Spinball, and Sonic 3D (sucks). I also own Sonic 1, 2, and Sonic and Knuckles on Xbox 360. Every other Sonic game I've touched I don't want people to know about except for side-games in Sonic Mega Collection. Those old ones were my childhood though. And the music is brilliant


Chwa for no reason!
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I remember loving the jump from 2d to 3d when i saw sonic adventures 1 and 2. .______. they ruined it :( the 2ds were great too but i really fell in love with sonic adventures, i remember standing in target or walmart or w/e for like a half an hour playing on the demo thing because it was so good.
Sonic 1: underrated

Sonic 2: really good but why do people call it the best one?

Sonic 3: amazing

"& Knuckles": need to play =(

Sonic CD: I don't even know anymore. The first time I played it, it was my favorite by far. The second time (years later), it disappointed me. So I'll probably be playing it a third time at some point.

Sonic Advance 1: Very solid. It's the closest thing I've played to a new Sonic game that "feels" old, though it's a little more polished in some areas and a little less polished in others.

Sonic Advance 2: Total garbage. Sonic Team decided that Sonic was "all about running really really fast all the time and then dying sometimes for no reason," and so that's what they made.

Sonic Advance 3: Somehow even worse than Advance 2. It's like Sonic Team said, "okay, we went a little overboard with the running really really fast thing and the dying for no reason stuff. Let's tone that down slightly but then also ruin the physics of the game entirely, and then give the player a bunch of platforming to do with those terrible terrible physics." This is easily my least favorite 2d Sonic game.

Sonic Adventure: I don't even know. I was a kid when I first played it, and I just wanted to play a fucking Sonic game, so this really wasn't what I was looking for at all. It's probably okay?

Sonic Adventure 2: Why don't people praise this game more? It's not incredible or anything, but it seems to actually capture the Sonic formula in a 3d form pretty well, doesn't it? I even felt like the story was... I mean... an acceptable shift from the norm? I also spent tons of time in the Chao garden here. Too much. >_>

Sonic Heroes: The first Sonic game I ever disliked. This game probably changed my life or something, because it's the first time I remember being excited for a game and then playing it and slowly realizing that it was trash.

Sonic and the Secret Rings or whatever: should have been called Sonic Wildfire as they originally planned. It felt clunky from what I played of it, and the story/music was so worthless that I just had no motivation to continue with it.

And that's it so far! I've been meaning to finish 3&K for a long time now. Like... over a decade or something. So that's first on my agenda, but I also plan on playing the other new 2d stuff, starting with the Rush series. Considering that Sonic Advance 2 and 3 got fairly decent reception, I really really do not have high hopes for them (or Colors). Shrug.


I Like Chopin
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The Windy level of Sonic Adventure was like a tech demo for gaming's future. I remember as a kid I thought that game was one of the best, but it really has not aged well due to bugs and some design flaws (see extended cast).
personally I found the Werehog far more tolerable than some of the other insufferable gimmicks that plagued most of Sonic's 3D outings (Fishing anyone?). At least the gameplay wasn't utterly broken, it just felt really out of place.

Daytime stages were fantastic though, no doubt there
If the meaning of my username hasn't been made clear, I love the Sonic games. What I'm gonna do now is go through every Sonic game in the main series, briefly tell you what I think about them, and link a couple of music tracks that I like from that game. HERE WE....GO!

Sonic 1: I believe this was the first 16-bit game I've played. It's still a very fun game to this day. Very unique for its time and it's a Sonic game that actually recognises that it's a platformer first, not a "SPEED SPEED SPEED" game first.
Green Hill Zone
Scrap Brain Zone

Sonic 2: Kinda overrated IMO. The level design just isn't as good as what it was in Sonic 1. Too many of the levels could easily be completed by Spin Dashing from the start, then holding right and jumping a lot. Still a very good game regardless.
Chemical Plant Zone
Aquatic Ruin Zone

Sonic CD: One of my favorites. Very unique levels, the time travel gimmick is very cool, and the Japanese soundtrack is probably the best soundtrack of any Sonic game I've played. Plus, the downloadable version is such a steal, buy it right now if you haven't already.
Palmtree Panic Present
Stardust Speedway Bad Future

Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Another one of my favorites. Sonic 3 & Knuckles is packed with cool shit. The levels are huge, every act has its own boss(es), and it's just a lot of fun to play.
Ice Cap Zone Act 1
Mushroom Hill Zone Act 1

Sonic Adventure: This has not aged well. The stages for Sonic and Tails just aren't very impressive compared to the older games and some of the newer games. The other game modes range from OK (Knuckles and Gamma) to terrible (Amy and Big).
Speed Highway
Lost World

Sonic Adventure 2: First Sonic game I ever played. I was hooked the moment I started boarding down San Francisco on a piece of an airplane. The Sonic & Shadow stages thankfully still hold up. They are very refined compared to the levels from Sonic Adventure 1. I could've done without the mecha and treasure hunting stages, but it's good that the gameplay types were restricted to Sonic Adventure's best.
City Escape
Crazy Gadget

Sonic Heroes: I don't like this game. I don't like how the graphics are significantly worse than Adventure 2's. I don't like how bland the levels are. I don't like how repetitive getting everything is. I don't like how bad the dialogue is and how bad the voice actors are, making me want to punch a kitten every time someone opened their mouth. This game just doesn't really sit well with me.
Grand Metropolis
What I'm Made Of

Shadow the Hedgehog: I somehow enjoyed this more than Heroes. I think one of the main things that pushed this ahead of Heroes was that, while this game was also repetitive, you could at least decide what levels you wanted to go to and what objectives you wanted to complete in each playthrough. In Heroes, you just go through the same 7 zones in the same order in each mode, with only slight differences between each one. I also much prefer the hilariously trying-hard-to-be-dark tone of this game over the stupidly childish tone of Heroes. Shadow is still a very flawed game though. The controls are pretty slippery and the Chaos powers clearly needed more testing. As for the guns, I think they worked just fine, even if they are probably the last thing I wanted in a Sonic game. The vehicles, on the other hand, can rot in hell.
All Hail Shadow

Sonic 2006: I haven't played this game. Judging from what I've heard about it and the gameplay footage that I've watched, I'm probably going to keep it that way.
Kingdom Valley
Dreams of an Absolution

Sonic Unleashed: The Werehog gets WAY too much hate. It's very different from normal Sonic gameplay, but that's a very poor excuse for not liking something. Personally, I think the Werehog's platforming was nicely done, and the combat was OK as well. My only gripe is that you can't really control the camera, which can be very frustrating at times. As for the day stages, they're great. They're insanely fast and I love how all the levels are inspired by IRL locations. Now for the real main flaw of the game, what possessed Sonic Team to implement the medal system? The medals aren't exactly easy to find, and you often have to collect a large amount of them to access the next level, it's incredibly stupid.
Windmill Isle Day
Egg Dragoon

Sonic 4: Episode 1: I don't really know what to think of this game. It's not bad by any means, but I don't think the whole concept of bringing Classic Sonic gameplay back worked the way most people wanted. This game just feels like an awkward cross between Sonic 2 and Sonic Rush. Aside from the core gameplay, I don't like the lack of content. Only 4 full zones and a boss rush zone gives this game little substance.
Lost Labyrinth Zone Act 2
Mad Gear Zone Act 1

Sonic Colors: Yet another one of my favorites. This is basically Unleashed, but with everything that was bad about it taken out. What you have left is some really good Sonic gameplay. The Wisps are a pretty nice gimmick as well, adding an exploration factor to the levels without detracting from the main gameplay.
Sweet Mountain Act 1
Aquarium Park Act 1

Sonic Generations: THIS is how you make an anniversary game, developers of Sonic 2006. Generations is an excellent nostalgia trip, filled with all sorts of references to past Sonic games. Classic Sonic plays very closely to the Mega Drive games, and Modern Sonic was just as good as he was in Unleashed's day stages.
Speed Highway Classic
Super Sonic Racing

Holy fuck, this is probably my longest post ever.

EDIT: One more thing.

One thing about all the old sonic games too was that they were actually challenging. Nowadays the games are so easy, I can play through one without losing a ring. Ever.
Go play Eggmanland, then tell me that Unleashed is too easy.
personally I found the Werehog far more tolerable than some of the other insufferable gimmicks that plagued most of Sonic's 3D outings (Fishing anyone?). At least the gameplay wasn't utterly broken, it just felt really out of place.
Agreed. The Night Stages get way more ire than they really deserve. It does feel a little odd for Sonic to be in a beat-em-up setting, but the way they play actually feels pretty solid. The platforming works, the punches actually work, and the bosses I fought were pretty intense. Then again, I typically like playing classic beat-em-ups like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (even though I suck at them).

I have a question for the "sane Sonic" thread: If the character you were controlling in the "night stages" was NOT the Werehog but some other character entirely (I actually think this might be a fun way to play with Knuckles, for example), would these beat-em-up segments still get the level of scorn they receive?

And now for something completely different: something I've been meaning to tell the Internet for a long time about Sonic. Do you guys remember when the whiny Sonic fans were going berserk over the voice actors? (Like that one guy who called Jason Griffith "that thing that just fucked up what Sonic's character is"?) Well, here's my personal experience with that.

When I was listening to the voice acting between Sonic Adventure 2 Battle and Sonic Heroes, as opposed to the 4Kids voices for that awful cartoon and Shadow the Hedgehog, I actually did notice a number of characters having different voices between casts: Shadow, Eggman, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Rouge...

But do you want to know the funny part? I actually didn't really notice much of a difference between the voices used for the one character people raged about most: Sonic himself. Huh.


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If the meaning of my username hasn't been made clear, I love the Sonic games. What I'm gonna do now is go through every Sonic game in the main series, briefly tell you what I think about them, and link a couple of music tracks that I like from that game. HERE WE....GO!

Sonic 1: I believe this was the first 16-bit game I've played. It's still a very fun game to this day. Very unique for its time and it's a Sonic game that actually recognises that it's a platformer first, not a "SPEED SPEED SPEED" game first.
Green Hill Zone
Scrap Brain Zone

Sonic 2: Kinda overrated IMO. The level design just isn't as good as what it was in Sonic 1. Too many of the levels could easily be completed by Spin Dashing from the start, then holding right and jumping a lot. Still a very good game regardless.
Chemical Plant Zone
Aquatic Ruin Zone

Sonic CD: One of my favorites. Very unique levels, the time travel gimmick is very cool, and the Japanese soundtrack is probably the best soundtrack of any Sonic game I've played. Plus, the downloadable version is such a steal, buy it right now if you haven't already.
Palmtree Panic Present
Stardust Speedway Bad Future

Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Another one of my favorites. Sonic 3 & Knuckles is packed with cool shit. The levels are huge, every act has its own boss(es), and it's just a lot of fun to play.
Ice Cap Zone Act 1
Mushroom Hill Zone Act 1

Sonic Adventure: This has not aged well. The stages for Sonic and Tails just aren't very impressive compared to the older games and some of the newer games. The other game modes range from OK (Knuckles and Gamma) to terrible (Amy and Big).
Speed Highway
Lost World

Sonic Adventure 2: First Sonic game I ever played. I was hooked the moment I started boarding down San Francisco on a piece of an airplane. The Sonic & Shadow stages thankfully still hold up. They are very refined compared to the levels from Sonic Adventure 1. I could've done without the mecha and treasure hunting stages, but it's good that the gameplay types were restricted to Sonic Adventure's best.
City Escape
Crazy Gadget

Sonic Heroes: I don't like this game. I don't like how the graphics are significantly worse than Adventure 2's. I don't like how bland the levels are. I don't like how repetitive getting everything is. I don't like how bad the dialogue is and how bad the voice actors are, making me want to punch a kitten every time someone opened their mouth. This game just doesn't really sit well with me.
Grand Metropolis
What I'm Made Of

Shadow the Hedgehog: I somehow enjoyed this more than Heroes. I think one of the main things that pushed this ahead of Heroes was that, while this game was also repetitive, you could at least decide what levels you wanted to go to and what objectives you wanted to complete in each playthrough. In Heroes, you just go through the same 7 zones in the same order in each mode, with only slight differences between each one. I also much prefer the hilariously trying-hard-to-be-dark tone of this game over the stupidly childish tone of Heroes. Shadow is still a very flawed game though. The controls are pretty slippery and the Chaos powers clearly needed more testing. As for the guns, I think they worked just fine, even if they are probably the last thing I wanted in a Sonic game. The vehicles, on the other hand, can rot in hell.
All Hail Shadow

Sonic 2006: I haven't played this game. Judging from what I've heard about it and the gameplay footage that I've watched, I'm probably going to keep it that way.
Kingdom Valley
Dreams of an Absolution

Sonic Unleashed: The Werehog gets WAY too much hate. It's very different from normal Sonic gameplay, but that's a very poor excuse for not liking something. Personally, I think the Werehog's platforming was nicely done, and the combat was OK as well. My only gripe is that you can't really control the camera, which can be very frustrating at times. As for the day stages, they're great. They're insanely fast and I love how all the levels are inspired by IRL locations. Now for the real main flaw of the game, what possessed Sonic Team to implement the medal system? The medals aren't exactly easy to find, and you often have to collect a large amount of them to access the next level, it's incredibly stupid.
Windmill Isle Day
Egg Dragoon

Sonic 4: Episode 1: I don't really know what to think of this game. It's not bad by any means, but I don't think the whole concept of bringing Classic Sonic gameplay back worked the way most people wanted. This game just feels like an awkward cross between Sonic 2 and Sonic Rush. Aside from the core gameplay, I don't like the lack of content. Only 4 full zones and a boss rush zone gives this game little substance.
Lost Labyrinth Zone Act 2
Mad Gear Zone Act 1

Sonic Colors: Yet another one of my favorites. This is basically Unleashed, but with everything that was bad about it taken out. What you have left is some really good Sonic gameplay. The Wisps are a pretty nice gimmick as well, adding an exploration factor to the levels without detracting from the main gameplay.
Sweet Mountain Act 1
Aquarium Park Act 1

Sonic Generations: THIS is how you make an anniversary game, developers of Sonic 2006. Generations is an excellent nostalgia trip, filled with all sorts of references to past Sonic games. Classic Sonic plays very closely to the Mega Drive games, and Modern Sonic was just as good as he was in Unleashed's day stages.
Speed Highway Classic
Super Sonic Racing

Holy fuck, this is probably my longest post ever.

EDIT: One more thing.

Go play Eggmanland, then tell me that Unleashed is too easy.
No Black Knight (Not that it was that good, but it was still a game)?

Seconding Eggmanland day stages. It took me forever to break C on the full run through.
No Black Knight (Not that it was that good, but it was still a game)?

Seconding Eggmanland day stages. It took me forever to break C on the full run through.
I didn't count Black Knight (and for that matter, Secret Rings) as part of the main series, since it's an on-rails game. And I agree, it wasn't very good. The levels were really bogged down with enemies, which I wouldn't have minded so much if the combat didn't come down to mindlessly waggling the Wiimote.
I really mostly like Sonic 2 or Sonic 3/Knuckles... but, nowadays, I get branded as a modern-hater, so I don't like to talk about it much, especially to a general Sonic fandom audience...

It's mostly about how Sonic was just a really exciting thing when I was a kid, he was cool, the games were colorful and there was so much speed and the "wow" factor, and there was just enough story to where you didn't even really have to care about it to enjoy the game. That and learning the controls and the special moves... not a lot of moves, not hard to learn, and nothing to prompt you when you had to use a certain move, except for an obvious obstacle or two.

I guess some people just had to "be there". We had 2 Sonic cartoons, a comic book, and promotions in the grocery stores and fast food places... and a game every year. Then 1994 came around and we got 2 games that year. When I saw the tiny little advertisement at the end of the TRU catalog we got in the mail, I just about flipped. I remember cutting it out and taping it to my Trapper Keeper. It was a great time to be a Sonic fan.

I miss my Genesis. ;.; I had the 32X and all the Sonic games, plus Chaotix... they got lost by a moving company when my friend was borrowing them. I blame them. They lost my childhood. I was able to get them back (mostly) from the Virtual Console, but... without the non-HD screen and the Genesis controllers, just not the same. :P

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