You hating? Stop Hating. *VGC Top 4*

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No Longer Live
won the 1st Smogon VGC Tournament
Herro Prease. Wourd you rike a schitty Warstory?
So I
told Min Datoo (GEC)
that I would win the tournament, but sadly I fell short. It all started when I woke in the morning feeling like P. Hornak.
I was ready to play my hardest. I went down to the expo center where I saw Evan
and Andrea
and some other ducks which I’ll call other ducks because I don’t want to find all their pictures, yere. We watch Cybertron own some kids (Hitmonrocker) in the finals of the senior division. We then head over to Chic-Fil-A where we get some lunch before the Masters start. We walk back and we get in line.

Round 1:
He crit me with Rock slide on my genie. Don’t remember the rest. I won. GG

Round 2:
She used Foul Play ZOZOZOZoark and this was her first year. GG

Round 3:
He used Emolga and Emboar. Nuff Said. GG I won.

Round 4:
I played Sapphire Birch, who I will refer to as Sapphire Birch because I don’t know his name. Yes, he is a guy and he is black. It was a good game both teams played really hard. I won agaaaaain.

By now I’m in the finalist lounge as Master #1. I am feeling good, and I know the months of training under waterfalls paid off. I see that three other ducks made it into the finalist lounge. It was Evan


and Dtrain
We quack for a bit and then we get to work. We all got byes so at least 4 ducks achieved Nats invites. So this is where things get real.

Top 16 Match:
I played DoomBrynger? (Can’t remember how to spell it). He used standard Trick Room and I led my standard Trick Room counters. I don't remember much but I won.GGGG

Top 8:
I played Sandman. I messed up by not subbing with Thundurus when he Spored with Tailwind up. I had to double protect with Krook to win the game and it happened. I just got cash.

Top 4:
Vs SuperWolfe. It was a horrible game and I played like trash. He played well. :( GG. I lost.

That’s okay because I’m going to Newark to play again. Hopefully I can have a good time and hang out with more ducks. This whole story is my props. There wasn’t one bad thing about this day. I believe that’s a win.

Also, I met Jibaku. :D


Who let marco in here????
is a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a CAP Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
I didnt get a mention at all in this warstory


EDIT: Thanks

Less hate

[02:02] <tyler422> :D
[02:02] <tyler422> <3

Feeling better

[02:08] <Ninahaza> men do not give hearts to each other tyler

Hmm Ninahaza might be right about the hearts thing...

GEC is the best


is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
yes it is true i told tyler
to win this specific vgc i even chanted a very lucky chant for him on skype the night before which went like DEEEEEEAGLE BEEEEEEAGLE EHHH
but i was also rooting for the other ducks
too as well as vgc newcomer jibaku
but then as i was watching the stream
i cried because i saw everyone getting haxed but dont worry it is alright my boy tyler sucks
but deagle doesnt
and im min datoo


My vast and supreme will shall be done!
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Three-Time Past SPL Championis a Two-Time Past WCoP Champion
Congrats Tyler
you did a good job and I am sure Marriland
was impressed with your performance. I
know I was. See you in Indy
Sorry dude, and imma let you finish, but THE KING OF ALL OSTRICHES had the best warstory of all time!

Grats on top 4 bro, shame you couldn't deeeeeeaaaaaggllllleeeeeee Beeeeaaaaaggggllllleeeee Ehhhhhhh your way to the final
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