Tournament UUPL XII - Finals [Won by Friend Safari Pokemon Trainers]


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  • Follow all rules listed here.​
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  • If you are unable to schedule with your opponent, please let your managers know ASAP so they can communicate that to me or the other team's managers for a potential substitute.​
  • Substitutions may be made after a week has started. When making a substitution, please tag myself, the managers of the opposing team, and all of the players affected by the substitute to ensure that everyone is made aware. Players who have already played in the week or were subbed out in the same week cannot be subbed back in.​
  • If a match remains incomplete by the time of the deadline, it will be subject to an activity call.​
  • Replays are mandatory. Not only are they useful for confirming wins, they contribute to usage stats and allow the people who couldn't watch the games live to watch them later.​
  • Managers: Please send me your lineups in the same format that I used to post pairings. It makes it much easier to post future rounds more quickly.​
>>Commencement Thread<<
Replays and Usage Stats<<
Courtesy of the amazing Ticken!


Friend Safari Pokemon Trainers (5) vs (5) Sinjoh Ruin Strikers
SV UU: vivalospride vs Sabella
SV UU: Meru vs JustFranco
SV UU: Punny vs tier
SS UU: Larry vs Taka
SM UU: odr vs pdt
ORAS UU: Chaitanya vs Fragments
BW UU: Monai vs Amukamara
DPP UU: LpZ vs Highlord
ADV UU: shiloh vs fatty
GSC UU: dawnbuster vs Torchic

Friend Safari Pokemon Trainers (0) vs (0) Sinjoh Ruin Strikers
SV UU: vivalospride vs Sabella
SV UU: Meru vs JustFranco
SV UU: Punny vs tier
SS UU: Larry vs Taka
SM UU: odr vs pdt
ORAS UU: Chaitanya vs Fragments
BW UU: Monai vs Amukamara
DPP UU: LpZ vs Highlord
ADV UU: shiloh vs fatty
GSC UU: dawnbuster vs Torchic

The deadline for this round is Sunday, May 5th at 11:59 PM GMT -4.​


formerly Melt Gibson
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haven't done dicts for a hot minute so here ya go

Friend Safari Pokemon Trainers (4) vs (6) Sinjoh Ruin Strikers
SV UU: vivalospride vs Sabella - viv's been hitting his stride in this meta recently and playing really hard, expecting him to keep up w the hot streak
SV UU: Meru vs JustFranco - if he doesn't get CT'd he wins but people have been figuring out franco's tendencies p hard lately so i'm less confident in this than i would have been at the start of the season
SV UU: Punny vs tier - punny's performance this tour has been fairly underwhelming for a player of his stature BUT when he cares about a game he wins and this is finals so i believe
SS UU: Larry vs Taka - i believe the last time i saw taka talk abt SS he said he was fairly burnt out on it but he gets the extra bestie points and i do still believe he's competent enough to pull this off. as much as i hate SS i will admit that it does at least usually reward the better player so this is prob anyone's game
SM UU: odr vs pdt - similar to punny, rly underwhelming record from someone who i know can do better, but i have no doubt he'll cook and play well. also giving him extra points just bc even if he didn't actually play the game seeing ORAS for tiebreaker and putting yourself in vs pak is a certified mas cojones move and i applaud it
ORAS UU: Chaitanya vs Fragments - i'm ngl this is probably the game i'm least excited for, both are capable players but ORAS is a tier known for its nuance and since there's no dingbat in the equation i'm not really expecting anyone to cook super hard
BW UU: Monai vs Amukamara - i'd bold monai vs just about anyone else but it's BW liam lol, i do NOT have to explain myself
DPP UU: LpZ vs Highlord - see above, it's lpz playing an oldgen low tier, i have no doubt he'll cook and play well
ADV UU: shiloh vs fatty - i really have not been liking shiloh's builds this tour, and while fatty def has some eyebrow raising opinions on adv he's still good and i also feel a slight obligation to root for my advpl teammate
GSC UU: dawnbuster vs Torchic - sit down, be humble.

also since it's about over and this is my first uupl i wanna do some shoutouts for the camphrier town fellas (seriously how did we not get a single actual lady), love u all and super proud of our comeback, even if we did have our run cut short we went out with a bang and that's all i can ask for. wish i had been around a bit more but i'm thankful for the experience and wishing all of y'all happy trails. see u next year o7

[these are in pricelist order]

Monky25 Estarossa thanks for picking me up besties, i was a little worried as i was not doing so hot on the sheet (and admittedly still haven't after this lol) and most teams weren't holding actual tryouts, but y'all grabbed me and i'm super happy you did :) thank you for giving me chances to play and for being involved as managers throughout the tour, ppl underestimated us from the start and you didn't let it get to you at all and whether you know it or not that was huge for morale (at least on my end). see u in the qc trenches boys.

Askov this tour was admittedly the extent of my interaction with you up until now, u were mostly just a name i knew and saw in passing but had never actually spoken to and i'm glad that this tour changed that. seeing your crackpot SV cooking was always a joy even if half of it made me audibly sigh.

Heysup my adv goat, ik you've been hitting a rough patch lately but i still believe. glad we got to get back in the kitchen together even if i couldn't test as much this time around and i will always be thankful for ur guidance and help. hopefully dpppl doesn't suck (pleasefor the love of god load molt next week)

Eternal Spirit i did not talk to you much unfortunately :( you do seem cool though! would team with you again for sure, watching you play BW was really fun even if we did end up switching you to SV later on. stay frosty bud.

Highways was super cool getting to actually be on a team together after snake, altho this unfortunately didn't go as well as that tour did. but hey, your wish was granted! i got to have a good uupl!

DugZa same as askov, name i've seen everywhere and in a bunch of tours but never actually talked to or teamed with until now. again, glad i did, you're chill and v helpful in prep and also fun to watch play, hope you got what you wanted out of this tour and hopefully see you around soon

Attribute why is this list so full of people i interacted with for the first time this tour??? anyways you're fucking hilarious even though watching your prep channel felt like watching someone speedrun a dementia diagnosis in real time. whether you're aware or not you spent this entire season teaching me that making fun of opponent's chokes is, in fact, an art form

Mossy Sandwich my goat, sorry you couldn't get the back to back rings but glad you got drafted from the get go this time around. i know you probably think you could have done better because you're a perfectionist but i'm proud of how you did and working with you in prep and talking about the meta was a joy as always.

Mister McLovin my goat 2, unironically saved us in the BW prep department and i'm sad you didn't get any games even if that is just the nature of the biz. ppl need to stop sleeping on you though, i was genuinely shocked when we had to get a sub for armada and your name came up because i was confident you'd have been drafted already. one day you're finally gonna get your time in the spotlight bro, i promise

Alkione super chill and again. glad we finally got to be on a team together. not too much else to say other than that i'm proud of you for pulling through in the back half when we had to rearrange the lineup, enjoy your (semi) retirement

etern prob one of the biggest steals on this whole roster ngl, you cooked super hard and gamed harder and gave me some really fun SM content to watch. istg it's always the NU players that end up pulling these teams together

innovamania my goat 3, similar to heysup i rly enjoyed cooking adv with you and i'm happy we finally got to team despite being friends beforehand :)

ThatOneApple my goat 4, really happy you managed to pull out of this with a very strong record and if i took this game any sort of seriously i'd honestly be envious. cooking with you and mossy was a joy and i'm glad we managed to catch on to the rhyp wave like 3 months in advance back when this started up. you've got a bright future ahead of you and i'm really excited to see where you go

love all of you guys, don't be strangers! <3
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Friend Safari Pokemon Trainers (4) vs (6) Sinjoh Ruin Strikers
SV UU: vivalospride vs Sabella: I really admire viv's playstyle + building, will be a close one but I'm giving the edge to viv
SV UU: Meru vs JustFranco: Meru always locks in for UUPL but I feel safer bolding Franco just for his overall dominance in SV UU so far even if people are aware of his crutch
SV UU: Punny vs tier: I don't really care about their recent records, punny is a sick player who has been in these situations before and will probably clutch this one out.
SS UU: Larry vs Taka: My GOAT, a lot of bax bro bias here but I do believe Taka can pull this one off
SM UU: odr vs pdt: Stronger player, has led his team very well so far and I'm sure he is super motivated to pull out a win here and set the example for the rest of his team
ORAS UU: Chaitanya vs Fragments: Bestie bias kicking in here as well, both are strong players I'm sure it will be a fun one to watch
BW UU: Monai vs Amukamara: Both are great BW players, but only one is Liam
DPP UU: LpZ vs Highlord : Oldgen God
ADV UU: shiloh vs fatty: Both have had neutral results this UUPL, giving the edge to shiloh based mostly on vibes (and my lack of ADV UU knowledge lmao).
GSC UU: dawnbuster vs Torchic: 7-1 is an insane record...

Glad lots of my friends made finals here and I can't wait to see these matches. Best of luck to both teams !!


let's go on an adventure
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never again will i not bold fragments, go fragments go franco go vivalospride!


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UU Leader
Friend Safari Pokemon Trainers (6) vs (4) Sinjoh Ruin Strikers
SV UU: vivalospride vs Sabella - viv has looked so much more comfortable in SV than elsewhere. Booty's been using stuff that's fun and unique and I always love when he puts his unique spin on things. I think it's just easier to bet on viv here especially with Tryhard Status in mind but I would not at all be surprised to see it go the other way.
SV UU: Meru vs JustFranco - This is def the hardest SV to call and possibly the hardest of the entire series, but I have faith in Meru to figure something out that'll get through Franco. Franco's teams lately have been hit after hit though and it just seems like he gets this meta more than others do. It's definitely wrong to bold against him but I just have faith this'll work out for Meru, I guess it depends on how lazy Franco gets.
SV UU: Punny vs tier - No disrespect to tier but just can't bold him when he hasn't won a game here since like February
SS UU: Larry vs Taka - Larry has apparently been very good in SS OU lately. However I am pretty sure he hasn't played an SS UU game in uhh ever. He's always good at randomly subbing into these tiers and winning but Taka has played it a decent amount both this tour and in the past so it just seems more fair to bold him.
SM UU: odr vs pdt - I've never noticed how similar these two names look side by side until now. odr will win if he doesn't load Mega Beedrill but I have a feeling he will and so I'm bolding pdt.
ORAS UU: Chaitanya vs Fragments - I have beef with Fragments for my poor Slowking's demise and so I'm bolding Chait. But more seriously he just has like 10 years of ORAS experience compared to Fragments having 2 weeks.
BW UU: Monai vs Amukamara - Monai has been bringing cool stuff but it's just not fair to not bold Liam here
DPP UU: LpZ vs Highlord - Underdog pick? Maybe. LpZ's been on fire but if I ever bold against HIghlord in anything else I'll be receiving the curse of a thousand suns after what his Houndoom did to me
ADV UU: shiloh vs fatty - Some stupid shit is gonna happen in this game I already know it...
GSC UU: dawnbuster vs Torchic - This will inevitably be the deciding game and will be played at 1AM and I'm so unhappy that the tournament will come down to this but I think dawn's gonna nab it

Good luck both teams, hoping the friends finally get one. <3 my Idols and thank you all for your hard work this season.

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