Announcement This is very slightly overdue


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So it's been four years and ten months since I have been nommed RUTL in a bit of a tumultuous time, and, well, that's an absurdly long time for anyone to do this. With RU well stabilized for this gen both in tiering and community wise however, it's the best time it's ever been for me to step down.

And yes, it's been a bit overdue LOL. I was really hoping to step away during the last year of SWSH as it was very obvious to me the game was not what it was for me then. But one giant manchild and a very silly event started by very silly individuals made it so that it really wasn't possible then. For that, my first and most obvious thanks goes to Feliburn. You honestly saved the tier coming back from your... third? retirement to lead it, not just in the epic memes but by being an amazing person according to everyone. Knowing you has been a privilege and a blessing, and I don't think anyone has been as lucky as I have been being co-tl with you for so long. Trust me, I know what I am talking about there ROFL.

Other thanks to Denial because you're not escaping this one. Your motivation for the tier to be better was honestly what it needed, and still does. I think this new bunch of people are doing it and it's truly wonderful to see you contributing to it despite some truly silly nonsense that went your way. Thanks to feen for being a good rutl before stepping away. You were a great model for me back then, and I hope you will be like this for the next rutl :3

And uh, thanks to phantom. Yes, you abandoned us for immensely ridiculous reasons, and your ego got in the way one last time. But... we were co-tls for about three years. When I was crying my eyes out the night Chrisloud passed away, you were there for me. When we had to ban people to keep the community safe, no matter the standing they had, you were there. I just wish that you got less in the way of being the person you could be, but unfortunately by the way it ended that's not really possible now is it. I do hope the people in your life, both current and in the future, will see it way more than I did.

Finally, thank you to everyone in the RU community, from my beginnings in 2015 to now nearly a decade later. I've met truly wonderful people and really I cannot name them all!!! But the community has grown and changed massively over that time and it's honestly wonderful to see a new group of people so committed to making the tier better and more accessible to newcomers. The numbers we get in terms of signups and new contributors are really impressive, and it's a testament to the hard work everyone is pulling in now. I hope I can still contribute in my own small way! Honestly I already feel way too bigheaded making this thread but I was convinced to...

But yes yes, thank you, good luck, you are all awesome, lets go RU wooooooo

(I am staying on for a bit before all the bureaucratic things are settled ofc I forgot to do that one last time....)


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:pika: <-- me when I heard the news
Sad to see you go, but a very well deserved TL retirement.
The list of stuff you did for RU is way too long name here, but you basically were the one consistent thing for as long as I play RU. You have been TL from the moment I started playing RU, making you the face of RU. I legit cant think of RU without immediatly thinking of you.
Thanks for everything and I wish you the best, you rock!
J'vais pas y aller par 4 chemins ni par Trois-Rivières, ça me fait un choc de voir l'une de mes joueuses préférées, de surcroît une de mes premières influences sur Poké, mettre la clé sous la porte.

Il me semble bien que tu sois la première personne avec qui j'ai parlé de RU quand j'ai commencé à jouer le tier y a 3 ans et demi (déjà... on est vieux tabarnak), ça veut peut-être pas dire grand chose mais crois-moi qu'à partir des premières convs qu'on a eu quand j'étais encore un newbie, tu as été l'élément déclencheur de pourquoi j'ai continué à jouer le tier, de pourquoi j'ai fini par en être autant passionné et avoir autant de motivation pour le poncer dans toutes les générations possibles, de pourquoi malgré le fait que tu puisses pas te voir le SwSh en peinture je t'ai tjrs prise comme l'une de mes inspirations majeures pour tryhard la gen, et j'dois dire que j'ai été assez heureux d'avoir fait le cheminement du gamin un peu weird qui osait pas trop parler à finir par être ton joueur en RUPL. Même si bon, ça c'est limite anecdotique à côté de toute l'énergie que j'ai mis dans le tier rien que grâce à l'influence que t'as eu sur moi au niveau du jeu.

Quand je regarde un peu tout ce que j'ai fait de lié au RU depuis 3 ans, ne serait-ce que pour faire la promotion du tier en France typiquement, quand je vois le résultat de mon travail depuis des années pour faire connaître le tier aux gens etc., j'me dis que j'en serais probablement jamais arrivé à là si, de part ta passion du jeu, ton énergie et ta clémence (même si à chaque fois que je cliquais Scald j'avais peur de me faire menacer de mort), tu m'avais pas donné envie de continuer à push up mes efforts.

Pour le peu que j'ai réussi à faire pour le tier, je te dois vraiment une fière chandelle pour toute l'inspiration que tu m'as donné, c'est toujours un vrai plaisir pour moi de te voir dans les alentours même si jsuis pas du genre à le montrer. Loin de moi l'idée de sonner comme un fanboy n'ayant pas la tête en place, mais à l'instar de Franklin, je peux legit pas penser au RU sans penser à toi dans l'immédiat.
Un grand merci pour avoir fait de moi le joueur que jsuis, c'est resté mon tier préféré depuis la seconde où j'ai commencé à le jouer, et le bon Dieu sait qu'on avait besoin de gens aussi énergiques et impliqués que tu ne l'es pour continuer à faire croître l'intérêt que les gens ont pour le RU.

En te souhaitant le meilleur pour la suite, j'espère que ce ne sera que pour le mieux, t'es la best. :heart:


Comfortably Numb
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Thanks a lot for everything you did for this tier Evi, no doubt that this community is as warm-hearted and welcoming as it is because of you. I won’t be writing a book like my guy up there but know that you will always be someone I look up to and I can’t stress how thankful I am for the opportunity you gave me not so long ago to be an active part of this beautiful community. RU will always be your home and I hope we still see you around :)
Lets go RU wooooooo


"Wait!" he says, do I look like a waiter?
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Evi, thank you so much for all you've done for this community of RarleyUsed. It will be very sad to see you step down and unfamiliar to not see you and FeliGOAT leading the charge for this tier. I hope you have fun with all of the stuff you will doing in the meantime. That being said, it would be fun to play some friendlies every now and then with ya. All you need to do is ask/chall! Good luck to you :blobthumbsup:
Merci pour tout evi (je vais le faire en français car je suis encore en train de me réveiller).

Depuis que j’ai commencé le jeu tu as toujours été super bienveillante avec moi meme quand je te spammais en mp pour que tu jouais contre mes horribles teams… Tu as fais un super travail pour que des mecs comme moi pas spécialement attache à Smogon restent faire des tournois sur le site . Bon je suis un peu nul pour ce genre de message donc je voulais te remercier pour tout ce que tu avais fais dans le tiers (trop long pour citer) et ce que tu as fais en général pour la communauté que ce soit ici ou sur discord. Meme si un jour tu arrêtes le jeu mes dms restent ouvert si tu veux qu’on s’appelle/parle car tu es devenu plus qu’une icône mais une amie.
Just wanted to say that what you've done for RU is immeasurable in terms of the impact you've had on the community. The biggest contribution I feel more than anything is making RU a safe and welcome space for everyone. I haven't ever seen anyone feel encumbered to speak and freely communicate with members of the community and that's in large part because you were very approachable and made sure the staff followed suit. Even when RU was going through some things with spirit and activity arguably died down a little during SWSH, you kept the ship steady with Feli and the recent growth in the community has a large part with how you've fostered a welcoming and fun community. Your approach to tiering is also something to be lauded as you've always made sure to actively play the tier and take in community input into every decision while being conscious of your role to guide the direction of the tier. No tier will ever be perfect but it's safe to say that the council in every iteration with you at the helm has always endeavoured to make a balanced and competitive tier. I know you'll stick around in tours etc. but I think I'm not alone when I say this that you'll always be remembered fondly as a welcoming, responsible and great TL. Good luck with what life has in store for you! I know you'll do great

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