Tournament OMPL XII - Commencement

Willdbeast'sSuperExcitingMysteryDraftPriceGuessingBonanza5.0! RESULTS

This year's bonanza saw a slight return to normality with a less exceptional number of correct guesses which makes this post a lot easier to write!
Without further ado the big winner was cityscapes with her spot on guess of 14k! Now that she's won the main event we'll have to see how well she performs in the OMPL side quest.

Runners up were myself with another correct guess (but guessing 3k is quite easy when it's either that or undrafted) and Chessking345 with a guess of 9.5k only out by 9% of his actual price.

Dishonourable mention goes to Clas for having the worst guess of this year. Perhaps misled by the moccs this guess was an impressive 6.5k off which makes it the worst guess of all time, if we don't count Fardin's guess of 35k in the first iteration of this tournament.

See you all next year for more price guessing shenanigans.

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