Drawing on the Cave Walls: a beginner's art

Hello Pokemon fans and art fans and bored teenagers alike! I've decided to finally make an art thread as a way to get my own ass off the seat and into some art! (which involves sitting also, but you get the idea). I've mostly done traditional doodles from time to time but now I have actually learned how to viably use a free art program, Medibang Paint Pro for the Mac! This means I can do digital art as well, which is usually much higher quality because I don't have a scanner or a printer even :(

With that said, gaze upon my flawless (lol) art!
Shuckle piece-1.jpg

Utter perfection. This bad boy is my first finished, real piece of digital art! Granted it's basically a copy of Shuckle's official art with a smile pasted on, but it's something! I made this only yesterday and I'm very proud of this, and probably always will be lol. Anyway, next image!
Screen Shot 2016-08-02 at 8.54.14 PM.png

A meme I made that you might recognize if you're an RU player. I had drawn this from hand with a pencil and purple pen and then took a picture of it! So its traditional media. But it has good detail and shading i think. And, well, it's funny.

This is a Darkrai piece that I drew with markers (?) a long time ago, maybe three, four years, in my notebook. Again, a copied design, but I like it. It's striking.

Here is some bad quality iPhone 4S pictures of some of the things I have drawn, mostly in this big notebook I have. Some of them are good! Though some you probably won't get.

So yeah that's my work! I'll probably be adding more stuff to the thread in due time. Feel free to praise and critique me as well! I've never received much feedback from people cause I don't draw much and rarely show off my drawings, so this would be a great change to improve!


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Hey so I was inspired by the JAP thread to do this: http://imgur.com/a/0a9ca (same image but allows you to view it better)


An Alola Exeggutor! This Pokemon has been thriving in the Alola region and has grown a fucking giraffe neck because of the, "harsh sun" in Alola. Anyway this is an amazing mon and I felt like drawing him sitting down! He ended up next to a lake / pond. Notice the intense shading on the left side of Exeggutor's body!
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