Bless A Curse

You come up with an equally unoriginal blessing

You gain crippling incontinence
It gives you the inspiration to give a beautiful lecture on achieving your dreams, to standing ovation. You die peacefully knowing you have inspired thousands around the world. I totally didn’t copy this

The rash decicions you make turn you into a scientific expert.

Crashing your plane.
You crashed into paradise, where you will never have to worry about problems ever again

I like that this thread is teaching people to see the positivity in life... I think

A global pandemic strikes
It gives you the inspiration to give a beautiful lecture on achieving your dreams, to standing ovation. You die peacefully knowing you have inspired thousands around the world. I totally didn’t copy this

You crashed into paradise, where you will never have to worry about problems ever again

I like that this thread is teaching people to see the positivity in life... I think

A global pandemic strikes
Social distancing is law.

World War III (and dont say armastice cus thats lame)
You are resistant to all forms of potential harm

You find the answer to a number divided by 0, which sucks you into a logic black hole


Trans rights are human rights
is a Forum Moderatoris a Tiering Contributoris a Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Past SPL Champion
From your position of singularity, you can now see everything the universe has to offer. With this new knowledge in tow, you can return to Earth and change society for the better.


Your external genitalia have been replaced with a fully functioning second nose.


User feints.
is a Forum Moderator
You are excused from the draft due to your crippling incontinence. Looks like your life isn’t so shitty after all ahaha

You stub your toe on the couch
Melisandre comes to your funeral and decides to resurrect you.

You are in the middle of the Sahara desert with no cities or any civilization in sight.


Upper Decky Lip Mints
is a Contributor to Smogon
But you're confided to the inner city of Detroit Michigan so nature is too afraid to hate.

You get caught jerking off in Church


User feints.
is a Forum Moderator
The job is pants-shitting. Congratulations, you're hired.

You tried to peel a sticker, but it's one of those paper-based stickers and only the top layer of the sticker came off.

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