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  • When do you wanna play for UPL? I’m GMT -3
    Hi, I’m +2. Wanna do like Saturday around 8-9pm +2?
    What about Sunday 9pm +2?
    Works, cya
    Can we pretend that
    Keldeos In the night sky are like shooting stars?
    I could really use a scald burn right now
    Burn right now, Burn right now
    I am a woawing mwoon uwu~ i am wed and bwue and fwy awound wif my gweat big wings! awa >-< if u downt powst this on 10 owther walls i will find u in your sv wadder games and sub and boostew enewgy and dd on u till i get to pwus six and 6-0 u owo! (◕‿◕✿)
    I am a woawing mwoon uwu~ i am wed and bwue and fwy awound wif my gweat big wings! awa >-< if u downt powst this on 10 owther walls i will find u in your sv wadder games and sub and boostew enewgy and dd on u till i get to pwus six and 6-0 u owo! (◕‿◕✿)
    I am a mowtwes gawar uwu~ i am bwack and wed and i fwy awound wif my gweat big wings! awa >-< if u downt powst this on 10 other walls i will find u in your wadder games and sub and nasty pwot on u till i get to pwus six and 6-0 u owo! (◕‿◕✿)
    Volc wasn’t legal in dpp ofc I lost e.e
    pweview-wess genewations now so goow awww >-<
    I am a mowtwes gawar uwu~ i am bwack and wed and i fwy awound wif my gweat big wings! awa >-< if u downt powst this on 10 other walls i will find u in your wadder games and sub and nasty pwot on u till i get to pwus six and 6-0 u owo! (◕‿◕✿)
    I am a mowtwes gawar uwu~ i am bwack and wed and i fwy awound wif my gweat big wings! awa >-< if u downt powst this on 10 other walls i will find u in your wadder games and sub and nasty pwot on u till i get to pwus six and 6-0 u owo! (◕‿◕✿)
    I am a mowtwes gawar uwu~ i am bwack and wed and i fwy awound wif my gweat big wings! awa >-< if u downt powst this on 10 other walls i will find u in your wadder games and sub and nasty pwot on u till i get to pwus six and 6-0 u owo! (◕‿◕✿)
    ROA Olympics, ORAS OU. GMT +1 When's good?
    We scheduled on Discord for right now. I'm online and waiting
    I sent that Monday, only went through yesterday because of college wifi
    Mono tour wanna play today i am +2 and ill be free in the next like 15 hours
    wsg limpy stours thing nights after 11 work best for me or from 11am to 2pm gmt-4 is fine lmk what your availability is
    Can u play today at 1pm?
    hey, i wasnt able to get back to u. we can aim for that time thursday? you can also add my discord Seasons#3333 because I see stuff way quicker there
    we're paired for ppl, I would rather have this done by Thursday at worst. How about Wednesday, 11:30pm gmt+2 ?
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