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  • I sí, per cert, tinc un tatuatge de Rick & Morty. I no, no es pot veure. Només per als ulls de les dames, i fins i tot llavors han de demostrar que estan dins dels 5 punts del meu compte propis (preferiblement més baixos) per endavant. No hi ha personal de capellà
    que és una referència críptica a l'èpica russa dels pares i fills de Turgenev. . Estic somrient ara mateix imaginant-me que un d'aquests simplets addicionals es grata el cap confós mentre l’enginy de Dan Harmon es desplega a les seves pantalles de televisió. Quins ximples ... com els compadeixo.
    Els fans entenen aquestes coses; tenen la capacitat intel·lectual per apreciar realment les profunditats d’aquests acudits, per adonar-se que no són només divertits, diuen alguna cosa profunda sobre LIFE. Com a conseqüència, les persones que no els agrada Rick i Morty són veritablement idiotes d'ES, per descomptat que no agrairien, per exemple, l'humor de l'eslògan existencial de Rick "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub",
    Per ser justos, heu de tenir un CI d’alt nivell per entendre Rick i Morty. L’humor és extremadament subtil, i sense una comprensió sòlida de la física teòrica, la majoria de les bromes passaran pel cap del típic espectador. També hi ha la perspectiva nihilista de Rick, que es teixeix hàbilment en la seva caracterització; la seva filosofia personal, per exemple, es basa fortament en la literatura de Narodnaya Volya.
    Unofficial oras cup. I'm est and free afternoons and evenings every day but Wednesday and Saturday. Could aslo do Thursday or Friday or Saturday morning
    Hey in one hour could we play?
    if you're still on i'm on main as vulpix03
    Dude, I could not play yesterday. I was so tired. Take the win and sorry for the inconvenience.
    When do you wanna play for bw cup? I'm gmt -6
    Hey !! I will be able this Sunday night or Saturday morning GMT+1. What about you ?
    Can you not play saturday afternoon? Your morning is v complicated for me cause it's late and I cant play sunday at all
    Sorry ! I did not see the message. I cannot play Sat morning. Btw, I think it will be complicated to play so take the win dude :) and sorry for bothering. I am a bit lazy now...
    hi wanna play soon for lc ssnl
    Hey dude!!! I am GMT+1 and I can play at my evenings (20:30 on) during the week. Weekend only Saturday morning.
    can you play now
    Ok, lemme prepare rapidly for it. Gimme 5 fast minutes and search for you
    Hello dude I really enjoy the effort you put into your posts!
    Hey !! Thanks for letting me now your enjoyment :) at the end, this is one of the main goals of my RMTs.
    For the record, we do not ban users over NP posts about stall so don't worry you're safe. He was an alt of another user and we do not allow multiple accounts on Smogon.
    Hi !! Thanks to comment this :). Ofg I didn't know it was another alt that's why it was a hope in the comment hahha but I appreciate your reply!!!
    Hi, we have to play the lc tour. I'm GMT +2 can you play on friday?
    salgo de casa en un rato bro, te parece si jugamos domingo ya que mañana no puedo?
    Domingo a partir de las 19 :) gracias !!!! Qué te lo pases bien dude
    Hello! Estoy en el tren y ha habido problemas con retraso en el tiemp0 de llegada. Lo digo por si te iría bien jugar a partir de las 8 o así :)
    hi, do you play gsc, adv, rby uu?
    Hey !! I have not played UU in these gens you mentioned. However, if it was needed I can prepare for some of them :)
    Hi. We have to play the oras smogon tour. When you can? GMT +2. Speak to me by discord if it is better, Tenzai#1489
    great post you made, seems like often times we forget why we play
    Hi Blund! Totally. Many times we focus on a short tale which can be "I want to win" but we forget about the whole story that is enjoying and meeting people that love the same story :) (btw big fan from Spain ;) keep up there maboy)
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