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  • I love how people lose their shit every time you post. 10/10 trolling m8
    the only one being trolled is you. he's dead serious in his comments.
    fwiw i like u a lot. ur just super fun to troll xD ^_^ <3

    gl to giants this yr, beckham gonna be a lord.
    nah i was just salty earlier lol. ill delete my last profile comment. but yeh i caught it late. nothing against you lol.
    of course you'd know better than me whether brown or wilson will get most of the carries next year, most people are drafting wilson in like the 3rd and brown in like the 6th
    you are starting Andre Brown as your 2nd rb, that's super risky

    I love bryce brown and kendall hunter as late sleepers but you don't need both romo AND brady and probably should have drafted another RB there

    also I don't like DT in the 2nd, imo the top WRs are Megatron >> Marshall ~ Dez > AJ > Julio >> DT/Cobb/Harvin
    my last non-pony avatar was when I used angel bunny instead ~2 years ago

    don't think I used an avatar at all before that, hehe

    don't remember that song, going to go listen to it
    anyway you just like narrated my inner monologue about the whole thing so I agree with you (except you should try nintendo, master race)
    dude I just got a freaking Untouchable (25 kill streak) in rumble pit slayer on halo 4

    ...only to die in the very frame that I got the last kill, thus showing my final score as 25-1 and denying me the perfection.

    SO MAD
    man I got stuck in the desert again, same when I played white version in english (i had already beaten it in moonrunes sue me)

    idk it just takes a lot of focus and the text is small and the colors blend together. it's not the only game that does it either. it's awkward because I can play Skyrim just fine so I don't even know. I'll try it again sometime soonish I guess.
    no, they're not that dumb, as they know it'll be ineffective when every walmart everywhere will stock them.

    pokemon looks alright but I still haven't beaten black 2 :c
    honestly if I was going just on games, XBone probably has more that I'd want... but I can't get over that DRM/pricing. I'm not going to encourage that behavior by buying that console.
    I was underwhelmed by nintendo, still a lot of the same old stuff.

    still want pikmin/obviously smash bros/bayonetta but aside from that I don't really want any of the other wiiu games they showed.
    release is in november, as always.

    bethesda doesn't have it's own conference though.

    no info on the tv, but supposedly you have to plug your cable box into the xbox so it does not really help anything, just you can watch your tv through your xbox rather than... through your tv
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