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  • Welp, I accidentally bought scarlet and enjoyed it. Is comp worth getting into right now? Tera seems like a really annoying mechanic to deal with on ladder.
    I enjoyed it as well! I just wish they had level scaling of some sort...

    Comp isn't great now. I haven't played too much but the dump goldfish just clicks Specs Overheat and gets a KO, and Tera is broken. Smogon also reached that point where they aren't "quick banning" anymore and when they did that last time we got 7 months of Dracovish. :(
    Agent Gibbs
    That, and maybe speed things up a little. Lot of nice QOL changes from PLA that got left on the table.

    That sucks to hear tho. Guess I’ll give it a few months, see how far they get. Or just play some old gen if I get the itch, idk.
    the line quoted was supposed to be a joke as the op claimed the olyimpcs were created by the nazis, which is patently false haha, as neither the ancient games or the modern games started there. Even if it was started by the nazis, I agree with you that not all products or brands need to be purged, although in this case a competition started by nazis would likely have been discontinued after WW2 ended haha.
    How dare you speak to me.
    Knight of Cydonia
    Knight of Cydonia
    Don't worry I'll make my next post more obvious so kids can get it as well
    I got drunk and played Pokémon Showdown with a team I stole from Blimax. Why can't I free myself from this terrible child's slave rancher battle sim.
    Mike Legend
    Mike Legend
    cause its fun as fuck
    You love pokemon so much
    Lol yeah. I'mglad I left when I did. Looks like Serebii forums are dead.

    I think her name was Kirby? Maybe?
    I sometimes think about all the fun times everyone had though. I know it's a stupid Pokemon forum, but I'll always cherish those memories.
    Warped Worlds
    Warped Worlds
    Yeah her name was Kirby. g2g now I'll be back later.
    how do I join team America again
    Lol okay. I'm on vacation in Miami right now but once I get home I'll try to figure it out.
    Mike Legend
    Mike Legend
    hell yeah nice! enjoy your vacation, spend less of it on smogon lol
    Yeah but I'm with my boyfriend's family for thanksgiving and like 80% of them only speak Spanish lol. So I might as well shit post on the Internet.
    Hey. I'm curious about your Lucario. Did you perhaps get the set from a user called Blue Harvest?

    Sorry, it was just something that sparked my interest and memory because I remember using that set with user Blue Harvest quite some time ago, lol.
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