SPOILERS! Scarlet & Violet Leaks Thread - Data/Mechanics

Pokemon I'm still curious in seeing the most:

The remaining cross-gen evolutions (I wanna see dead grandpa Primeape in action)
The Electric/Flying line
Final Smoliv stage
Grass/Fire mon
The 'sushi' duo
The Minecraft mushroom

And maybe the evolution to Lechonk as well. That one doesn't sound the most appealing in terms of description but I'm interested in seeing the gender differences that supposedly exist.
Not too big on Fuecoco's final evolution. Though I'm in the minority that prefers bipedal designs to quadruped designs

Pooper's Evo is hilarious. Might use it just for the memes alone lol.

Bug / Dark mon looks cool, but imo the typing is kinda bad. There is some synergy, w/ Bug hitting Dark & Dark hitting Ghost super effectively, but both stabs are resisted by Fairy and Fighting. Defensively, its ok, but weaknesses to U-Turn, SR, and Fire will hurt.

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