The Everything NFL Thread

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Yeah, Philadelphia fans in general are just shitheads. But the Bills were on the same page as the Pack last year, I think we lost 6 or 7 games by 3 points or less, which is ludicrous because we finished 7-9. Indy only beat us 18-16.
There are times when a team is underestimated, and powerhouses just dont try their hardest.

Steelers fan, hate steve mcnair with a passion and would like to sit on carson palmer.

I dont know about you guys, but Eli manning looked HOT vs the ravens last night in the preseason game, along with brandon jackson (i think thats his name). Both of them got really good numbers versus THE OMG RAVENS D. If Eli Manning can keep up throughout the entire season, the giants are hot.

edit: tony romo morelike tony homo


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Looks like he'll be getting 12 to 18 months, and the the other defendants even more because they have prior felonies. Mike Vick didn't take this seriously at all. He didn't even hire his own attorney and he had no legal counsel until the very last minute. Then his co-defendants change their pleas and promised to testify against Vick.

I expect the Falcons to drop him soon, they have to start to rebuild and they will have a pretty bad season. Wonder who got the better end o fthe Vick-LT trade? In my opinion Vick will be picked up after he serves suspensions, jail time, etc, but at a drastically reduced salary and maybe even be a career backup from here on out. Who knows.
Looks like he'll be getting 12 to 18 months, and the the other defendants even more because they have prior felonies. Mike Vick didn't take this seriously at all. He didn't even hire his own attorney and he had no legal counsel until the very last minute. Then his co-defendants change their pleas and promised to testify against Vick.

I expect the Falcons to drop him soon, they have to start to rebuild and they will have a pretty bad season. Wonder who got the better end o fthe Vick-LT trade? In my opinion Vick will be picked up after he serves suspensions, jail time, etc, but at a drastically reduced salary and maybe even be a career backup from here on out. Who knows.
That's even if he's allowed back in the league! Commisshh has been so tough with his new disciplinary policy, i can't imagine what he is gonna do to Vick.
He LIED to the commish, by saying he wasn't dogfighting. Don't be surprised if Vick has played his final NFL game.

In the Paul Tagliabue days, he might have gotten a 6 game suspension. But this is the Roger Goodell era.


WOOOT! 2 Lions victories in a row, even if they are preseason games.
Yeah but did you win 2 wins in a row for us as well. Wait till we come to town and blow your faces off ^_^. Good luck though, better you guys than the bears\vikes taking second behind us.


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Well, it's safe to say my Steelers have undergone some changes. As sad as I was to see Cowher and Whisenhunt leave, I'm optimistic about Tomlin and Arian. I'm less concerned about losing Joey Porter, because IMO his mouth tended to overshadow his talent. We also picked up a couple solid OLBs in the draft, and the rest of the old D Line is still around. Ben is back to 100%, which is always a good sign. He's looked strong in the preseason so far. My biggest concern is the underwhelming running game so far. The Steelers have always been a running football team, and I feel that reputation has been lacking since Bettis left. No offense to Willie Parker, because he's a great fast back, but I don't see him being a big name like Emmitt Smith or Barry Sanders were. The Steelers need to pick up a short yardage back to replace Bettis, badly. Davenport and Haynes just aren't gonna cut it. Overall, I think the Steelers will improve greatly on last season, which should easily put them into the playoffs. I'm skeptical about their Super Bowl odds, but you never know. Can't wait for the season to start!
Talking about Michael Vick in a NFL thread is like talking about luvdisc in a competitive battling thread.

hes a (BAN ME PLEASE), hes a nonfactor, and he gets too much attention

Ancien Régime

washed gay RSE player
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Mike Vick takes pleaded guilty to dogfighting charges. Discuss.
Between "sadistic dogfighter guy" and "I date-rape minors", I must say that the Vick family has produced some high-quality individuals.

(or a pair of walking justifications for eugenics)
Talking about Michael Vick in a NFL thread is like talking about luvdisc in a competitive battling thread.

hes a (BAN ME PLEASE), hes a nonfactor, and he gets too much attention
I can't agree with this post at all. In the years Michael Vick was in the NFL he was a great player, one of the more exciting players the NFL has seen, yes he messed up but that sure is a whole lotta hate. He admitted to funding the project, but stated he never killed dogs or bet on the fights himself. Is he still right in his actions, no but there is absolutely no reason for people to be running around calling him a (BAN ME PLEASE) and a nonfactor. Yes he gets a lot of attention, but that's because he is a big deal, whether you think so or not. He gets so much attention because people talk about him like you did in your post, if you're sick of him, why continue bringing him up? I sure as hell am sick of seeing him all over ESPNEWS, i'd rather be watching highlights of sports, that is the reason i watch right? But you complaining about him is only giving him more attention.
Meh i never though of vick that much as a player. A below average qb with way above average playmaking abilities. But the falcons are at a loss without him.
Joey Harrington is garbage. And the fact that their receiving core is one of the worst in the NFL. Their best receiver is their TE alge crumpler. Even if their passing game gets better. The hit to their running game will be much larger.
joe horn's monster stat seasons are behind him but he is still one of the better receivers. at the very least he provides leadership which is goood++++ for the other scrub receivers.

A fantasy league I'm in with some friends drafted today. We have twelve people with thirteen player slots each (8 active, 5 reserve). We made it so that each person could keep one player from last year's team. I kept Frank Gore and got third pick. Here's what I wound up with:

QB Palmer, Carson
RB Gore, Frank
RB McAllister, Deuce
WR Jackson, Vincent
WR Williams, Roy (Go Lions!)
TE Watson, Benjamin
K Kaeding, Nate
DST Patriots
QB Pennington, Chad
RB Droughns, Reuben
RB Dunn, Warrick
WR Bennet, Drew
WR Muhammad, Muhsin
put a coach on a crappy team and hes going to have a crappy record. Norv Turner rarely stayed in one place long enough to get what he wanted to do accomplished.
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