Smogon Premier League XI - Week 9

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Gratz Ruiners !

First time being in SPL as a drafted player, and it was definitely very fun. Everyone was cool, patient, listening everyone in the bulding process, trying his best...
We had a very strong start which declined, because we rested on our laurels in the first time, because of some unlucky games other times, or just because of us as well. I'm sad it end here, but also happy I was part of this team.

Big thanks to MDragon, Analytic and Conflict for trusting me as a builder/helper/sub, I probably could've done even more, but as you guys know, sometimes shit happens and it can't be helped. I hope I still helped as much as you expected.

I wanted to do s/o for everyone, player by player but... It would be globaly the same message for everyone, since it was very cool with literally every single player in the team.

So thanks everyone for those past 9 weeks, I really enjoyed this first experience and I hope I'll team with you guys in other tours !

Good luck to other teams in POs, but more importantly, go Tyrants since Luthier is in :mad:

SHARK ATTACK!!!_________
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formerly Frania
is a Tiering Contributor
won, gg.

rather disappointed my last game was this, but i'm still very happy with my run and would like to thank everyone on the BIGS rooster that helped me learn the tier (and thats a lot of people lol), special thanks to Fakes and Eden, who went out of their way to help me test and Finchinator, who helped me out despite not being on our team
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formerly Stone Cold
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Ojama :mad:
Bushtush - I miss you so much. Gone too young. Gone too soon.
Charmflash :facepalm:
Leftiez :pikuh:

It was a pleasure teaming with all of you. I told myself I’d embrace this season and I think we did a good job. Much love to you all. Thanks to everyone who helped. To those who were potatoes, don’t be discouraged. Sometimes it Works out. No hard feelings. I won all of my trophies being a potato.
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swag to the yolo
is a Tiering Contributoris a defending SCL Champion
Wanted to say a few words since unfortunately, I was on a flight home for the majority of the craziness that was this SPL Sunday. First, I just want to thank ABR and TonyFlygon for drafting me despite myself being relatively unproven in OU tiers. This was an incredibly fun SPL for me since I had a chance to play a tier I enjoyed alongside teammates that I could not be prouder of. Although I am obviously sad that we missed out on playoffs despite a really strong finish, I could not be happier with being on the Pack than any other team. Looking forward to watching the playoffs and will be rooting for my friends you know who you all are

I love you all rozes Welli0u Star Jytcampbell sulcata BIHI BKC Pearl SMB Zesty43 The Hallows HT col49


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UPL Champion
Hey @ Team Raiders, my little brother is a huge fan of yours. Anyway over the past few days of watching you play this game he's got much better at playing baseball (he plays in the 11-13 year old division). I just wanted to stop by and thank you for teaching him how to throw so well.
Hey @ Team Raiders, my little brother is a huge fan of yours. Anyway over the past few days of watching you play this game he's got much better at playing baseball (he plays in the 11-13 year old division). I just wanted to stop by and thank you for teaching him how to throw so well.
you're a dickhead and no one likes you

thanks for the season raiders, managing as a first-time experience was pretty fun for me. i think i made a lot of mistakes over the course of the season and i'd probably do things a little differently if i had to do it over, but i'm really happy with the group of people we ended up drafting. obviously sucks out to go like this, but there's always next time i guess. quick shoutout to everyone who helped when i was trying to figure out how to manage, tony obii and pohjis especially, and big thanks to levi for doing this w me

good luck to the classiest, you were the better team this week; got a lot of friends on the team from cobras

#10 manager out
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