Tournaments ORAS Premier League II - Finals [Won by Waifu Washers]


aka the situation
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Welcome to the Finals of ORAS Premier League II. All standard tournament rules apply! Good luck to all players!

Lightning Field Latis (4) vs Waifu Washers (4)
ORAS Ubers: Star vs keys
ORAS OU: So Noisy vs ACR1
ORAS OU: jonfilch vs Regnite
ORAS UU: Shiba vs robjr
ORAS RU: Lunala vs GoldCat
ORAS NU: lax vs Kiyo
ORAS PU: gum vs Danny
ORAS DOU: SingleThunder vs Tenzai

Lightning Field Latis (0) vs Waifu Washers (0)
ORAS Ubers: Star vs keys
ORAS OU: So Noisy vs ACR1
ORAS OU: jonfilch vs Regnite
ORAS UU: Shiba vs robjr
ORAS RU: Lunala vs GoldCat
ORAS NU: lax vs Kiyo
ORAS PU: gum vs Danny
ORAS DOU: SingleThunder vs Tenzai
The deadline for this week is Sunday, November 20th at 11:59 PM GMT -4.

Lightning Field Latis (1) vs Waifu Washers (2)
ORAS Ubers: lax vs keys
ORAS OU: Star vs ACR1
ORAS OU: jonfilch vs Booty

Deadline: Sunday, November 27th at 11:59 PM GMT -4.
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I will drop some S/O for my players

ACR1 : Estaba muriendo en el olvido y te pintó decirme de capitanear esto. Acepté porque me re copan todas las tiers de ORAS y me gusta scoutear que players son copados para draftear. Carreaste sarpado con las preps y los scouts y con los ultimos como 8 games que jugaste, no tuviste punto medio, o comes pija o rompes ojetes. Por suerte decidiste romper ojetes en la parte mas importante del tour. Me alegro de haberte comprado en la primera edición, sino era muy probable que no me presentara para ser capitan de esta. No tengo mucho mas que decir porque te veo masomenos seguido en otros discords, pero sabes que te respeto bastante como jugador. Buen jugador y buen tipo, orgulloso de compartir patria con vos capo. Lo unico malo que nos baiteaste a ziloxx y a mi, preparamos la cuenta del wild rift para cuando invitaras a rankear y nunca invitaste, asi sos.
Booty : Sabella! that's the name I remember from 2016. I think it's time for a funny/interesting story. About 6 years ago I was 18 and joining some of my first STs. We faced each other for the first time, I didn't know you. I used a standard Balance with Mega Zam, Slowbro, Ferro, Glisc, Tran. On your side, you had a Mega-Gross balance with CM Clefable and Scarf Hydreigon. I based my plan on winning with my CM Slowbro, but when I was about to do it, you used Encore with your Clefable... After that I tried to win with Gliscor, but it was hit 2 times in a row by Hurricane Confuse. Then at the end of the game I said "GG nice clefable set, never seen him before", being defeated and seeing that Clefable set inspired me to keep improving in the tier and generated an admiration for you as a player. Here comes the funny part, in 2016 my English was much worse than now and I didn't know the Smogon players either because they were my first steps into the competitive environment. You answered: "★Sabella: Err who showed me this" I just realized today when I looked at the replay again that "Err" means Erzengel.... I'm not gonna lie, in 2016 I hadn't understood shit from your message and I didn't want to ask again out of embarrassment. I spent my whole life thinking you were the mastermind creator of Encore Clefable and used it in some builds thinking it was yours. Despite that misunderstanding, I still think you are a great player and one of the ones I admire the most. Thanks for accepting the retain.
keys : "el llaves" as we call you when I talk to my Spanish-speaking teammates. You are a beast. I remember when I decided to buy you in the first edition of ORASPL. I was doing my research on players, and Ubers is my weak point in any generation along with DOU, in terms of knowledge. So, I relied on the most popular tournaments like UPL, specifically UPL IX. You had an insane record and all your games were very clean, you lost only 1 game because you missed Dark Void. So I said to my co-manager, "In Ubers I want to buy Keys, I'm not going to accept any replacements. It's the only tier where I want to have only one option". Best decision I ever made for the Washers 8). As a player you always show a lot of knowledge of the tier and, something very important, a lot of confidence. You always say for sure that you are going to win and you do it, we never doubt when it's your turn to play, we know you are going to keep your word. I was very sad to read that you are not going to play next year, I would have offered you the Retain again. Thank you for playing with us these 2 seasons, we definitely wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for you. We love you llaves

Regnite : El Nocturn, te conoci porque eras amigo de Campizzo, él siempre me hablaba bien de vos y me decia que lo ayudabas con los teams para competencias. Un grande el Campi, no se que será de su vida. Tu fichaje aca fue medio extraño, vos ya sabes que onda ahi con tus panas, pero desde mi lado lo vi asi:
*Enzo y Yo charlamos sobre que players podriamos upbidear
-Enzo: ... Ah cierto, Regnite preguntó si teniamos interes en ficharlo y le dije que no.
-Nico: xd y por que? a mi me parece bueno, ademas me dio animos cuando me culiaron en mi debut de spl.
-Enzo: es que dijiste que no lo upbidearias ni de onda
-Nico: y bueno, una cosa no tiene que ver con la otra
-Enzo: bueno ahi le digo que entre :like:
Cumpliste las espectativas que yo tenia, muy responsable, buen compañero y buen jugador. Creo que te merecias muchisimo haber ganado el game de la final, hiciste muy buena prep y jugaste bien, pero bueno, mons es mons. En general me lleve una buena experiencia siendo tu compañero, gracias capo.
robjr : Sorry for the ORAS PL 1 final, we haxed you pretty hard, but it was the only way to pass you. You were the first joy of our draft, we didn't expect to get you at 18k, it was a pretty fair price in our opinion to have such a good and versatile player. I liked that we could always count on you for the difficult moments, you were the first to offer to play tiebreaks along with keys. Also, during the tournament you played excellent games and you were a fundamental player for our victory. I really like your attitude as a player, if I have the chance I would like to play another edition of ORAS PL with you. Thank you very much for being part of the team you are a goat.
GoldCat : Well, I'm going to be honest, at times I felt some discomfort or insecurity with you, especially at the beginning of the tournament. A manager complained to me because you were difficult to schedule, and sometimes you played without telling us (no link or ping). But well, in the course of the tournament, I understood a little better your behavior. From what I saw, every week it was similar, your opponent used a team builded by GarayOak that you already knew xD. I mean, I understand that at the end of the day you didn't have much to do with it. Then, the more the tournament went on, the more confidence you generated in me, I think you had the best RU record of the tournament. Also, in the few games you lost, I noticed that you were self-critical and that you were really trying to win the tournament, you weren't trolling. You are a very good player and I'm glad you have "Cat" in your name too.
Beraldinho : I'm sure that almost all the washers will come here to see wtf do I say about Beraldinho. You were our RU sub, I guess? Enzo was excited because our auction was going well, so much so that he decided to go up from 3k to 7k because he thought the Brazilian team was going to buy you. You were practically AFK of the tournament xD maybe because GoldCat didn't need help. But well, I didn't like or dislike you, I couldn't interact much with you. I hope that at least being in the team's discord was useful for you and that you like the avatar we won.
Kiyo : You were one of the most responsible and "correct" players the team had. Always doing your preps properly, always commenting on decisions and justifying them. I couldn't have asked for a better player in those aspects. When I did the NU pool research you really caught my attention. Not only because of your solid results in NU tournaments, but also because I remember you as one of the players I admire the most from NU. In the past, 2015/16, I used to use your teams to play NU this is one of my favorites. It was a pleasure to have you in the team and I hope we can meet again in the future, maybe with a retain if we both come back next year.
@Danny : "Daniel el travieso" you were one of our last choices for PU, in fact, we knew you were not ORAS PU mainer. But in our opinion PU mainers were getting too expensive, we had more consideration for you to play NU, but there were no PU players left in the auction. Still, you put effort into PU and played very well, that is appreciated. Very funny also as a chat presence, the "Maid Rotom" was very good. Thanks for matching the team's needs so well.
Tenzai : Gigante mi tocayo, no estoy seguro porque no conté y el spreadsheet esta turbio (dice que jugaste OU), pero creo que sacaste el mejor record del equipo. Tremenda carreada, sinceramente el slot de DOU me daba un poco igual, al conocer 0 de esta tier no podia pretender mucho. Con cualquier persona que pusiese DOU en su in al torneo, me bastaba honestamente. Hice un filtro vago de jugadores para quedarme con los de mas renombre y estabas como opcion. Desconfiaba un poco de ti por un enfrentamiento que tuviste contra Luchik en RoA Olympics hace como 2 o 3 años jugando ORAS DOU y perdiste xD siendo que luchik no es un mainer ni de cerca. Pero bueno, tambien tengo que admitir que a pesar de que no entiendo ni disfruto de ver games de DOU en general, por primera vez me hiciste disfrutar de ellos. Cuando te vi jugando R1 disfrute tu game, entendia lo que hacias y me emocionaba por cada buena jugada. Y bueno, a partir de ahí todos los games fueron igual de interesantes y emocionantes para mi, que siempre me aburrió DOU, asique gracias. Tambien fuiste super responsable con tus preps y tus games, un idolo gamer. Gracias por ser parte del equipo, crack.
alenpa : Me hizo ilusion haber ganado un torneo con vos, que encima da avatar de premio. Era un logro que tenía pendiente, ganar algun torneo asi de equipos con avatar de premio junto con algun pana de APA, me queda ganar algun torneo con la seleccion nomas. Me hubiera hecho mas ilusion todavia si jugabas alguna semana, se que estabas muy preparado y que a pesar de que sabias que Robjr venia siendo god vos igualmente estabas manteniendote en forma por si ocurria algo inesperado. Quiero decir, nada, robjr estaba mamadisimo, pero sinceramente creo que hubieras estado a la altura de las circunstancias si hubieras tenido que entrar, no me caben dudas. Nada mas para opinar, ya sabes lo que pienso, este año nos twittea TFT Latam, sacá captura.
luisotte : vos sos igual de petero que enz1, nunca una invitacion al wild rift. Haganse culiar.
ILoveMashing❤ :

MAAAAAAAAAAASHING, Mashing Buu, I hate Mashing, Mamashing, La novia del churi, La Peruana, muchos apodos buenos. Yo ya te dije lo que pensaba de vos cuando viniste a pedirme tryouts, sos una persona con mucho animo y motivacion por el juego. Realmente me dio muchisima pena cuando me dijiste que tu mejor amigo te confirmó que no te iba a fichar :pikuh: asi que bueno, traté de tenerte en alta consideracion porque senti que te lo merecias. Al final no fue como pensé, en la final te tiré la de entrar a jugar y dijiste "noooo pero yo no quiero jugar ORAS". Terrible como no vas a querer jugar ORAS si te anotaste a la ORAS PL... Encima me guardaste una replay en publico de un tryout donde me ganas naaaaa. (Las dos cosas anteriores las digo de meme no te rayes). En fin Mashing... durante este tour te conocí un poco más y hay ciertas cuestiones que no me cerraron del todo. Disfruté tenerte en el equipo, creo que tu presencia fue divertida y útil en varias ocasiones. No me arrepiento de haberte fichado pero hay cosas que quisiera charlar contigo algun dia para quitarme ciertas malas impresiones que me quedaron. Pero eso que nada, creo que sos una persona muy entuciasta, con mucho futuro en este ambiente y muy divertida. Animos, se que vas a llegar lejos.


Yo siempre la llevo al cielo
is a Tiering Contributoris the defending ORAS Circuit Champion
Here are my quick s/os

ElectricityCat EL CAPI, siempre es un placer compartir torneos con vos y este no fue la excepción por ahí no concordábamos en algunas cosas, pero tampoco esperaba hacerlo en todo asi que te respeto por eso y por bancarme cuando estaba comiendo piroca en regular season xd y el wild rift sale cuando digan pa ustedes nunca avisan smh

keys EL LLAVES, EL GOAT,U SAID IT 2 YEARS 2 TIEBREAKERS CLUTCHES, i dont have enough words of gratittude for you keys, ur simply the best ORAS Ubers by faaaar and u know it, cuz u prove it everytime, i love ur mentality into ur games and u were one of our biggest carrys both editions, thx for all king

Booty EL CULITO, u were super helpful for me bcs of those test games and team ideas it wasnt ur best tour in terms of results but i dont think u coulda been more helpful to me :blobnom:

Tenzai EL TENZO, el mejor record del team y el mejor DOU super deserved yo le dije a Nico que te compraramos pq eras re basado y salio bien B) ver tus games fue alto espectaculo sos mega talentoso y lograste que me gustara ver games de DOU

GoldCat EL GATO DORADO, you had such a good tour and ur self-critical and thats something i really value on my players so good job on that, u werent really talkative and the first weeks u would be hard to schedule with or not link ur games, but besides that i have a good opinion about u

Kiyo EL KIYOAT, u really carried my ass that regular season so big thanks for that ur a good player and an epic teammate, was really nice to meet u and talking about ORAS NU with you

robjr EL ROBERTO, ur so good man and getting you for 18k was so fire cuz u are a solid player+clutch bcs of that game on semis tb on a tier that u werent playing during the tour

Danny EL TRAVIESO, sos alto capo men, tu record no refleja lo bueno que fuiste pq no te paraban de haxear en regular season, pero ganaste los juegos que tenias que ganar y ademas creaste al icono del team un rey

Regnite EL NOCTURNO, Otro al que su record no le hace justicia tbh, fuiste bastante activo en todas las tiers y si no hubieras pasado teams o ideas dudo que yo hubiera podido remontar mi record en OU asi q muchas gracias por eso :elrei:, ademas te culie en chess jaja salu2

ILoveMashing❤ LA WASHING, sos una persona que me cae bastante bien pq sos muy entusiasta y esa es la clase de energia que necesito en un teamtours ademas de que siempre estuviste abierta a ayudar e inclusive subeando de ultimo momento a veces, tenes pasion por el juego, cosa que no mucha gente tiene asi que las wins vendran solas

luisotte EL BICHOTE, asi como a Nico le hacia ilusion ganar un tour que tuviera cierto premio con alenpa era mi mismo caso con vos, me hubiera gustado haberte puesto una week, pero eramos altos petes y no parabamos de empatar kkkkkk, pero bueno ganamos juntos, definitivamente fue un tour :smoking:

alenpa ALENPA O PAJENPA SEGUN MASH, sos alto capo pq asumiste lo que tenias que hacer y lo hiciste bien ademas siempre estaba bueno discutir en game-disc con vos como 2 loquitos

Beraldinho we carried you boss ggwp

As for me i had fun with this tour i sucked so badly on regular season but i was able to compensate that with a good poffs so ggs to all of my opps it was a good experience overall

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