Custom Shoddy Client

I was wondering if there's an easy way to check out the shoddy client code like you can do for the server code. I chiefly want to make an anti-spam bot but I'd be interested in being able to reflect some of the changes i made server side (changes to shedinja's HP, new types without ugly hacks, etc.)

I'm not really answering your question at all here, but if I were you, I'd wait for Shoddy Battle 2, which should come out soon (like next month soon).
Haha well I'd like too, but I'm getting a fair bit of spam in the early morning when I and most of my mods aren't around. I'd like to avoid that even if it is just for the month or two :P


Banned deucer.
You can checkout the ShoddyBattleClient module from the cvs repository the same way you checked out the ShoddyBattle module (both of these modules are for Shoddy Battle 1).
thanks Colin, but I can't seem to figure out the directory. I've tried a bunch of variations on



Banned deucer.
The repository is and then you specify the ShoddyBattleClient module.
Thanks colin. There's one problem though, the source I got off there says it's missing PokemonSprites.jar and Colin-PokemonSprites. I checked through all the source, and checked the sourceforge site, but didnt see it. .jars are precompiled packages arent they?

The project compiles, but is unable to load sprites without that package.
Thanks Colin. I hate to ask so many questions, but everytime i try to compile the client, even with the PokemonSprites.jar, it keeps telling me it "Could not locate sprites and/or moves", seemingly because it fails at "args.length >= 2". Do you have to run it at the command line?
One more thing.... After I compile for distribution and get a ShoddyBattleClient.jar, I have to run the program from the command line with the arguments sprites.PokemonSprite in order for it to work properly. The options are set in the Run parameter of the project, and it works if i compile from net beans. How do you get it to start with the arguments automatically? Or do i have to hard code those parameters in?

Sorry, This is my first experience with Java. Thanks for the help guys.

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