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  1. Siglut

    Tournaments ADVPL IV - Semifinals [Tiebreak @ Post #24]

    2 in a row for SEA not even needing to play her tiebreaker match in semis huh
  2. Siglut

    Tournaments ADVPL IV - Week 7

    won vs airports, gg
  3. Siglut

    OU ADV OU Metagame Discussion

  4. Siglut

    Tournaments ADVPL IV - Week 6

    won vs kenix gg
  5. Siglut

    Tournaments ADVPL IV - Week 5

    won vs laurel, gg
  6. Siglut

    Tournaments ADVPL IV - Week 4

    won vs sanke carp gg
  7. Siglut

    OU ADV OU Metagame Discussion

    If you discover it for yourself the reward will be that much sweeter. As for zapdos (an electric and flying type) it's unfortunately not possible to make it good against celebi (grass) and milotic (water).
  8. Siglut

    Tournaments ADVPL IV - Week 2

    won vs redless, gg bro
  9. Siglut

    Tournaments ADVPL IV - Week 1

    won vs empo. Great game until turn 65, sorry it had to end that way
  10. Siglut

    ADV ADV OU Winter Seasonal #6 - Round 9 (Lower Bracket Only)

    won vs glue for the extension, ggs. sorry for the luck game 2
  11. Siglut

    ADV ADV OU Winter Seasonal #6 - Round 8

    Glue and I would like an extension to next Monday please
  12. Siglut

    Tournaments ADVPL IV - Player Signups [Custom Avatar Prize] [Auction March 31st @ 2pm -4]

    In -7 Ou (bo1 preferred) Yeah I've got work also MENCES GUARANTEED ADVPL V WINNERS
  13. Siglut

    Resource ADV Beginner's Lounge - Rules/FAQ, Resources, Question & Answer

    yes, this team is pretty weak vs skarmory. you can try running hidden power fire on your celebi and possibly refresh on swampert to make yourself better vs it. Being weak to skarm is a pretty common theme with any dugtrio team, so you need to be careful in that matchup
  14. Siglut

    ADV ADV OU Winter Seasonal #6 - Round 1 (No Longer Accepting Subs)

    DeadDrawDrednaw I am in the same boat. Calling act unless this post causes my opponent to show up by tomorrow Jimothy Cool please make a video about how to log back in to smogon and schedule a match after signing up and entering a tournament
  15. Siglut

    Tournaments SPL XV ADV Discussion

    Yeah, she didn't really get lucky at all. Dug had a decent shot to ko the metagross, and then roro had to hit mash too. The endgame was really close to even odds
  16. Siglut

    OU ADV OU Viability Ranking

    Will o wisp? Even toxic? Anyway, why is zard the weirdest thing about that list? Imo, it's only ranked behind about 5 mons I think it's better than. Re: H!kari, I respect that you're trying to express your thoughts as a new player and I think that can be a good way to improve and think more...