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  1. virox


  2. virox

    you ready?

    you ready?
  3. virox

    ya that works

    ya that works
  4. virox

    could we do anytime before that?

    could we do anytime before that?
  5. virox

    hi sorry was really busy yesterday. would any time today work?

    hi sorry was really busy yesterday. would any time today work?
  6. virox

    gmt too, when on sunday would work for you?

    gmt too, when on sunday would work for you?
  7. virox

    actually i wont be able to play till like half past :blobastonished:

    actually i wont be able to play till like half past :blobastonished:
  8. virox

    5 works for me :blobthumbsup:

    5 works for me :blobthumbsup:
  9. virox

    Hi, soz for late response, when would be good for you on sunday?

    Hi, soz for late response, when would be good for you on sunday?