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  1. Resource Scarlet & Violet BSS Discussion

    What do we think of Bellibolt? I have yet to see a single one. I haven't tried it yet (planning on it soon) but I feel like it might be slept on. Great bulk and useable spatk. I like that it could be a good pivot and come in and fire off boosted electric attacks with its electromorphosis...
  2. Resource Scarlet & Violet BSS Discussion

    I've seen Tera flying/poison/ghost. Ghost seems the best to beat other Garg mixed with its ability to halve ghost damage. Two main spreads from my games against it one that's mostly spdef and then they iron defense up, and the other is just full def and still with iron defense. The set I...
  3. Rules Past Format Battle Stadium SQSA

    This thing always looked interesting to me. I agree with Omastar, Stabs in play rough and gigaton, knock off seems good. Skitter smack is cool. Fake out maybe? 4 attacks seems best for assault vest which is where my mind immediately goes. That 204 speed jolly is for Bax. That spread seems...
  4. Resource Battle Stadium Singles Team Bazaar

    Hi all! Lurker on and off over the past few years and decided to get a little more involved with this generations Battle Stadium Singles... BSS Season 1 - Initial Cart Team ( Rental Code: H359N0 This is the team I used on Cartridge to hit Masters today. 24-13 record so I'm by...