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  1. Ask simple questions here! [READ ORIGINAL POST before posting]

    So can I ask questions about bots here? I'm having trouble getting mine to work, i.e using moves or sending chats. If I try ws.send("/choose move " + move + "|" + RQID); then I get the result however if I specify the room and try ws.send("battle-gen8randombattle-" + RoomID + "|" +...
  2. Programming Beginner Bot Creator

    Hi! Thanks for the link to the FAQ, turned out I was trying to send the assertion before I actually received it :P
  3. Programming Beginner Bot Creator

    var WebSocket = require("ws"); var XMLHttpRequest = require("xmlhttprequest").XMLHttpRequest; const USERNAME = "USERNAME"; const PASSWORD = "PASSWORD"; const ws = new WebSocket("ws://"); var url = ''...
  4. Programming Beginner Bot Creator

    Ok so I just started working on creating a bot, but my biggest obstacle has been using websocket to login. I made an account previously and now I'm trying to sign in. The response that I have gotten is: |nametaken|USERNAME|Your assertion is stale. This usually means that the clock on the server...