Search results

  1. Fluore

    Done Make UNO games highlight (ping) when it becomes your turn

    I've realized after the last UNO update it became more convenient and all, but it doesn't highlight you when it becomes your turn anymore (it doesn't notify you when it becomes your turn), which has led to some unfortunate DQs in the game, can it be updated again so it notifies you when it...
  2. Fluore

    Done Make the !rfaq ha (the hidden avatar + all avatars) to !faq

    I've seen some players asking for the full avatar link in rooms other than help, and I thought it would be much more convenient to make that rfaq (in help room) to faq too since it can be more accessible for people not in the help room.
  3. Fluore

    How's 2020 for everyone so far?

    So uh, 2020 was def a hard year for most of us (probably for all of us, maybe) and I can't really believe 50% of the whole year's passed already. Thought it would be a neat idea to talk/discuss about how life was this year compared to other years. For me, even online schools didn't start until...