Search results

  1. The Smogon Reaction Lottery

  2. Making a Poisoner team for "casual competitive" play

    Alright, I'll post this over there then. EDIT: Nevermind, they don't want Gen VI teams yet. I'll just hold off until they do.
  3. Making a Poisoner team for "casual competitive" play

    I thought about posting there, but it says that you need to have played with your team, and they don't seem to like gimmicks or non-top-tier teams. This team isn't even finished, I certainly haven't played with it yet, and I'm sacrificing viability to have a theme. There doesn't really seem to...
  4. Making a Poisoner team for "casual competitive" play

    First and foremost: This is the first time I've posted here since I created this account 7 years ago, and while I think this seems to be the right forum for this type of thread, feel free to move it or tell me otherwise if it isn't. I'm posting this in the OU forum because I do plan to use some...