Search results

  1. RMT Offensive Team - TalonMarill

    Hey guys long time no see. I'll be honest and say I wanted to quit pokemon cause i'm bad at team building, but i found it in me somewhere and tried again :). Here with a team, really the first stages of it. I'd love all the commenting and suggestions you'll give me, so lets get on with it! Bold...
  2. Thym4n's OU Team

    Hey guys thym4n here after a loooooooong time, and man has xy changed pokemon. I`m was really comfortably with my b/w teams, but I’ve gotta adapt! So I bring to you my team (please bear with me as I’m still not the best at team-building). Tyranitar @ Focus Sash Ability: Sand Stream EVs: 4 HP...
  3. My First Attempt at Competitive OU

    Hi guys! So I’m new to Smogon, and decided that I have been using it a lot that I’ll join and actually see if anyone has some advice on my OU deck! Again, I’m new to Smogon, so I am sorry if I do miss some of the posting rules, though don’t go easy on my selections J So, a brief history of...