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  1. I hate generic teams. Do you?

    'Sup Smogonites! I haven't made a post on Smogon for quite a while, especially a thread. The reason behind this is not the release of Black Ops 2, although I do play it frequently I have the time to visit my favourite forum. But the OU RMT forum has been plagued with endless amounts of threads...
  2. [Yeezy D] My Atmospheric Playground

    .: At a Glance :. Sup nuggets, I am Yeezy D and this is my second Smogon RMT, as I only post teams I am really proud of and enjoy using. I have another Smeargle team that only lost twice out of twenty odd plays, so got increasingly boring and pretty much undefeatable. It won tournaments and...
  3. [Yeezy D] Slaking with No Truant

    .: At A Glance :. Hello fellow Smogonites, I am Yeezy and today I'm showing you something that laddered me in NU before the reset on Showdown, and is great fun to use. It is, of course, as given away in the title, using Slaking without its hindering ability, Truant. As you are probably all...