Search results

  1. A Dragon Riding a Pony Driving a Lawnmower

    A Dragon Riding a Pony Driving a Lawnmower Hi all, some of you may remember me, as I post frequently in the RMT forum, in fact, some of you may have had your team rated by me. Today, you get to return the favor. After trying for a long time to get an idea for a team, I stumbled...
  2. Dragon Dancing in the Wind

    Dragon Dancing in the Wind Hello everyone. After a decent amount of time rating teams, I finally decided to actually make one. At first, I was thinking VGC, but I'm keeping my VGC teams a secret. Then I thought OU, but then I realized I didn't feel like adding ANOTHER garchomp abuse...
  3. Starcraft II

    As an active player of Starcraft, I had the idea to start a thread for discussion over this remarkable RTS game. I would be interested to know who plays what race, and the general strategies and stuff used by you. Basically, I just wanted to know who here plays this game.