Search results

  1. Team Megan Fox Is NOT Hot! [Peaked #28 on Leaderboard]

    ----------------- <-Welcome!-> ----------------- Introduction: I made this team on the 8th April, this year, for a competitive tournament on IRC. After Play-Testing it in 82 Battles [Yes, 82!] the day before the tourney, I found myself #28 on the Smogon Ladder with a CRE of 1542 and a record...
  2. ~ Team Better Get Top 50 (Grr.) ~

    Team Better Get Top 50 I started this team, because I really wanted to get on the Smogon Leaderboard. After failing so many times before, (and I am not lying when I say Bcoz Hax), I wanted to make this team for doing it. I don't like Stall, it's slow, and I usually fail using it, so I went...