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  1. tangramman

    Revelation Pokemon / Peaked at ~1200 (i.e. nothing amazing)

    Whether it be the synergy between the Pokemon (or lack thereof), the movesets of each, or my own (mediocre?) skills, this team cannot go beyond a CRE of 1200 and has me wondering as to why. In theory, this team should be doing quite well, but many things sound good in theory. I hope this...
  2. tangramman

    Revenge of the Revengers (OU)

    So, oddly enough, playing with a different style has resulted in more wins. All this time, I thought Offensive teams difficult to play around, what with very little room for error. However, the sheer amount of power allotted allows me to play with almost no consequence to myself; with very...
  3. tangramman

    Balance (OU)

    And so begins my second, moderately-well-thought team. I started out with CM/DP/Recover/Refresh Latias due to my success with her on previous teams. Extremely difficult to take down without a revenge killer or a Trick user. Also does a number to stall teams. However, due to Lati being...
  4. tangramman

    My Attempt at a Balanced Team (OU)

    This is my first RMT, although not my first team. I joined the Apprentice Program, but thanks to my computer, I basically could not communicate with my Tutor. The experience did help with prediction and team building however, so I thank him for that. Anyway, without further adieu ... My Team...